















A是B的充分条件的话A和CD都是并联关系。A C D任何一个存在 (为真)B都成立(为真)

如果是A是B必要条件那A和CD就是串联,就是A存在(为真) 还有CD也要存在(为真)B才会成立(为真)




第一个并联的充分条件 其实三个都是充分条件 由此推出  的  所以充分条件是个人英雄主义。有我一定成立,不成立那也一定没有我了 不仅没有A  也没有C D

我之前的理解障碍就在于大家说这个概念公式的时候把A C D 都说成了A

还有关系和前提 结论本身是两码事



Simplification is a useful, even necessary activity. The world is complex. There are thousands of subjects and millions of facts and interpretations of facts. No one can hope to be an expert in more than one or two subjects. Furthermore, as we have seen in previous chapters, even an expert's knowledge and understanding are limited.


Yet the job of communicating about these subjects is an everyday necessity. Circumstance forces those who know more about a subject to speak with those who know less. In industry, for example, supervisors must train new workers. In government, experienced employees must explain procedures to novices. In each of these cases , the effectiveness of the training depends on the clarity of the instruction. Complicated matters can be made clear only by simplifying them.


Nowhere is the value of simplification clearer than in formal education. First-grade teachers can not expect their pupils to grasp the lessons in science and math and English as the teachers learned them. They must phrase the lessons in a simpler way, a way suited to the pupils' level of understanding.


Similarly, if those first-grade teachers take graduate courses, their professors probably don't speak to them in quite the same way that they do with colleagues or in articles for professional journals. The professors simplify. (It may well be that people who attain such levels of intellectual penetration as Albert Einstein must simplify when they talk about their fields to anyone.)

同样,如果这些一年级教师接受研究生课程,他们的教授可能不会像他们对同事或专业期刊文章那样讲话。教授会简化。(很可能是那些达到爱因斯坦这种知识渗透水平的人在向任何人 谈论他们的领域时都必须简化。)



Although there is nothing wrong with simplification, oversimplification(excessive simplification) is an obstacle to critical thinking. Oversimplification does not merely scale down a complex idea to more manageable proportions. It twists and distorts the idea so that it states, not truth, but error. Rather than informing others, oversimplification misleads them.

虽然简化没有问题,但 过度 简化(过度简化)是批判性思维的障碍。过度简化不仅仅是将复杂的想法降低到更易控制的程度。它扭曲和扭曲了这个想法,以至于它说明的不是真理,而是错误。过分简化会误导他们,而不是帮助他人理解。

Let's consider a few examples. The first involves a rather common idea: "If the students haven't learned, the teacher hasn't taught." This asserts that learning is the sole responsibility of the teacher. Are there poor teacher?Of course. Do such teachers confuse students and impede learning? Certainly.However, that is only part of the truth, for there are also lazy or uninterested students who can successfully resist the best efforts of the finest teacher. When they fail, the blame cannot fairly be assigned to the teacher.

我们来看几个例子。第一个涉及一个相当普遍的想法:“ 如果学生没有学过,老师还没有教过 。”这表明学习是老师的责任。有没有不胜任的老师?当然。这样的老师是否会混淆学生并妨碍学习?当然。然而,这只是事实的一部分,因为也有懒惰或无兴趣的学生能够成功抵制最优秀教师的最大努力。当他们失败时,责难不能公平地分配给老师。

In many cases, perhaps most, failure to learn is too complex to place the blame wholly on either side.The students' lack of effort may be a factor and so may the quality of instruction. Also significant may be the attitudes of both students and teacher and the responses these attitudes trigger in the other. In any particular situation, there are likely to be so many variables, in fact, that only a careful accounting of all relevant details will be satisfactory.


Here is another common idea: "We know ourselves better than others know us."Now in a sense this is true. There is a side of our personalities that we keep to ourselves – many of our hopes and dreams and fantasies. Surely no one else can know all the experiences we have had and all our thoughts and feelings about those experiences. Even those closest to us cannot know everything about us.

