14. 项目实战(微信抢红包插件)

14.1 定位红包消息响应方法

14.1.1 砸壳和导出头文件以供分析用

DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=dumpdecrypted.dylib /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/749DC69A-3A8D-4B5C-9926-1220E69FC85F/WeChat.app/WeChat

class-dump -s -S -H WeChat.decrypted -o ./MyHeaders

14.1.2 借助cycript来动态分析界面定位视图控制器(ViewController)

  • 打开应用并使用cycript附加进程
  cycript -p WeChat
  • 使用recursiveDescription打印UIView对象
 [[UIApp keyWindow] recursiveDescription].toString()
  • 选择一个UIView对象的id,借助nextResponder方法获取视图控制器
 <UIView: 0x14eaed070; frame = (0 0; 320 568); autoresize = W+H; layer = <CALayer: 0x14eafa130>>
 cy# [#0x14eaed070 nextResponder]
 #"<BaseMsgContentViewController: 0x14f1dc200>"
  • 在class-dump到处的头文件中,查找BaseMsgContentViewController相关的文件
 ➜ ls -al *BaseMsgContentViewController*
 -rw-r--r--  1 liuzhongzheng  staff  26105 Aug 25 15:59 BaseMsgContentViewController.h
  • cycript的其它用法介绍

    • _printHierarchy - 直接打印所有UIViewController

      [[[UIWindow keyWindow] rootViewController] _printHierarchy].toString()
    • _autolayoutTrace - recursiveDescription的简化版,去掉了UIView的一些描述

    [[UIApp keyWindow] _autolayoutTrace].toString()
    • 获取bundle info
    [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary].toString()

14.1.3 借助Reveal来动态分析界面定位视图控制器(ViewController)

  • OSX 上安装Reveal

  • iOS 上安装Reveal Loader
    通过Cydia搜索安装Reveal Loader

  • 使用Reveal观察界面结构

14.1.4 借助thoes模块Logify来精确定位消息响应方法

  • 创建Tweak工程

  • 批量生成hook BaseMsgContentViewController.h文件中方法的Tweak.xm文件

/opt/theos/bin/logify.pl ../WeChat/Headers/BaseMsgContentViewController.h > Tweak.xm
  • 用logify.pl生成的Tweak.xm文件替换Tweak工程中的Tweak.xm文件

  • 编译Tweak工程并安装

make package
make install
  • 通过查看和分析日志定位消息响应的方法
tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep WeChat

[<BaseMsgContentViewController: 0x1368e9c00> addMessageNode:{m_uiMesLocalID=38, m_ui64MesSvrID=6021494297990342718, m_nsFromUsr=wxi*431~19, m_nsToUsr=wxi*r12~19, m_uiStatus=4, type=1, msgSource="<msgsource><sequence_id>649531066</sequence_id></msgsource>"}  layout:1 addMoreMsg:0]

- (void)addMessageNode:(id)arg1 layout:(_Bool)arg2 addMoreMsg:(_Bool)arg3 { %log; %orig; }

14.1.5 借助lldb进行动态调试

  • 在iOS上配置debugserver
  • 把iPhone连接xcode,在iOS上/Developer/usr/bin/目录下面生成调试工具debugserver
 luz-iphone:/Developer/usr/bin root# ls
 DTDeviceArbitration*  ScreenShotr*  XcodeDeviceMonitor*  debugserver*  iprofiler*  xctest*
  • 给debugserver瘦身和重新签名,并放入/usr/bin/目录下方便随时调用
    lipo(静态库拆分与合并)命令的介绍: http://www.jianshu.com/p/e590f041c5f6

    //拷贝到OS X上去
    scp debugserver luz@ 
    ➜lipo -info debugserver 
    Architectures in the fat file: debugserver are: armv7 armv7s arm64
    lipo -thin arm64 debugserver -output debugserver.thin
    ➜  ldid -Sent.xml debugserver.thin 
    ➜  ldid -e debugserver.thin 
     <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
     <plist version="1.0">
    codesign -s - --entitlements ent.plist -f debugserver.thin
    ➜ ldid -e  debugserver.thin
     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/ PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
     <plist version="1.0">
  • 在iOS使用debugserver附加程序

