Attended Students: 17
Attendance Record: Beatrice (25) John (25) Riley (21) Jordane (20) Jacob (10) Jaden (10) Joel (21) Eliot (21) Ethan (11) Bea (5) Alfonso (5) Camila (6) Gabriel (9) Ann Rose (2) Chole (2) Ginny (1) Zihui (1)
Unattended students: 2
Juliette (1) Jospeh(20)
James (sing songs ) Hilde (Catechism ) George (Bible Story)
Rashel: Game Cici: (Coordinator)
Classroom: Room 408
Time: 10:30~11:30AM
The content of the class
1: Beginning prayer( We prayed Our Father、Hail Mary、Glory to be. )
Camila lead the prayer. We prayed for world peace. We prayed for Joseph、Teacher James too.
2: Sing songs 《All Things Bright and Beautiful》
3:Catechism Children's Catechism Questions and Answers
Ten Commandments. There is only one God. Love God and neighbors.
4: Bible Story Jesus Resurrected Lazarus
Lazarus had been died for four days. Jesus gave life back to him again.
5: Game ( Fly Paper Airplane )
The kids made the paper airplanes first, then they flew and wrote the messages from airaplanes.
Notes: We have two new students (Zihui and Ginny) today.