Why Sitting at Your Computer All Day CanWipe You Out
By Katie Heaney
Like most days, I spentthe bulk ofyesterday sitting in what I’ve determined to be the breeziest corner of my apartment, typing on my laptop. I filed a story,transcribedinterviews for a few hours, and sent about half a million emails, but rarely got up from my chair. Still, by late afternoon, I wasn’t just exhausted mentally, but physically, too —disproportionatelyso, it seemed, considering how little I’d moved. After briefly panicking that I’d fallen suddenly ill (blogging cancer?), I reached out to a couple of sleep and stress experts to tell me why it is that mentalfatiguecan feel so … physical.
Certain forms of tiredness can often feel more “earned” than others. I get being tired after a run, but after sending some emails? Come on. Yet Dr. Steven Feinsilver, the director of sleep medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital, stresses that mental fatigue is very muchlegitimate. He explains that the human body reacts to stress in many of the same waysregardless ofwhether the source is mental, like a difficult math problem, or physical, like running. “Your heart will pump and you’ll produceadrenalinewhether somebody’s chasing you, or you’re just really upset about something,” he said. Furthermore, the brain requires a disproportionately high amount of the body’s energy,accounting forabout 20 percent of theoxygenconsumed by the body. “Your muscles normally aren’tsuckinga lot of oxygenout ofyou,” says Feinsilver. “With exercise, they will. But the brain always takes a lot of your energy.” In other words, if you’re conscious, your brain demands your energy, and lots of it. Using your brain takes real, honest, physical work — it’s just not visible to us the way using our muscles to exercise is.
某些形式的疲劳往往会比其他形式更容易出现。跑步过后,我感到很累这很正常,但当我发了一些电子邮件后也很累?怎么会!然而勒诺克斯山医院的睡眠医学主任Steven Feinsilver博士强调,精神疲劳是非常合理的。他解释说人体以很多相同的方式对压力做出反应,无论来源是精神上的,比如解一个困难的数学题,还是身体上的,比如跑步。他说:“你的心脏会怦怦直跳,你会产生肾上腺素,无论是否有人在追赶你,还是只是对事情感到很伤心。”此外,大脑需要极高比例的身体能量,约占身体消耗的氧气的20%。 “你的肌肉通常不会吸收大量的氧气,”Feinsilver说。 “在运动时,它们才会。但大脑总是需要大量能量。“换句话说,只要你处于有意识状态,你的大脑就需要能量,很多的能量。使用你的大脑也会耗费真正的、实实在在的能量——只是并不像肌肉运动耗费能量那样那么明显。
New words
1.transcribe英 [træn'skraɪb; trɑːn-] 美 [træn'skraɪb]
vt. 转录;抄写
e.g.It takes around 20 hours to transcribe, proofread and then print 69 pages of Braille.
2.disproportionately英 [,disprə'pɔ:ʃənitli] 美 [,disprə'pɔ:ʃənitli]
adv. 不成比例地
e.g.Johnson’s aversion to this tax was part of his reluctance to ask for any sacrifices for the Vietnam War -- except from the disproportionately blue-collar army that was fighting it.
3.fatigue英 [fə'tiːg] 美 [fə'tig]
n. 疲劳,疲乏
e.g.By now your nausea and fatigue should have cleared up completely.
4.legitimate英 [lɪ'dʒɪtɪmət] 美 [ləˈdʒɪtəmɪt]
adj. 合理的;合法的;正当的
e.g.That’s aperfectly legitimatequestion.
5.adrenaline英 [ə'drenəlɪn] 美 [æˈdrɛnəˌlɪn]
n. 肾上腺素
e.g.But for some people merely imagining this scene creates an adrenaline surge.
6.oxygen英 ['ɒksɪdʒ(ə)n] 美 ['ɑksɪdʒən]
n. [化学] 氧气
e.g.Carbon dioxide consists of carbon and oxygen.
1.wipe out筋疲力竭
2.the bulk of大多数,大部分
3.regardless of不顾,不管
4.account for(比例)占
5.suck out of从……中吸出
6.supplementary materials: