The Art of Socaratic Qustioning
Socrates said,"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Socaratic Qustioning is systematic. disciplined, and deep ,ususally focuses on foundational concepts, principles, theories, issues, or problems.
苏格拉底式的提问,让人慢慢看到事物 的真相,由浅入深,从basic issues到problematic areas of thought.
part one a taxonomy of Socaratic Qustions based on critical concepts
questiona that target the parts of thinking
1.question goals and purposes 提问目标和目的
2.questioning questions
今日看到网易公开课 哈佛大学课 2
The power of asking questions
Questions create reality.It creates possibility.
他还用一个提问的例子,看视频之前问学生,how many…学生数几何图形。之后,再问了几个关于视频的很简单的问题,结果学生基本上答不上来。
I asked you a question that directed you to a certain part of reality.提问本身就是一种focus,然而不恰当的提问就可能把人带偏。他还分享了跨文化的调查,What questions do people usually ask about themselves?很多人都在反思不足之处,我之前也是,这有助于提高,但这也让我们陷入补短思维里,而自己本身拥有的特色和优点却忽视了。只关注缺点的人,self-esteem self-respect self-confidence happiness基本不高。
appreciate 1. be thankful not take things for granted 2 grow
Stavro and Torres "We see what we look for and we miss much of what are not looking for even though it is there. Our experience of the world is heavily influenced by where we place our attention."
Ask the right question and place our attention on the right thing.Nothing is completely good or bad and it depends on our cognition and perception.