Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are short (few millisecond) bursts of radio waves observed from cosmological distances. Their origin is presently unknown, yet their rate is many hundreds per sky per day, indicating a not-uncommon phenomenon in the Universe. In this talk, Professor Kaspi reviewed the FRB field and presented new results on FRBs from a new digital transit radio telescope, the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME). This is the Bakerian Lecture 2021 delivered by Professor Victoria Kaspi CC FRS
--use to determine distance from measured dispersion
--this burst has to be coming from far outside our galaxy
1. Magnetars
2. repeat
they are little broader and have slightly different spectral properties
that is the distribution in radiofrequency space is also unusual compared to the non-repeating population
4.Hubble space telescope
--it's just outside of a star formation region
5.other ---Apertif