还有另一个普遍的想法:“ 我们比别人更了解我们了解自己 。”从某种意义上说,这是事实。我们留给自己的是我们个性的一面 - 我们的许多希望,梦想和幻想。当然,没有人能够知道我们所有的经历以及我们对这些经历的所有想法和感受。即使那些离我们最近的人也无法了解我们的一切。

Yet there is another sense in which others can know us better than we know ourselves. Surely the image we project to others is as much a part of us as our self-image. None of us can really know precisely how we "come through" to others. However objective we become, we remain hopelessly bound up in ourselves, unable to see our outer image apart from our intentions. It often happens that even our own deeper motivations are hidden from us. People who have undergone psychotherapy often learn something about themselves they didn't know before. When that occurs, what precisely has happened? One way or another the therapist has probed into those people's thoughts and attitudes (and perhaps largely forgotten experiences), learned something about them, and then has shared it with them. In other words, for a time, however brief, the therapist has had an insight into the patients that the patients themselves did not have.


It's careless to judge on impressions alone. Many oversimplifications sound good. "Give people a welfare handout and you make bums of them"is accepted by many people as a profound truth. Yet it is an oversimplification. People whose problem is not misfortune but laziness will undoubtedly be made lazier by receiving welfare. But what effect will welfare have on a responsible person whose situation was caused by misfortune – say, a man stricken with a serious illness leaving him unable to work, or the mother of two small children deserted by her husband? Surely in such cases welfare can be a temporary helping hand that makes the person no less responsible.

仅凭印象来判断是不小心的。许多过度简单化听起来不错。 “ 给人们一份福利,你是让他们堕落 ”被许多人接受为一个深刻的事实。然而这只是过分简单化。人们的问题不是不幸而是懒惰的人无疑会因为获得福利而变得更懒。但福利对一个负责人有什么影响?这个负责人的情况是不幸的 - 比如说,一个患有严重疾病的人他不能工作,或者两个小孩的母亲被她的丈夫抛弃了?当然,在这种情况下,福利可以成为一种暂时的帮助手段,使得人们不负责任。

Similarly, the idea that "compulsory class attendance rules thwart students' maturation" may seem sound to many college students. Yet it omits an important aspect of reality. Too many rules may hamper one's development,but so may too few. Rules requiring students to attend class do not really take away freedom to cut class. They only make the exercise of that freedom more significant. For many students that can be an added motivation to make wise, mature choices.

同样,“ 强制性班级出勤规则阻碍学生成熟 ” 的想法对许多大学生来说听起来很合理。然而它忽略了现实的一个重要方面。过多的规则可能会妨碍个人的发展,但太少也是一样的。要求学生上课的规则并没有真正消除削减课程的自由。他们只会让这种自由的行使 更加重要。对于许多学生来说,这可以成为明智的,成熟的选择的额外动力。



The most obvious causes of oversimplification are simple (unhabitual) error and unwillingness to invest the time necessary to probe the complexity of issues.But there are other, deeper, causes as well. One is "mine is better"thinking, which can lead us to see issues in a biased way and thus ignore facts that don't support our view.


Another cause is insecurity. If we are intimidated by complexity, we may prefer superficial answers to questions because they make us feel comfortable. Some people need simple answers. Complex situations and those in which judgment can only be tentative and speculative leave such people disoriented.


Still another cause of oversimplification is the habit of seeing only what affects us. When the law of the land required that public restaurants serve any customer, regardless of race, religion, or national origin, some restaurant owners were angry. They reasoned that people who invest their hard-earned money in a business have the right to serve or not serve whomever they please. That side of the issue was so important to them that they regarded it as the only side. But there was another important side: the right of a citizen to have access to a public place.


Similarly, when the Federal Aviation Administration published regulations governing hand gliders and ultralight motorized aircraft, the U.S. Hang Gliders Association attacked the regulations. They argued that the government "has no business regulating an outdoor recreational sport that consists largely of people running and gliding down remote hills and sand dunes." The association was seeing one side of the issue, the side that affected them. Now if that were the only side, their position would be reasonable. But there is another important side to the issue: keeping the airspace safe for all who use it, including commercial and private planes. (The FAA reports that hang gliders have been observed as high as 13,000 feet.) By ignoring that side, the association oversimplified the issue.

