Words and expressions
1 Pedagogy (noun) 教学法
Pedagogic (adjective) 教学法的
E.g. Pedagogic principles 教学法原则
2 Breadwinner 挣钱养家的人
E.g. Most of time, males are the breadwinners in families.
3 Strong suit 为某人所长
E.g. I guess bragging is not my strong suit.
4 Calling 使命感;责任感;职业
E.g. His calling is to be a good teacher.
Teaching is not my calling.
5 Streetwise 吃得开
E.g. She is the most streetwise girl in her family.
Synonym: Street-smart
Book-smart 书呆子
E.g. He's book-smart but he's got no common sense.
6 Threshold 门槛;起始点;开端
E.g. Tax threshold 税收起征点
She felt as though she was on the threshold of a new life.