本篇课程首发于2018年9月30日,选自 Variety
Zhang Yimou's sumptuous return to form
① Black ink drips from the tip of a brush and daggers into clear water, spiraling out like smoke; rain mottles the sky to a heavy watercolor gray, forming pools on paving stones into which warriors bleed.
② Every supremely controlled stylistic element of Zhang Yimou's breathtakingly beautiful "Shadow" is an echo of another, a motif repeated, a pattern recurring in a fractionally different way each time.
③ After 2014's semi-autobiographical "Coming Home," which had soul but little spectacle, and 2016's "The Great Wall" — all spectacle and no soul — it seemed like the Himalayan peaks of the revered Fifth Generation filmmaker's career might now be behind him.
④ But "Shadow" is a thrilling return to form, which matches Zhang's best work for the sheer voracious elegance of the images.
⑤ Most strikingly, in styling the locations and costumes almost entirely in black and white, but shooting in color, Zhang, famous for his lantern reds and golden yellows, gives the whole film a monochromatic sheen.
sumptuous return to form: 华丽丽地重回巅峰
· sumptuous /ˈsʌmptʃuəs/: adj. 奢华的;豪华的
· return to form: 恢复状态;重归巅峰
drip /drɪp/: vi. 滴落;滴下
tip /tɪp/: n. (尤指细长物体的) 末梢;末端
brush /brʌʃ/: n. 画笔;刷子
dagger /ˈdæɡə, ˈdæɡər/: vi. 刺入 n. 匕首
spiral out /ˈspaɪərəl, ˈspaɪrəl/: 呈螺旋状散开;盘旋着散开
mottle /ˈmɒtəl, ˈmɑːtəl/: vt. 使呈杂色;点上颜色
paving stones /ˈpeɪvɪŋ/: 铺路石
· pave the way for: 为……铺平道路/做好安排;使……成为可能
The president's visit has paved the way for better bilateral relations.
supremely /suːˈpriːmli/: adv. 极其;极度地
stylistic element /staɪˈlɪstɪk/: 风格元素
breathtakingly beautiful /ˈbreθˌteɪkɪŋli/: 美得令人窒息的
relapse /ˈriːlæps/: n. 反复
an echo of another /ˈekəʊ/: 互相呼应;另一个的回音
a motif repeated /məʊˈtiːf/: 一个不断重复的主题
pattern /ˈpætən/: n. 模式;规律
recur /rɪˈkɜː, rɪˈkɜːr/: vi. 再次出现;反复出现
fractionally /ˈfrækʃənəli/: adv. 略微地;一部分地
semi-autobiographical /ˌɔt̬əbɑɪəˈɡræfɪkəl/: adj. 半自传式的
· semi-final: n. 半决赛
· semimonthly journal/magazine: 半月刊
spectacle /ˈspektəkəl/: n. 奇观;场面
Himalayan peaks /ˌhɪməˈleɪən/: 事业、人生的巅峰
revere /rɪˈvɪə, rɪˈvɪər/: vt. 尊崇;崇敬
· to show devoted honor to sb.
thrilling /ˈθrɪlɪŋ/: adj. 令人兴奋的;令人毛骨悚然的
· thriller: n. 惊悚片
sheer /ʃɪər, ʃɪr/: adv. 十足地;全然地
voracious /vəˈreɪʃəs/: adj. 如饥似渴的;野心勃勃的
elegance /ˈelɪɡəns/: n. 优雅
style /staɪl/: vt. 给予……某种风格;按特定形式设计
in black and white: 用黑白画色;白纸黑字
It's in black and white.
shoot /ʃuːt/: vt./vi. 拍摄;拍照
lantern reds: 灯笼红
golden yellows: 金黄色
· Raise the Red Lantern《大红灯笼高高挂》
· Curse of the Golden Flower《满城尽带黄金甲》
monochromatic /ˌmɒnəʊkrəˈmætɪk, ˌmɑːnoʊkrəˈmætɪk/: adj. 单色的;一色的
sheen /ʃiːn/: n. (物体表面或者纺织物所呈现出来的) 光泽;光彩