
【卢克】: You're telling me that she's behind me again, aren't you?
【杰森】: Nah[1], mate. She's just to your right[2].
【女狱警朵恩】: You really are one sick puppy[3]. That's a red card for dirty words offences. Category[4] D-oral[5]. Meaning, you said it. No phone credit[6] for a week.
【杰森】: And I'm docking[7] three...
【女狱警朵恩】: I clearly shouldn't have bothered, but I've managed to get you sorted with that single cell on D wing. Come on, soft lad[8].
【卢克】: You what?

【杰森】: I thought we were roomies. I thought you were my friends. Why would you ask to...?
【卢克】: Quick, just tell me the Roger thing. What did he do?
【杰森】: Why would I even tell you anything? Don't you even look at me.
【卢克】: I think there's been some sort of mistake.
【女狱警朵恩】: You specifically[9] asked me to...
【卢克】: Yes, to stay with my bezzie[10]...in the Ministry of Luke[11].