2022年3 月,PLOS ONE的一位编辑在他处理的一堆农业手稿中发现了一些奇怪的东西。一位作者在 10 个月内提交了至少 40 篇手稿,远远超过任何人的预期。编辑将这一异常情况告诉了期刊的伦理团队,他们开始了调查,该团队发现一些名字不断出现。
PLOS ONE 经过调查,发现超过100篇文章涉嫌操纵同行评审,调查发现,涉及至少 10 份提交手稿的人中,约有一半隶属于巴基斯坦的机构,其次是中国、土耳其、沙特阿拉伯和印度。
截至2023年6月15日,PLOS ONE 撤回的144篇论文(在2023年6月14日,PLOS ONE撤回了13篇文章),其中撤稿声明指出:PLOS ONE编辑撤回了这篇文章,因为它被确定为我们对作者身份、竞争利益和同行评审感到担忧的一系列提交内容之一。 我们很遗憾在文章发表之前没有解决这些问题。
2022年3 月,PLOS ONE 的一位编辑在他处理的一堆农业手稿中发现了一些奇怪的东西。一位作者在 10 个月内提交了至少 40 篇手稿,远远超过任何人的预期。编辑将这一异常情况告诉了期刊的伦理团队,他们开始了调查,该团队发现一些名字不断出现。
在一个月内,最初的 50 篇正在调查的论文列表扩大到自 2020 年以来收到的 300 多篇提交论文——其中大约 100 篇已经发表——担心不正当的作者身份和损害同行评审的利益冲突。
“当我们开始看到名字的数量和他们的出版量时,这无疑给我们带来了巨大的危险,”PLOS出版道德团队的执行编辑 Renee Hoch表示。“这可能是我们几年来见过的最大案例。”该期刊对已发表论文的行动从今天开始,撤回了 20 篇文章。随着编辑完成对特定论文的后续工作,其余的行动将大约每两周分批进行。
虽然短时间内 100 篇文章撤稿可能令人瞠目结舌。PLOS ONE 在 2018 年左右开始发布更多撤稿,因为它的团队处理了来自 Elisabeth Bik 的数百份关于具有重复图像的论文的报告,其中至少有一些与论文制造厂有明显联系。
Hoch 说,在目前的情况下,提交论文的作者通常会要求与特定的学术编辑合作。在 PLOS ONE,学术编辑是特定领域的外部专家,他们管理同行评审和手稿决定。
Hoch 和她的同事意识到,作者和学术编辑没有透露潜在的利益冲突,例如最近的合作或在同一机构工作。“总的来说,同行评审过程受到了损害,”Hoch说。
调查发现,涉及至少 10 份提交手稿的人中,约有一半隶属于巴基斯坦的机构,其次是中国、土耳其、沙特阿拉伯和印度。
尽管PLOS ONE 并不确切知道投稿的幕后发生了什么,但调查发现作者和编辑之间的关系“描绘了一种网络协同工作的画面,”Hoch说。她推测可能有一群人提供服务来帮助作者发表论文,包括操纵同行评审发表文章。
截至2023年6月16日,PLOS ONE 撤回了144篇论文,其中撤稿声明指出:
PLOS ONE 编辑撤消了这篇文章,因为它被确定为我们对作者身份、竞争利益和同行评审感到担忧的一系列提交内容之一。我们很遗憾在文章发表之前没有解决这些问题。
1.The impact of newly synthesized sulfonamides on soil microbial population and respiration in rhizospheric soil of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)(第一单位巴基斯坦);
2.Potential of Landsat 8 OLI for mapping and monitoring of soil salinity in an arid region: A case study in Dushak, Turkmenistan(第一单位土耳其,有中国单位参与);
3.The impact of aqueous and N-hexane extracts of three Fabaceae species on seed germination and seedling growth of some broadleaved weed species(第一单位巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
4.Genome-wide analysis of bZIP, BBR, and BZR transcription factors in Triticum aestivum(第一单位巴基斯坦);
5.Alleviation of temperature stress in maize by integration of foliar applied growth promoting substances and sowing dates(第一单位巴基斯坦);
6.Heavy metal accumulation by roadside vegetation and implications for pollution control(第一单位巴基斯坦);
7.Role of biochar and compost in cadmium immobilization and on the growth of Spinacia oleracea(第一单位巴基斯坦);
8.Conservation tillage improves productivity of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under reduced irrigation on sandy loam soil(第一单位巴基斯坦);
9.The impact of different plant extracts on population suppression of Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) yield under field conditions(第一单位贵州大学);
10.Soil organic carbon and labile and recalcitrant carbon fractions attributed by contrasting tillage and cropping systems in old and recent alluvial soils of subtropical eastern India(第一单位是印度);
11.Morpho-physiological and biochemical attributes of Chili (Capsicum annum L.) genotypes grown under varying salinity levels(第一单位是巴基斯坦);
12.Exogenous application of moringa leaf extract improves growth, biochemical attributes, and productivity of late-sown quinoa(第一单位是巴基斯坦);
13.Eco-friendly soil amendments improve growth, antioxidant activities, and root colonization in lingrain (Linum Usitatissimum L.) under drought conditions(第一单位是伊朗);
14.On-farm hydro and nutri-priming increases yield of rainfed pearl millet through physio-biochemical adjustments and anti-oxidative defense mechanism(第一单位是印度,有中国单位署名);
15.Effect of zinc nanoparticles seed priming and foliar application on the growth and physio-biochemical indices of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) under salt stress(第一单位是巴基斯坦);
16.Predicting the impact of environmental factors on citrus canker through multiple regression(第一单位是巴基斯坦);
17.Evaluation of Pakistani wheat germplasm for leaf rust resistance at various locations(第一单位是巴基斯坦);
18.Physio-biochemical responses and expressional profiling analysis of drought tolerant genes in new promising rice genotype(第一单位是英国谢菲尔德大学);
19.The influence of vermicomposting on photosynthetic activity and productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) crop under semi-arid climate(第一单位是贵州大学);
20.Bacillus tequilensis strain 'UPMRB9' improves biochemical attributes and nutrient accumulation in different rice varieties under salinity stress(第一单位是孟加拉国);
21.Combined application of zinc and iron-lysine and its effects on morpho-physiological traits, antioxidant capacity and chromium uptake in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
