1. What central question is the author answering in this chapter? Write down this question.
This chapter impose the question of how the childhood and youth, or the family influence the temperament of Su Tungpo.
2. Identify and share 3 most interesting sentences in the chapter. Can be based on their importance, difficult language, or just a good sentence.
1)The love and devotion between these two brothers and their constant loyalty to each other through all vicissitudes of fortune was a theme song of the poet's entire life.
2)An episode put a heavy strain on the relationship between the …and …
3)A knife had been thrust into his heart
hardheaded, headstrong. 都形容很固执,勇往直前,特别有决心去做一件事情的状态。
with a strong literary bent. 爱好文学。with a strong bent, 又一个很棒的描述兴趣的词语。
licentious pleasure, debauchery都用在描述 花天酒地,放纵享乐的场景。talking to you brings me a licentious pleasure. 可以这样说嘛?……可能在喝了几杯酒之后可以说。