英语中冠词称为Article(哥没搞错吧,Article 不是文章的意思嘛;确实,但它也有冠词的意思),Article 就只有这三个单词 A, An, The,这三个是英语中最简单的英语单词了,我们刚开始接触英语的时候就已经学过了,这篇文章是不是太过简单了,但是你真的完全搞清楚它们的使用规律了吗?到底该用那个冠词,或者不应该用冠词,是否经常出现这样模棱两可的情况?不妨看完这篇文章再来评估一下
先来说一下最简单的 A, An
A 和 An 的区别
上学的时候老师都告诉我们 A 和 An 的使用规律,即
A + 辅音开头
An + 元音开头
元音在英文中称为 Vowel, 辅音称为 Consonant
an hour /ˈaʊər/
an honest person/ˈɑːnɪst/
a house /haʊs/
备注:像这样h静默不发音的情况称为 silent
an umbrella/ʌmˈbrelə/
a university/ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsəti/
a unicorn /ˈjuːnɪkɔːrn/
an "f"/ef/
an "s"/es/
an "m"/em/
备注:像这样元音开头发音的字母有 f, h, m, n, r, s, x, 记住就好,这个知识点比较容易忘
Use one when you mean “only one” or wish to call attention to the number or contrast it with another number.
Use a (an) when you mean one, but you are not calling attention to the number.
A 和 An 都有表示一个的意思,但是都不着重数量,如果你要强调数量一个,应该用 One, 感受一下这两句子的强调重点
Eat one apple every day and keep healthy.
Eat an apple every day and keep healthy.
确定的那个 The
I took the cat to the veterinarian. (veterinarian = animal doctor)
I took a cat to a veterinarian.
上学的时候老师都告诉过我们 The 用来表示特指那一个,而 A 和 An 没有这层意思
Usethewhen the listener or reader already knows which things you mean, or when there is only one possible item you are speaking about.
这里的英文解释就很简洁明了了,the 用来特指上文有提到过的事物或人物,犹如“确认过眼神”
再结合例句,读者或听者就明白,是上文提到过的那个 cat 和 那个 veterinarian, 但是如果用错,用成了 a, 那么就造成指代不明,到底是哪只 cat 和 哪个 veterinarian,这是个小细节,但是很重要,要注意,要避免,否则在一篇文章里出现太多这样的小细节错误的话,读者会丈二和尚摸不着头脑
The 在中文里被称为定冠词,A 和 An 被称为不定冠词,这里的定与不定对应于英文说法,分别是Definite和Indefinite, 即确定与未确定,也就是文章或谈话上文是否提及到过
I want to buy the car.
I want to buy a car.
以下是一些老师不怎么提到的 the 的使用规律
The sun rose at 6 a.m.
The moon and the stars shone brightly last night.
The world is full of opportunities.
Don't worry about the future.
备注:虽然这些 sun、moon、stars、world、future 前文未被提及,但是都是大家众所周知的,都知道只有那个太阳、那个月亮,众所周知也可以理解为一个大的前文
Use thewith things that are the only ones of their kind
The Lopezes live in Fort Lee.
All the Jatos had the flu last winter.
Have you seen the Foxes lately?
备注:如果你想表示一家人,就用the + family name复数形式,当然还有一种表达形式the + family name + family,即
There have been many famous people in the Kennedy family.
the People’s Republic of China
the Kingdom of Sweden
the United States
the Roman Empire
备注:合众国、共和国、王国、帝国这些名称前用 the
Use the with names containing Union, United, Kingdom, Republic, Empire, or Dynasty.
The Civil War was fought between the North and the South.
The Northeast is more densely populated than the Southwest.
备注:当用 north、south、east、west来表示的是国家或世界的一部分时候,搭配 the 使用
New York is south of Boston.
California is west of Nevada.
备注:当表示两个地方的地理方位时,不需要 + the,这个需要留意
When north, south, east and west are used as single word adverbs, do not use the.
the University of Southern California
the City College of New York
the College of William and Mary
Columbia University
I graduated from C.C.N.Y., but my brother went to U.C.L.A.
备注:在表示学校的时候,当有 of 时,需要 + the,反之,则不需要 the,缩写的时候也不需要
Colleges, schools and universities: Use the if the name of the school is followed by a phrase beginning with of or for
the Golden Age of Greece
the Middle Ages
the twelfth century
备注:表示一段历史岁月,搭配 + the,一战、二战是例外,不需要 + the
World War One、World War Two
Reader's Digest
Scientific American
The New York Times
The Washington Post
The Wall Street Journal
80%的杂志都是不需要搭配 + the,
The New Yorker 是个例外
大多数的报刊都 + the
the Museum of Natural History
the Empire State Building
the While House
the World Trade Center
备注:多数的建筑物搭配 + the
但是也有例外,Hall、Hospital 不需要 the
The name of her dormitory was Archer Hall.
Valley Hospital is in Westwood.
插播一则新闻(特朗普离开白宫),可见 the 的使用
Trump left the White House with his wife, Melania, at about 8:20 a.m., refusing to take questions from the press.
我上面举的例子都是一些常见的使用,还有一些比较小众的规律未被提及到,这里介绍一本专门讲冠词的书籍 《Three Little Words A, An, The》
书名就已经突出了内容,A Foreign Student's Guide to English Articles, 英语冠词说明书
最后再强调一点,冠词 A、An、The 在口语交流中念得既快又轻,不仔细听的话,很容易漏掉,所以还是得注意,并且要多听才能锻炼出你对冠词的敏锐度
In speaking, the articles are not stressed. They are said quickly and are joined with the word that follows them. It's very hard to hear a, an, and the when Americans are talking. These little words seem to disappear!