nable to resolve target 'android-26'
[2018-07-30 09:45:15 - Failed to generate resource table for split ''
[2018-07-30 09:45:15 - Sqsssq] \res\values\dimens.xml:11: error: Error: Fraction types not allowed (at 'key_height_new' with value '5%').
[2018-07-30 09:45:15 - qssq]
android studio是没有问题的,我主要是用在keyboard里面使用百分比的。
eclipse是无法过去了,那么as 为毛可以也不清楚,期初怀疑build tool版本或者是 检测级别,但是都不知道。
static int getDimensionOrFraction(TypedArray a, int index, int base, int defValue) {
TypedValue value = a.peekValue(index);
if (value == null) return defValue;
if (value.type == TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION) {
return a.getDimensionPixelOffset(index, defValue);
} else if (value.type == TypedValue.TYPE_FRACTION) {
// Round it to avoid values like 47.9999 from getting truncated
return Math.round(a.getFraction(index, base, base, defValue));
return defValue;
<fraction name="numkeyboard_key_width">33.3333333%p</fraction>
<fraction name="numkeyboard_horizontalGap">0.1%</fraction>