《 当幸福来敲门》The Pursuit of Happiness 人员安排表1.8-2.11

1.8 周二 Girlin

Time to get up, man. 该起床了-All right, Dad. -Come on. - 好的,老爸- 快点Should be here soon. 马上来了-I think I should make a list. -What do mean? - 我想我该列个表- 干嘛?-For your birthday gifts? -Yeah. - 想要的生日礼物?- 对呀


You know you're only getting a couple of things, right? 你知道只能要几个礼物,对吧? Yeah, I know. Just to look at and study so I can choose better. 知道啊,我只想列出来看看研究一下,好好选选Okay, well, that's smart. Yeah, make a list. 哦,很聪明,那就列吧


Can you spell everything you're thinking of? 想要的礼物你都会写吗?-I think so. -All right. That's good. - 应该吧- 哦,很好-How you doing in here, man? -Okay. - 小伙子,你还好吧?- 还好Can we go to the park today, after? 我们今天能去公园吗... 在上完幼儿园后?No, I gotta go to Oakland. Well, maybe, we'll see. 呃...我还得去奥克兰或许...再说吧


Give me a kiss. 亲亲I'll talk to you later. 晚点再说Excuse me. 借过Oh, excuse me... 对不起...呃......when is somebody gonna clean this off? 什么时候会找人清洗一下?我不会说英文...


And the Y? The Y. We talked about this. 我提过的,幸福的“幸”写错了It's an I in "happiness." There's no Y in "happiness." It's an l. 这里写成了辛苦的“辛”我不是说过,我不会说英文...


I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old.我第一次见到我父亲时,已经28岁了And I made up my mind as a young kid... 我儿时就决定,将来我有了孩子...that when I had children......my children were gonna know who their father was. 我的孩子一定得知道他们的父亲是谁This is part of my life story. 这里讲述的是我人生故事的一部分


This part is called "Riding the Bus. " 这部分叫做...“搭公车”What's that? 那是什么?It's a time machine, isn't it? 是架时光机,对吧?Seems like a time machine. 看起来是时光机That seems like a time machine. It's a time machine. Take me with you.像是时光机,是时光机,能带上我吗?


This machine... 这仪器......this machine on my lap-- 我膝盖上的这台仪器...This guy, he has a time machine. 这伙计,他有架时光机He travels in the past with this machine and.... 他...他...他...用时光机穿梭到过去--it is not a time machine. 这不是...时光机It's a portable bone-density scanner. 而是,手提式骨质密度扫描仪


A medical device I sell for a living. 是医疗器材,我就靠卖这个过活Thank you for the opportunity to discuss it with you. 谢谢您给我这个机会,向您推介这仪器-I appreciate it. -We just don't need it, Chris. - 我不胜感激- 我们真的不需要,克里斯It's unnecessary and expensive. 没多大用处而且还很贵-Well, maybe next-- -Thank you. - 哦,或许下次... - 谢谢


It gave a slightly denser picture than an x-ray for twice the money.它比X光机显像更精确一点点但却贵了一倍-Hey. -Hey, baby. - 嘿- 嘿,宝贝-What happened? -No, nothing. - 怎么啦?- 没...没事儿Look, I can't get Christopher today. 只是...我今天不能去接儿子


Oh, no, you don't, Chris. I'm back on at 7. 你得去,我七点还要上班。I know. I have got to go to Oakland. 我知道,但我一定要去奥克兰So I gotta get Christopher home, feed him, bathe him...所以我得先接他回家,做饭,给他洗澡......get him in bed, and be back here by 7? 哄他睡觉,然后七点前回到这儿?-Yes. -And we got the tax-bill notice today. - 对- 今天收到了税单


-What are you gonna do about that? -Look, this is what we gotta do.- 你说怎么办?- 听着,就这么办You see that car? The one with the pretty yellow shoe on it?看到那车了吗?那辆穿着漂亮黄鞋子的车That's mine. 那是我的车There's no parking near hospitals. 医院附近不准停车


