1.Life is about decisions.人生就是一场场选择。#《飞出个未来》
2.Never start something youre not willing to finish.做事要有始有终。#《西部世界》
3.We'll find the way.总会有出路的。#《苍穹浩瀚》
4.It takes a brave man to admithis mistakes.勇者敢于承认错误。#《硅谷》
5.Success doesn't come for free.没有努力,何来成功。#《寻梦环游记》
6.Nothing stays the same forever.变化是世间常态。#《青春变形记》
7.You don't love people in hopes of a reward.爱,是不计回报的。#《瑞克和莫蒂》
8.Girls have to go into the world and make up their own minds about things.女孩们,勇敢地去拥抱世界,决定自己的人生。#今日妇女节
9.Your happiness means a lot to me.你的快乐对我很重要。#《独领风骚》
10.Stop whining and start living.停止无谓抱怨,学会直面生活。#《实习医生格蕾》
11.Friends tell the truth.坦诚相待,才是朋友。#《怪奇物语》
12.We're better off because of trees.有树可栖,生活可期。#今日植树节
13.Everything is difficult before it is easy.凡事都是先难后易。#《黑钱胜地》
14.Paying attention to things-it's how we show love.关注是爱意的流露。#《最后生还者》
15.Things will work out the way they are meant to.万事万物皆有定数。#《西部世界》
16.I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight.我并非总能赢,但我从未退缩。#《眼镜蛇》
17.Some things are worth working a little harder for.有些事情是值得为之努力的。#《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》
18.Life rarely gives you a chance to reverse a past regret.不问遗憾,勇敢前行。#《傲骨贤妻》
19.Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers.有时候,提出问题比解决问题更重要。#《英雄》
20.We must always travel in hope.在前行的路上,我们始终怀揣希望。#《唐顿庄园》
21.Spring has sprung and life is returning.春拂大地,万物复苏。#今日春分
22.We're family. We sink or swim together.无论幸福或苦痛,家人总能一起面对。#《哥谭》
23.Love is a part of all happiness.任何幸福都离不开爱。#《童话镇》
24.You don't have to smile to be happy.快乐也可以藏在心里。#《继承之战》
25.We all need the odd treat, or life becomes a little dull.平淡的生活里,总需要一些惊喜的瞬间。#《万物生灵》
26.Good things take time.好事多磨。#《亡命夺宝》
27.To grow, we all need to suffer.历经磨难,方能成长。#《西部世界》
28.Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.宽恕无法改变过去,却能拓宽未来。#《犯罪心理》
29.Never apologize for how you feel.无愧于心,不疚于人。#《美国老爹》
30.Routine is the building block of happiness.点滴日常构成幸福生活。#《黑松镇》
31.Whatever happens, we will be ready.我们将竭尽全力,迎接各种挑战。#《龙与地下城:侠盗荣耀》今日上映