- 观察者模式也称监听器模式
- 当我们对某一个对象的某一些状态感兴趣时,希望在任何时刻获取其状态的改变
- 比如数据的改变,网络状态的改变,此时,就需要使用观察者模式。
--Observer pattern is one of the behavioral design pattern. Observer design pattern is useful when you are interested in the state of an object and** want to get notified whenever there is any change. **
- Subject:被观察者,一般来说被观察者自身具有某种属性状态,其状态的改变对我们的应用会有不同业务逻辑上的影响。
- 比如Android中的UI控件:一个Button,一个区内的WiFi连接,容器内的数量变动
Subject contains a list of observers to notify of any change in it’s state, so it should provide methods using which observers can register and unregister themselves. Subject also contain a method to notify all the observers of any change and either it can send the update while notifying the observer or it can provide another method to get the update.
private Data mdata;//01
private ArrayList<Listener> mListeners;//02
//observer.interface: //03
private interface Listener{
public void onDataAdded();
public void onDataRemoved();
public void onDataChanged();
....other methods.....
//following methods are provided for Observers;//04
public void addListener(Listener l){};
public void removeListener(Listener l){};
public void clearListeners(){};
//following methods are used to notify observers of change of subject dataSteted://05
public void DataAdd();
public void DataChanged();
public void DataRemoved();