22.Evaluation of queen cell acceptance and royal jelly production between hygienic and non-hygienic honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies(第一单位是沙特阿拉伯);
23.Diversity of fungal pathogens associated with loquat and development of novel virulence scales(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
24.The impact of insecticides and plant extracts on the suppression of insect vector (Bemisia tabaci) of Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV)(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
25.Enumeration of citrus endophytic bacterial communities based on illumine metagenomics technique(第一单位是巴基斯坦);
26.Combined application of zinc and silicon alleviates terminal drought stress in wheat by triggering morpho-physiological and antioxidants defense mechanisms(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
27.Relay cropping of cotton in wheat improves productivity of cotton-wheat cropping system(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
28.Using mathematical models to evaluate germination rate and seedlings length of chickpea seed (Cicer arietinum L.) to osmotic stress at cardinal temperatures(第一单位是巴基斯坦);
29.Neonicotinoid's resistance monitoring, diagnostic mechanisms and cytochrome P450 expression in green peach aphid [Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)](第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
30.Potassium fertilization improves growth, yield and seed quality of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under drought stress at different growth stages(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
31.Improving boron use efficiency via different application techniques for optimum production of good quality potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in alkaline soil(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
32.Melanin pigment of Streptomyces puniceus RHPR9 exhibits antibacterial, antioxidant and anticancer activities(第一单位是奥斯马尼亚大学);
33.Moringa leaf extract improves biochemical attributes, yield and grain quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under drought stres(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
34.Sub-lethal doses of Nucleopolyhedrosis Virus and synthetic ınsecticides alter the biological parameters of Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)(第一单位是巴基斯坦 );
35.Sodium nitroprusside application improves morphological and physiological attributes of soybean (Glycine max L.) under salinity stress(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
36.Antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of Chenopodium glaucum L(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
37.Molecular characterization of leaf spot caused by Alternaria alternata on buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus L.) and determination of pathogenicity by a novel disease rating scale(第一单位是巴基斯坦);
38.Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy vibrational bands study of Spinacia oleracea and Trigonella corniculata under biochar amendment in naturally contaminated soil(第一单位是巴基);
39.Prevalence and management of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in different wheat genotypes and their impact on yield and related traits(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
40.Identification for surrogate drought tolerance in maize inbred lines utilizing high-throughput phenomics approach(第一单位是印度);
41.Integrated use of phosphorus, farmyard manure and biofertilizer improves the yield and phosphorus uptake of black gram in silt loam soil(第一单位是印度);
42.Prevalence of mycorrhizae in host plants and rhizosphere soil: A biodiversity aspect(第一单位是孟加拉国);
43.Assessment of composition and spatial dynamics of weed communities in agroecosystem under varying edaphic factors(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
44.Evaluation of morphological traits of wheat varieties at germination stage under salinity stress(第一单位伊朗);
45.Potential of antiviral peptide-based SARS-CoV-2 inactivators to combat COVID-19(第一单位印度);
46.Influence of organic manures on soil nutrient content, microbial population, yield and quality parameters of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cv. Bhagwa(第一单位印度,有中国单位参与);
47.Silicon-based induced resistance in maize against fall armyworm [Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)](第一单位甘肃农业大学);
48.Path analysis based on genetic association of yield components and insects pest in upland cotton varieties(第一单位巴基斯坦);
