【赏析】20-PASSING BY 本章主要讲述了小悦悦事件,孩子被撞之后,十七个路过的人都无动于衷,直到第十八位—一位拾荒的老人发现后大声呼救。心酸愤懑的背后,是什么让国人变得如此冷漠?In America, an individual is the basis of civil society, but in china, the collective is breaking down, and there is nothing yet there to replace it … 这似乎是问题症结所在,以往将人们绑在道德标杆的集体主义在新的形势下,在人们追逐财富的道路上日渐式微,而新形势下人心何聚?如何维护道德的标杆,面临了新的挑战。
1、 he hailed from a county in Shandong Province 出生于
2、 it is a labyrinth of storefronts and alleyways
3、 hardware city smells of sawdust and diesel
4、 he was setting off on the final errands of the day
5、 the driver peered over his shoulder 回头看
6、 hit-and-run 肇事逃逸
7、 they lionized the scavenger (拾荒人)who stopped to help . / sbis lionized= treated as if they are very important or special, often when they do not really deserve to be. 吹捧