同样,当美国联邦航空管理局公布了有关手滑翔机和超轻机动飞机的规定时,美国航行滑翔机协会反对这些规定。他们认为政府“没有任何权利管理户外休闲运动,其中大部分都是跑步和滑行偏远山丘和沙丘的人。” 协会看到问题的一面,影响他们的一面。现在,如果这是唯一的一面,他们的立场是合理的。但是,这个问题还有另一个重要方面:为所有使用空间的人保持空域安全,包括商业和私人飞机。(美国联邦航空局报告称,滑翔伞高达13,000英尺。)由于忽略了这一方面,该协会过分简化了这个问题。



Avoiding oversimplification simply means refusing to overstate the case for an idea.Before you express any idea to others, first check it for accuracy. If it is not completely accurate, rephrase it. Here is how you might revise the oversimplifications discussed in the chapter. (In each case, of course, other effective revisions are possible.)




If the students haven't learned, the teacher hasn't taught.


Balanced View:  The quality of learning is affected, for good or for ill, by the quality of teaching.




We know ourselves better than others know us.


Balanced View:  We know some things about ourselves better than others can know them.

平衡观点: 我们比其他人能够了解他们更了解我们自己的一些事情。



Give people a welfare handout and you make bums of them.


Balanced View:  Many people are corrupted by welfare.

平衡观点: 许多人被福利损害。



Compulsory class attendance rules thwart students' maturation.


Balanced View:  Attendance rules that are too numerous or to origid can thwart students' maturation.

平衡观点: 太多或太严格的出勤规则可能会阻碍学生的成熟。

As these examples show, the effort to avoid oversimplification will reward you with views that are more reasonable, and therefore easier to defend.




Analyze each of the following ideas. Decide whether it is an oversimplification. Explain your reasoning carefully.


"I need only consult with myself with regard to what I wish to do; what I feel to be right is right, what I feel to be wrong is wrong." (Jean Jacques Rousseau)

“我只需要决定我自己想做什么事情;我认为是正确的就对,我认为是错误的就是错误的。” (让·雅克·卢梭)

Elected officials should be held accountable to a higher ethical standard than the average citizen is.


The scandals involving television ministries prove what many critics have noted for years – that televangelists are hypocrites.

涉及电视部门的丑闻证明了许多批评家多年来注意到的事实 - 电视传播者是伪善者。

Guns don't kill people; people kill people.

枪不杀人; 人们杀人。

Apply your critical thinking to each of the following cases, being sure to avoid oversimplification.


The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that states must provide free public education not only to all children of citizens and aliens legally residing in this country but to the children of illegal aliens as well. Do you support this decision?


As many as 50 percent of those teaching high school math and science lack the proper qualifications. The problem is that qualified math and science teachers are leaving teaching for higher-paying jobs in industry.


To attract qualified teachers, some experts propose that schools offer math and science teachers, some experts propose that schools offer math and science teachers a special salary scale, higher  that offered to teachers in other disciplines. Do you support this proposal?


In some states the law now requires motorists to secure each young child riding in their cars in an approved child restraint seat. Do you support such mandatory restraint laws?


Some conservative Christian churches practice snake handling as a part of their religious rituals. That is, they pass poisonous snakes like moccasins and rattlers from one person to another as a test of their religious faith. This practice of snake handling, however, is illegal in all states but one, West Virginia. Should it made illegal there too?


Women employees of the National Broadcasting Company are eligible for six months of maternity leave with job and seniority guarantees. However, when a male engineer with the company applied for paternity leave with the same guarantees (so that he could care for his baby and ease his wife's return to work), he was turned down. Is the idea of paternity leave a reasonable one?


A minister in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, proposed some years ago that convicted murderers be executed public lyon prime time television. The chock of seeing such executions, he reasoned, would deter others from crime. Do you agree?

伊利诺伊州霍夫曼庄园的一位部长几年前提出,在黄金时间电视上公开执行定罪的凶手。他推断,看到这种处决的阻塞会阻止其他人的犯罪行为。 你同意吗?

Group discussion exercise: Select one of the cases you analyzed inapplication 2 and discuss it with two or three of your classmates. Try to reach a consensus, but be careful to avoid oversimplification. Be prepared to present your idea(s) to the class.


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