49.Integrative bioinformatics approaches to map key biological markers and therapeutic drugs in Extramammary Paget's disease of the scrotum(第一单位巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
50.Genome-wide exploration of sugar transporter (sweet) family proteins in Fabaceae for Sustainable protein and carbon source(第一单位印度);
51.Formation of recombinant bifunctional fusion protein: A newer approach to combine the activities of two enzymes in a single protein(第一单位印度);
52.Impact of varying levels of soil salinity on emergence, growth and biochemical attributes of four Moringa oleifera landraces(第一单位巴基斯坦);
53.Phytoremediation of nickel by quinoa: Morphological and physiological response(第一单位巴基斯坦);
54.Foliar application of potassium and moringa leaf extract improves growth, physiology and productivity of kabuli chickpea grown under varying sowing regimes(第一单位巴基斯坦);
55.Antimicrobial activities of different solvent extracts from stem and seeds of Peganum Harmala (第一单位巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
56.Sole and combined effect of foliar zinc and arbuscular mycorrhizae inoculation on basmati rice growth, productivity and grains nutrient(第一单位巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
57.Impact of different mulching treatments on weed flora and productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)(第一单位巴基斯坦);
58.Foliar application of mepiquat chloride and nitrogen improves yield and fiber quality traits of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)(第一单位巴基斯坦);
59.Biosurfactant producing multifarious Streptomyces puniceus RHPR9 of Coscinium fenestratum rhizosphere promotes plant growth in chilli(第一单位印度);
60.Toxic and repellent impacts of botanical oils against Callosobruchus maculatus (Bruchidae: Coleoptera) in stored cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.](第一单位巴基斯坦);
61.Pathogenicity of local and exotic entomopathogenic fungi isolates against different life stages of red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus)(第一单位沙特阿拉伯);
62.Phenotypic characterization of exotic tomato germplasm: An excellent breeding resource(第一单位巴基斯坦);
63.Genome-wide analysis of sucrose synthase family in soybean and their expression in response to abiotic stress and seed development(第一单位巴基斯坦);
64.Seed priming with growth regulators modulates production, physiology and antioxidant defense of Indian squash (Praecitrullus fistulosus) under semi-arid conditions(第一单位巴基斯坦);
65.Mineral biofortification of vegetables through soil-applied poultry mortality compost(第一单位巴基斯坦);
66.Appraisal of foliar spray of iron and salicylic acid under artificial magnetism on morpho-physiological attributes of pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants(第一单位巴基斯坦);
67.Assessment of genetic variation in Apis mellifera jemenitica (Hymenoptera: Apidae) based on mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit II and III(第一单位沙特阿拉伯);
68.Effect of temperature & humdity on population dynamics of insects' pest complex of cotton crop(第一单位巴基斯坦);
69.Recent global warming as a proximate cause of deforestation and forest degradation in northern Pakistan(第一单位东北林业大学);
70.The helix of CO2, household income, and oil pricing under the assumption of Keynesian consumption function: A policy-mix scenario of oil-importing South Asia for SDGs-2030(第一单位西南石油大学);
71.Suitable nitrogen application mode and lateral spacing for drip-irrigated winter wheat in North China Plain(第一单位中国科学院);
72.De novo transcriptome analysis and identification of reproduction control genes from the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus(第一单位沙特阿拉伯);
73.Genome-wide association mapping of bread wheat genotypes for sustainable food security and yield potential under limited water conditions(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
74.Maize productivity and soil nutrients variations by the application of vermicompost and biochar(第一单位巴基斯坦);
75.Spatial variations in the biochemical potential of okra [Abelmoschus esculentus L. (Moench)] leaf and fruit under field conditions(第一单位是巴基斯坦,有中国单位参与);
76.The impact of haulm killing on yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)(第一单位土耳其);
77.Effect of carbon-enriched digestate on the microbial soil activity(第一单位捷克共和国);
78.The impact of PEG-induced drought stress on seed germination and seedling growth of different bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes(第一单位巴基斯坦);
79.Silicon fertilization counteracts salinity-induced damages associated with changes in physio-biochemical modulations in spinach(第一单位巴基斯坦);
