Attended Students: 17
Attendance Record:Beatrice (15) John (15) Eliot (12) Riley (11) Jordane (10) Joel (12) Jospeh(12) Ethan (1) Jacob (1) Jaden (1) Pia (1) Chole (1) Ann Rose (1) Simon (1) Gabriel (1) Grace (1) Cynthia (1)
Unattended students: None
Cici (sing songs ) George (Catechism ) George (Bible Story)
Rashel: Game Cici: (Coordinator)
Classroom: Room 408
Time: 10:30~11:30AM
The content of the class
1: Beginning prayer( We prayed Our Father、Hail Mary、Glory to be. )
Ann Rose lead the prayer for us today.
2: Sing songs 《We Three Kings 》
3:Catechism( The Beliefs of the Catholic Faith )
Where is God? How can i glorify God? The Holy Trinity.
4: Bible story ( The Story of Moses)
"Moses" means saved from water.
5: Game (Make Three Kings)
6.Closing Prayer
7: Notes
We have 10 new students today. We celebrated Jacob and Jaden's birthday and ate some snacks.