That's what happens when you're always in a rush. 赶时间的结果就是这样Thanks anyway. Very much. 还是非常谢谢你-Maybe next quarter. -It's possible. - 或许下个季度- 可能哦I needed to sell at least two scanners a month for rent and daycare.我每个月至少得卖两台才够付房租和幼儿园费I'd have to sell one more... 还得再卖一台......to pay off all of those tickets under my windshield wiper. 才够付车窗上的那些罚单


The problem is... 问题是......I haven't sold any for a while. 我很久没卖出一台了Since when do you not like macaroni and cheese? 你什么时候开始不喜欢通心粉加奶酪的? Since birth? 从...我出生开始?-What's that? -What? - 这是什么?- 呃?-What is this? -It's a gift for Christopher. - 这是什么东西?- 克里斯托弗的礼物-From who? -Cynthia from work. - 谁给的?- 我同事欣西雅


It's for adults. Chris can't use it. She didn't know. 她不知道这是给大人玩的,克里斯托弗还小What are you supposed to do with it? 要怎么玩?Make every side the same color. 把每一面都弄成同一颜色Did you pay the taxes? 你付税了吗?No, I'm gonna have to file an extension. 没,我要申请延后缴


-You already filed an extension. -Yeah, well, I gotta file another one. - 你已经申请过延期了- 是,我还要再延期一次That's-- It's $650. I'll have it in the next month. 一共是640美元,我下个月就有了That means interest, right? - 是加上利息,还有罚金的总额吧- 嗯,不是很多啦-And a penalty? -Yeah, a little bit.Look, why don't you let me do this? All right, just relax. Okay? 让我处理就好你就别操心了,好吗?


-Come here. Calm down. -I have to go back to work. - 来,别烦了- 我得回去工作了Let's get ready for bed. Hey, put your plate in the sink. 准备上床了嗨,把盘子放水池里去A few days ago I was presented with a report I'd asked for.几天前他们递交了一份我要求的... ...a comprehensive audit, if you will, of our economic condition. 全面的经济现况评估报告You won't like it. I didn't like it. 你们不会喜欢的,我也不喜欢


But we have to face the truth... 但我们必须面对现实...and then go to work to turn things around. 然后去努力扭转情势And make no mistake about it, we can turn them around. 决不能犯错,我们一定能做到The federal budget is out of control. 联邦预算已经失去控制


And we face runaway deficits of almost $80 billion... 今年9月30日结束的预算年度...for this budget year that ends September 30th. 我们将有高达800亿的赤字That deficit is larger than the entire federal budget in 1 957.这个赤字比1957年整年联邦预算还高And so is the almost $80 billion... 今年还得支付这800亿..... we will pay in interest this year on the national debt. ...衍生的利息国债


Twenty years ago, in 1 960... 20年前,1960年...our federal government payroll was less than $ 1 3 billion. 联邦政府的总薪资支出不到130亿Today it is 75 billion. 而如今则是750亿During these 20 years, our population has only increased by 23. 3 percent....20年来人口才增长了23.3%...


Man, I got two questions for you: 哇,老兄,请教你两个问题What do you do? And how do you do it? 你是干什么?你是怎么干的?-I'm a stockbroker. -Stockbroker. Oh, goodness. - 我是股票经纪人- 股票经纪人,哦,天哪Had to go to college to be a stockbroker, huh? 得上大学才能做股票经纪人,对吧?


You don't have to. Have to be good with numbers and good with people. 不用,只需要精通数字,会做人处世-That's it. -Hey, you take care. - 就这么简单- 嘿,保重I'll let you hang on to my car for the weekend. 周末我这车就借你了-But I need it back for Monday. -Feed the meter. - 不过星期一得还我哦- 付停车费去吧



I still remember that moment. 我还记得那一刻They all looked so damn happy to me. 他们全都看起来超幸福的样子Why couldn't I look like that? 为什么我不能也满脸幸福?I'm gonna try to get home by 6. 我尽量在六点前回来I'm gonna stop by a brokerage firm after work. 下班后要去一下证券行-For what? -I wanna see about a job there. - 干嘛?- 看看那里有没有工作


Yeah? What job? 哦,什么样的工作?You know, when l-- 你知道,我...When I was a kid, I could go through a math book in a week. 我小时候,一星期就能把算数课本念完So I'm gonna go see about what job they got down there. 所以我想去看看,有什么工作可做What job? 什么工作?Stockbroker. 股票经纪人