80.Thin layer drying kinetics and quality dynamics of persimmon (Diospyros kaki) treated with preservatives and solar dried under different temperatures(第一单位甘肃农业大学);
81.Genome-wide investigation and functional analysis of RNA editing sites in wheat(第一单位巴基斯坦);
82.Novel microalgae strains from selected lower Himalayan aquatic habitats as potential sources of green products(第一单位巴基斯坦);
83.Effect of different soil amendments on soil buffering capacity(第一单位捷克);
84.Methionine-induced regulation of growth, secondary metabolites and oxidative defense system in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants subjected to water deficit stress(第一单位巴基斯坦);
85.Effect of comb age on cell measurements and worker body size(第一单位沙特阿拉伯);
86.Application of sewage sludge combined with thiourea improves the growth and yield attributes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under arsenic-contaminated soil(第一单位巴基斯坦);
87.The impact of boron seed priming on seedling establishment, growth, and grain biofortification of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) in yermosols(第一单位巴基斯坦);
88.Accuracy Assessment of Kriging, artificial neural network, and a hybrid approach integrating spatial and terrain data in estimating and mapping of soil organic carbon(第一单位土耳其);
89.The effect of dietary behaviors on the nutritional status and associated factors of Yemeni students in Saudi Arabia(第一单位沙特阿拉伯);
90.Comparative assessment of various supplementary diets on commercial honey bee (Apis mellifera) health and colony performance(第一单位巴基斯坦);
91.Deep placement of nitrogen fertilizer improves yield, nitrogen use efficiency and economic returns of transplanted fine rice(第一单位沙特阿拉伯);
92.Impact of artificial light intensity on nocturnal insect diversity in urban and rural areas of the Asir province, Saudi Arabia(第一单位沙特阿拉伯);
93.RNAi-mediated silencing of vitellogenin gene curtails oogenesis in the almond moth Cadra cautella(第一单位沙特阿拉伯);
94.The impact of adjacent habitats on population dynamics of red cotton bugs and lint quality(第一单位巴基斯坦);
95.Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria improve growth and yield related attributes of chili under low nitrogen availability(第一单位巴基斯坦);
96.Identification and characterization of genes related to salt stress tolerance within segregation distortion regions of genetic map in F2 population of upland cotton(第一单位中国农业科学院);
97.Metagenomic analysis exploring taxonomic and functional diversity of bacterial communities of a Himalayan urban fresh water lake(第一单位印度);
98.Post grafting time significantly influences royal jelly yield and content of macro and trace elements(第一单位沙特阿拉伯);
99.The impact of seed burial depths and post-emergence herbicides on seedling emergence and biomass production of wild oat (Avena fatua L.): Implications for management(第一单位巴基斯坦);
100.Optimizing sowing date for peanut genotypes in arid and semi-arid subtropical regions(第一单位巴基斯坦);
101.The impact of Fosetyl-Aluminium application timing on Karnal bunt suppression and economic returns of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)(第一单位巴基斯坦);
102.Prevalence and antibiotic resistance of Salmonella spp. in South Punjab-Pakistan(第一单位巴基斯坦);
103.Physiological and biochemical responses of Kinnow mandarin grafted on diploid and tetraploid Volkamer lemon rootstocks under different water-deficit regimes(第一单位巴基斯坦);
104.Field screening of diverse wheat germplasm for determining their adaptability to semi-arid climatic conditions(第一单位巴基斯坦);
105.Kinetin mitigates Cd-induced damagesto growth, photosynthesis and PS II photochemistry of Trigonella seedlings by up-regulating ascorbate-glutathione cycle(第一单位印度);
106.Glycinebetaine mitigates drought stress-induced oxidative damage in pears(第一单位山西农业大学);
107.Zinc biofortification potential of diverse mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] genotypes under field conditions(第一单位巴基斯坦);
108.The impact of horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum L.) infestation on soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] productivity in northern irrigated plains of Pakistan(第一单位巴基斯坦);
109.Iron application improves yield, economic returns and grain-Fe concentration of mungbean(第一单位巴基斯坦);
110.The impact of different weed management strategies on weed flora of wheat-based cropping systems(第一单位巴基斯坦);
111.Soil applied boron (B) improves growth, yield and fiber quality traits of cotton grown on calcareous saline soil(第一单位巴基斯坦);
112.Queen cells acceptance rate and royal jelly production in worker honey bees of two Apis mellifera races(第一单位沙特阿拉伯);
113.Pest susceptibility, yield and fiber traits of transgenic cotton cultivars in Multan, Pakistan(第一单位巴基斯坦);
114.Optimizing planting geometry for barley-Egyptian clover intercropping system in semi-arid sub-tropical climate(第一单位巴基斯坦);
115.Effect of harvest season on the nutritional value of bee pollen protein(第一单位沙特阿拉伯);
116.ACC-deaminase producing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and biochar mitigate adverse effects of drought stress on maize growth(第一单位巴基斯坦);
117.Efficacy of fertilizing method for different potash sources in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) nutrition under arid climatic conditions(第一单位巴基斯坦);
118.Calmodulin-binding transcription activator (CAMTA) genes family: Genome-wide survey and phylogenetic analysis in flax (Linum usitatissimum)(第一单位浙江工业大学);
119.The influence of transgenic (Bt) and non-transgenic (non-Bt) cotton mulches on weed dynamics, soil properties and productivity of different winter crops(第一单位巴基斯坦);
120.Awareness and perception of malaria and dengue at school and college level in the district of Multan(第一单位巴基斯坦);
121.Diet impacts on the biological aspects of pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) under controlled laboratory conditions(第一单位巴基斯坦);
122.Seed germination ecology of Conyza sumatrensis populations stemming from different habitats and implications for management(第一单位丽水学院);
123.Characterization of Vascular plant One-Zinc finger (VOZ) in soybean (Glycine max and Glycine soja) and their expression analyses under drought condition(第一单位巴基斯坦);
124.Novel insights into Pinus species plastids genome through phylogenetic relationships and repeat sequence analysis(第一单位巴基斯坦);
125.Ethnobotanical study of Mandi Ahmad Abad, District Okara, Pakistan(第一单位巴基斯坦);
126.The interactive effect of pH variation and cadmium stress on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growth, physiological and biochemical parameters(第一单位中国农科院);
127.Integrated phosphorus nutrient sources improve wheat yield and phosphorus use efficiency under sub humid conditions(第一单位巴基斯坦);
128.Exogenous salicylic acid-induced drought stress tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown under hydroponic culture(第一单位巴基斯坦);
129.The influence of environmental factors on seed germination of Xanthium strumarium L.: Implications for management(第一单位巴基斯坦);
130.Terminal drought and heat stress alter physiological and biochemical attributes in flag leaf of bread wheat(第一单位巴基斯坦);
131.Identification of C-T novel polymorphism in 3rd exon of OsSPL14 gene governing seed sequence in rice(第一单位巴基斯坦);
132.Foliar application of seed water extract of Nigella sativa improved maize growth in cadmium-contaminated soil(第一单位巴基斯坦);
133.Phylogenetic and expression dynamics of tomato ClpB/Hsp100 gene under heat stress(第一单位巴基斯坦);
134.Production, purification and evaluation of biodegradation potential of PHB depolymerase of Stenotrophomonas sp. RZS7(第一单位印度);
135.Ethnobotanical inventory and medicinal perspectives of herbal flora of Shiwalik mountainous range of District Bhimber, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan(第一单位巴基斯坦);
136.Ethnobotanical and conservation studies of tree flora of Shiwalik mountainous range of District Bhimber Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan(第一单位巴基斯坦);
137.Evaluation of crude oil biodegradation using mixed fungal cultures(第一单位沙特阿拉伯);
138.Genome-wide association mapping for high temperature tolerance in wheat through 90k SNP array using physiological and yield traits(第一单位巴基斯坦);
139.Health risk assessment of heavy metals via consumption of dietary vegetables using wastewater for irrigation in Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan(第一单位巴基斯坦);
140.An ethnobotanical study of wetland flora of Head Maralla Punjab Pakistan(第一单位巴基斯坦);
141.Combined application of zinc-lysine chelate and zinc-solubilizing bacteria improves yield and grain biofortification of maize (Zea mays L.)(第一单位巴基斯坦);
142.Infectious clone construction and pathogenicity confirmation of Cotton leaf curl Multan virus (CLCuMuV), Ramie mosaic virus (RamV) and Corchorus yellow vein Vietnam virus (CoYVV) by southern blot analysis(第一单位福建农林大学);
143.Inventorization of traditional ethnobotanical uses of wild plants of Dawarian and Ratti Gali areas of District Neelum, Azad Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan(第一单位巴基斯坦);
144.Phytotoxicological study of selected poisonous plants from Azad Jammu & Kashmir(第一单位巴基斯坦);