far right 极右
main blocs 主流阵营/政党
deadlocked 死锁,僵局
Sweden faces a protracted period of political uncertainty after an election that left the two main parliamentary blocs tied but well short of a majority, and the far-right Sweden Democrats promising to wield “real influence” in parliament despite making more modest gains than many had predicted.
protracted period 漫长的时期
tied 打成平手
short of 没达到...
wield 挥舞,发挥
The populist, anti-immigrant party won 17.6% of the vote, according to preliminary official results – well up on the 12.9% it scored in 2014, but far below the 25%-plus some polls had predicted earlier in the summer. It looked highly likely, however, to play a significant role as kingmaker.
populist 民粹主义
kingmaker (xxmaker)支配权力者
The election was Sweden’s first since the government allowed 163, 000 migrants into the country – the most per capita of any European nation – during Europe’s 2015 migration crisis, polarising the nation’s 7.3 million voters and magnifying popular concern about a welfare system many felt was already under strain.
per capita 人均
polarise 使...两极分化
magnify 放大,加剧
under strain 承受压力
Far-right parties have made significant gains at the expense of the political mainstream across western Europe in recent years in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis and the 2015 refugee crisis, and are now in government in Italy, Austria, Norway and Finland.
at the expense of/at the cost of 以...为代价
aftermath 专指负面事件导致的后果
“Traditional parties have failed to respond to the sense of discontent that exists, ” said Magnus Blomgren of Umea University. “That discontent maybe isn’t directly related to unemployment or the economy, but simply a loss of faith in the political system. Sweden isn’t alone in this.”
discontent 不满的情绪/人
be related to
simply 只不过,仅仅是