    • 打开调试
    debugserver -x backboard IP:port /path/to/executable
    • 附加调试
    debugserver *:9527 -a "WeChat"
  • 在OSX使用lldb连接debugserver进行调试

 process connect connect://  //ip是iPhone的地址,端口要一致
  • 使用usbmuxd工具通过USB口转发ssh和调式信息
  • 通过USB口转发ssh
 ./tcprelay.py -t 22:2222
 Forwarding local port 2222 to remote port 22

 //ssh进行连接 - localhost(是本地主机(本机的标准域名)
 ssh root@localhost -p 2222   
  • 通过USB口转发lldb调试

    ./tcprelay.py -t 9527:9527
    debugserver *:9527 -a "WeChat" 
    process connect connect://localhost:9527 
  • 查看ASLR偏移

image list -o -f 

(lldb) image list -o -f
[  0] 0x0000000000054000 /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/749DC69A-3A8D-4B5C-9926-1220E69FC85F/WeChat.app/WeChat(0x0000000100054000)

偏移后模块基地址 = 偏移前模块基地址 + 模块的ASLR偏移
偏移后符号基地址 = 偏移前符号基地址 + 符号所在模块的ASLR偏移(一般用在这儿)
偏移后指令基地址 = 偏移前指令基地址 + 指令所在模块的ASLR偏移
  • 使用Hopper查看函数基地址
 -[BaseMsgContentViewController addMessageNode:layout:addMoreMsg:]:
0000000101dcbb0c         db  0xe9 ; '.'                                         
0000000101dcbb0d         db  0x23 ; '#'
  • 使用lldb的br命令设备断点br

     br s -a '0x0000000000054000+0x0000000101dcbb0c'
     b function
     br s –a address
     br s –a 'ASLROffset+address'
     br list
     br delete 1
  • 发送消息,等待触发断点,然后查看函数调用堆栈

(lldb) bt
   * thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 2.1
     * frame #0: 0x0000000101defb0c WeChat`_mcwxh_dydx33_8to8(_VDecStruct*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 23979876
       frame #1: 0x0000000102035434 WeChat`_mcwxh_dydx33_8to8(_VDecStruct*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 26361996
       frame #2: 0x000000010202059c WeChat`_mcwxh_dydx33_8to8(_VDecStruct*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 26276340
       frame #3: 
       WeChat`_mcwxh_dydx33_8to8(_VDecStruct*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 34703800
       frame #4: 0x0000000187955f9c Foundation`__NSThreadPerformPerform + 372
       frame #5: 0x0000000186a0c240 CoreFoundation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 24
       frame #6: 0x0000000186a0b4e4 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 264
       frame #7: 0x0000000186a09594 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 712
       frame #8: 0x00000001869352d4 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 396
       frame #9: 0x00000001901536fc GraphicsServices`GSEventRunModal + 168
       frame #10: 0x000000018b4fafac UIKit`UIApplicationMain + 1488
       frame #11: 0x00000001000bab5c WeChat`_mh_execute_header + 617308
       frame #12: 0x00000001988a6a08 libdyld.dylib`start + 4
偏移后符号基地址 = 偏移前符号基地址 + 符号所在模块的ASLR偏移
偏移后符号基地址 - 符号所在模块的ASLR偏移 = 偏移前符号基地址
0x0000000101e3db24 -  00000000000f4000 =  101D49B24
  • 在Hopper或者IDA中分析函数调用关系

    -[BaseMsgContentViewController addMessageNode:layout:addMoreMsg:]
    0x102011434 = 0x0000000102035434 - 0x0000000000024000 
    -[BaseMsgContentLogicController DidAddMsg:]
    a //在此处设置断点,发现只有在当前聊天界面才会触发,不是我们找的目标方法
    0x101FFC59C = 0x000000010202059c - 0x0000000000024000 
    -[BaseMsgContentLogicController OnAddMsg:MsgWrap:]
    0x102805D60 = 0x0000000102829d60 - 0x0000000000024000 
    -[CMessageMgr MainThreadNotifyToExt:]
  • 继续使用Tweak来hook CMessageMgr中的方法,观察日志输出

