Struts2 2.5.1-2.5.16 均受远程命令执行漏洞影响,官方建议是升级到2.5.17可修复该漏洞。
之后短时间内连续发布 18年9月(2.5.18) 和 19年1月(2.5.20) 两个快速迭代版本也修复了不少Bug,如下:
2.5.18 Fix Bug
- [WW-4941] - [jar_cache] Some jar_cache******.tmp files are generated into a temporary directory(/tmp) during web service start
- [WW-4948] - Struts 2.5.16 is creating jar_cache files in temp folder
- [WW-4951] - MD5 and SHA1 should no longer be provided on download pages
- [WW-4954] - xml-validation fails since struts 2.5.17
2.5.20 Fix Bug
- [WW-4971] - s:include tag fails with truncated content in certain circumstances
- [WW-4974] - NullPointerException in DefaultStaticContentLoader#findStaticResource
- [WW-4977] - Fixing flaky test in Jsr168DispatcherTest and Jsr286DispatcherTest
- [WW-4984] - Static files like css and js files in struts-core not properly served
- [WW-4986] - Race condition reloading config results in actions not found
- [WW-4987] - Setting Struts2 <s:select> options Css Class
目前官网最新的版本就是19年1月发布的 2.5.20 版本,半年内国家漏洞库和知道创宇漏洞库均未发现该版本的漏洞,
经过半年时间的考验,该版本是目前比较稳定和安全的,推荐升级到 2.5.20 ,若需要使用低版本,则不得低于2.5.17