-Stockbroker? -Yeah. - 股票经纪人?- 嗯Not an astronaut? 不是宇航员?Don't talk to me like that, Linda. 别用这种口气对我说话,琳达I'm gonna go down and see about this, and I'm gonna do it during the day. 我去看看情况,利用白天的时间You should probably do your sales calls. 嗯,你该打电话推销才对I don't need you to tell me about my sales calls, Linda. 还要你来告诉我,琳达


I got three of them before the damn office is even open.人家办公室开门前,我就打了三通电话了Do you remember that rent is due next week?还记得下星期就要付房租吗?Probably not. 大概不记得了吧?We're already two months behind. 我们已经两个月没付Next week we'll owe three months. 下星期就欠三个月了I've been pulling double shifts for four months now, Chris. 我已经上双份班四个月了!


Just sell what's in your contract. Get us out of that business.就...赶快把合约规定的数额卖完咱们好脱身吧Linda, that is what I am trying to do. 琳达,我不是正努力那么做嘛!This is what I'm trying to do for my family... 努力来改善这个家...for you and for Christopher. 为你,为儿子What's the matter with you? 你到底是怎么了?


This part of my life is called "Being Stupid. " 我人生的这部分叫做...“冒傻气”Can I ask you a favor, miss? 能帮个忙吗,小姐Do you mind if I leave this here with you just for five minutes? 帮我看下这个行吗,就5分钟I have a meeting in there and I don't wanna carry that... 我在那儿有个会带这个进去看上去很不正式..Iooking smalltime.


Here is a dollar and I'll give you more money when I come back out. 先给你1块钱一会我出来再多给你点Okay? It's not valuable. You can't sell it anywhere. 好吗?这玩意不值钱,你也卖不出去I can't even sell it, and it's my job. All right? 我是干这个的都卖不掉,好吗?-Chris? Tim Brophy, Resources. -Yes. How are you? - 克里斯吗?我是提姆·布鲁菲,人事部的- 是我,你好吗?-Come with me. -Yes, sir. - 跟我来- 好的,先生


Let me see if I can find you an application for our internship. 我看看能不能帮你找份实习申请表I'm afraid that's all we can do for you. See, this is a satellite office. 我能做的也只有这个了这里只是分公司Jay Twistle in the main office, he oversees Witter Resources.总部的杰·托斯特尔是全面负责人事工作的I mean, I'm-- You know, I'm just this office. 我的意思是,我只负责这里


As you can see, we got a hell of lot of applications here, so.... 你看,已经有一大堆人申请了...所以...Normally I have a resume sheet, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. 我这应该还有履历表的但是现在找不到了-We.... -Thank you very much. - 我们... - 非常感谢I need to go. 我得走了


I'll bring this back. 我...我...我会把这个交过来的-Thank you. -Okay. - 谢谢- 好的Trusting a hippie girl with my scanner. Why did I do that? 把扫描仪托付给一个嬉皮女孩?为什么我会这么做?Excuse me. Excuse me. 借过,借过Like I said, this part of my life is called "Being Stupid. " 就像我刚说的,我人生的这部分叫做“冒傻气”


Hey!. Hey!. Hey!. Don't move!. Don't move!. Stay--!. 嘿,嘿!别动!呆着别动!别...Stop!. Stop!. 停下!停下!Don't move!. Stop this--!. Stop the train! 别走!停下!停下这地铁!Stop! Stop! 停!停下来!The program took just 20 people every six months. 这个培训每半年才招20人One got the job. 最后只有1人受雇


There were three blank lines after "high school" to list more education. 申请表上“高中”之后还有3行线用来填写接受过的其他教育I didn't need that many lines. 对我来说,根本就是多余Try and sleep. It's late. 快睡觉,不早了


It's a puzzle measuring just 3 inches by 3 inches on each side... 这种魔方每面都是3英寸x3英寸...made up of multiple colors that you twist and turn... 由多种颜色组成玩法就是通过旋转...and try to get to a solid color on each side. 最终使每面呈现同一颜色

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