    %hook CMessageMgr
    - (void)AsyncOnPreAddMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2 { %log; %orig; }
    - (void)AsyncOnAddMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2 { %log; %orig; }
    - (void)AsyncOnPushMsg:(id)arg1 { %log; %orig; }
    - (void)CheckMessageStatus:(id)arg1 Msg:(id)arg2 { %log; %orig; }
    %hook CMessageMgr
    - (void)AsyncOnAddMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2 {
        NSLog(@"arg1 = %@ , arg2 = %@", arg1, arg2); 
        NSLog(@"arg1 class = %@ , arg2 class = %@", [arg1 class], [arg2 class]);  
    Sep  9 16:39:53 luz-iphone WeChat[16048]: arg1 = wxid_lx85gyfaib9431 , arg2 = {m_uiMesLocalID=61, m_ui64MesSvrID=6890149828648546534, m_nsFromUsr=wxi*431~19, m_nsToUsr=wxi*r12~19, m_uiStatus=3, type=1, msgSource="<msgsource><sequence_id>649531092</sequence_id></msgsource>"}  Sep  9 16:39:53 luz-iphone WeChat[16048]: arg1 = __NSCFString , arg2 = CMessageWrap
    - (void)AsyncOnAddMsg:(NSString *)wxid MsgWrap:(CMessageWrap *)wrap; 
  • 分析消息内容相关的类CMessageWrap

    @interface CMessageWrap
    @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* m_nsContent;
    @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger m_uiMessageType;
    @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsFromUsr;
    @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsToUsr; 

    @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsAtUserList; // @synthesize m_nsAtUserList;
    @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsBizChatId; // @synthesize m_nsBizChatId;
    @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsBizClientMsgID; // @synthesize m_nsBizClientMsgID;
    @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsDisplayName; // @synthesize m_nsDisplayName;
    @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsKFWorkerOpenID; // @synthesize m_nsKFWorkerOpenID;
    @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsMsgSource; // @synthesize m_nsMsgSource;
    @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsPattern; // @synthesize m_nsPattern;
    @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsPushContent; // @synthesize m_nushContent;
    @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsRealChatUsr; // @synthesize m_nsRealChatUsr;
    %hook CMessageMgr
    - (void)AsyncOnAddMsg:(NSString *)wxid MsgWrap:(CMessageWrap *)wrap {
      NSInteger uiMessageType = [wrap m_uiMessageType];
      NSString* content = [wrap m_nsContent];
      NSString* nsFromUsr = [wrap m_nsFromUsr];
      NSString* nsToUsr = [wrap m_nsToUsr];
      NSString* nsAtUserList = [wrap m_nsAtUserList];
      NSString* nsBizChatId = [wrap m_nsBizChatId];
      NSString* nsBizClientMsgID = [wrap m_nsBizClientMsgID];
      NSString* nsKFWorkerOpenID = [wrap m_nsKFWorkerOpenID];
      NSString* nsMsgSource = [wrap m_nsMsgSource];
      NSString* nsDisplayName = [wrap m_nsDisplayName];
      NSString* nsPattern = [wrap m_nsPattern];
      NSString* nsRealChatUsr = [wrap m_nsRealChatUsr];
      NSString* nsPushContent = [wrap m_nsPushContent];
      NSLog(@"m_uiMessageType=%zd m_nsContent=%@ m_nsFromUsr=%@ m_nsToUsr=%@ m_nsAtUserList=%@ m_nsBizChatId=%@ m_nsBizClientMsgID=%@ m_nsDisplayName=%@ m_nsKFWorkerOpenID=%@ m_nsMsgSource=%@ m_nsPattern=%@ m_nsPushContent=%@ m_nsRealChatUsr=%@",
      if( 1 == uiMessageType ){ //普通消息
        if( 0 == nsPushContent.length){
            if([nsToUsr rangeOfString:@"filehelper"].location != NSNotFound)
                NSLog(@"[文件助手: %@]",content);
            else  NSLog(@"[我: %@]",content);
      }else if ( 3 == uiMessageType ){ //图片消息
      }else if ( 49 == uiMessageType ){ //红包消息
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