Puppies! Now that I've got your attention, complexity theory
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这个演讲从开头到结束都非常的幽默, 同时也简单说明了關於复杂度这个鬼东西(学过电脑程序的人对它肯定特别的熟悉,就是那个逆天的 O(n)来避免O(n^2)的出现) 它的步骤其實非常的简单,就是通过对一个事物的观察, 寻找他们的规律,然后根据数据来建立一个可行性的结构. 利用这个过程来实时操作, 来模拟操作实现功能.
当我们讲复杂度的时候,我们想说的不是以上的步骤, 而是运行的次数来达到结果, 而我们的目标就是: 简单, 简化, 然后再简单. 通过减少计算的次数来找到最便捷的途径来得到结果.
就好比说, 要控制一群狗狗和牛奶的时候转同一方向, 一般来说,我们可能想到的是训练全部的狗狗可以转圈圈, 而且是同一个方向, 但是这种方式并不是最有效率的, 从以上的视频我们可以看出, 其實有一只狗狗领导着整一群群狗狗动作還有旋转方向, 只需要这只狗狗,就可以使一群狗狗实现转圈圈啦. 这就是捷径, 也是复杂度实现较好的一种.
- Complexity: not the same as complicated; has many interacting parts; simple individual rules; emergent properties
- "the whole is greater than the parts"
- use the one to control the action as the rules for the whole
- simplifying complexity: like cooperation
- when you use the machine, it is impossible to do something unexpected
- Bernstein's bats:
- fission-fusion dynamics: use the network based on data to build a long term social structure
- the structure is built can be stabled for a long term without any changes in it even in the social structure of the bats
- cycle: decision making --> foraging --> roosting --> decision making(again)
- " all models are false, but some are useful" ---- some models may be randomly, which may be failed in building a valid model
- risk in the behavior which lose leading
Complexity theory
- simplicity --> complexity --> resilience