Those games played in the good old times.
One acts as the eagle, one the hen and the rest the chickens. The game goes like this: the “hen” and the “chickens” stand in a line with the “hen” in the very front spreading both arms to protect the “chickens” and each one clasping the clothes tail of the one right in front of it. The “eagle” should seek every opportunity to catch the “chicken”. If one “chicken” is caught, “it” should exchange the role with the “eagle”.
Those games played in the good old times.
Hopscotch is a popular playground game in which players toss a small object into numbered spaces of a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop or jump through the spaces to retrieve the object.
Those games played in the good old times.
Turned rope
The game starts with a string finely looped over the fingers. It is played in two versions joined by a single person or a group of two respectively. In the first version, a person would play with his own hands by intertwining, reeving or picking until a key overturn movement realizing a complete change, forming an intricate pattern between the fingers.
Those games played in the good old times.
Blind game
There are several versions of it. The blindfolded children should walk around the circle formed by their classmates and identify the one they touch. In other versions, the blindfolded children draw something, like a nose on the figure already on the board to complete it according to instructions given by their classmates.
#old taste in the childhood#
Don't underestimate what a small pack of Small Raccoon Snack Noodle can do. For many consumers, these are an unforgettable part of their childhood and a tasty snack that leaves a lasting taste of happiness in your mouth!
#old taste in the childhood#
[美式]cotton candy / [英式]candy floss / [澳式]fairy floss
Pop Rocks
Sugar Figure
Narrator:In the olden times, you could always find peddlers making sugar figures at the school gate. First, the maker takes a little maltose with a small spoon, and then shapes the soft maltose by hand, blowing gently, using his hands to form a figure, such as Sun Wukong, White Dragonet, and so on. The sugar figure is not only tasty, but also makes one cool. If one child bought a sugar figure, all his/her peers would crowd around and admire it.
讲述人:学校门口常常有小贩在做,手里一个勺子,盛着糖浆随便勾画几下,各种各样的东西就出现了,什么孙悟空啦,小白龙啦,好吃又拉风 ,手里拿一串,看的身边的小伙伴那个眼馋啊!
Narrator:We prefer to call it snowman ice cream. It has a milk chocolate flavor and tastes very delicious. It was rather expensive; I remember the price was 1.5 Yuan per piece, which was not easy to afford in those days.
Narrator:Almost every kid is fond of chewing bubble gum. They also gather together to see who gets the largest bubble. I still remember that my cousin once blew a big bubble and the bubble burst, covering her face with gum!