
Default commands

?sometext      --标记(高亮)包含此文字的session

As you type sometext, Fiddler will highlight sessions where the URL contains sometext. Hit Enter to set focus to the selected matches.


>size               --选择响应内容大于具体size(bytes)的session

Select sessions where response size is greater than size bytes.

>40000                 <--Selectresponses over40kb


Select sessions where response size is less than size bytes.

<5k                       <-- Select responses under 5kb

=status         --选择对应响应码的session

=method       --选择对应请求方式的session(get、post、put、option...)

Select sessions where response status = status or request method = method.

=301                        <--Select 301redirect responses

=POST                    <--Select  POST requests

@host          --选择请求包含对应host的session

Select sessions where the request host contains host. Hit Enter to set focus to the selected matches.               <--Select,,etc

bold              --根据请求URI中包含的字符串,将未来的session加粗显示

Mark any future sessions in bold if the url contains the target string

bold /bar.aspx

bold                           <--Call withnoparameter to clear(不带参数时,清除此功能)

bpafter          --根据请求URI中包含的字符串,将未来的session的响应进行断点

Break any response where the RequestURI contains the specified string

bpafter /favicon.ico

bpafter                  <--Call withnoparameter to clear(不带参数时,清除此功能)

bps                   --根据响应的状态码,将未来的session的响应进行断点

Break any response where the status code matches

bps 404                      

bps                    <--Call withnoparameter to clear(不带参数时,清除此功能)

bpv or bpm            --根据请求方式(POST、GET...),将未来的session的请求进行断点

Create a request breakpoint for the specified HTTP method. Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will disable the breakpoint.

bpv POST

bpv                <--Call withnoparameter to clear(不带参数时,清除此功能)

bpu                    --根据请求方式(POST、GET...),将未来的session的请求进行断点

Create a request breakpoint for URIs containing the specified string. Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will disable the breakpoint.

bpu /myservice.asmx

bpu                <--Call withnoparameter to clear(不带参数时,清除此功能)

cls or clear            --清除sesssion列表

clear the session list

dump                         --导出所有的session 为zip到c盘

dump all sessions to a zip archive in C:\


or go                       --释放所有断点

Resume all breakpointed sessions




Show this page


hide                      --隐藏fiddler到系统托盘中

Hide Fiddler in System tray



urlreplace          --替换所有url中的某个字符串为另一个字符串

Replace any string in URLs with a different string. Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will cancel the replacement.

urlreplace SeekStr    ReplaceWithStr

urlreplace              <--Call withnoparameters to clear(不带参数时,清除此功能)

start                      --将fiddler注册为系统代理

Register as the system proxy


stop                      --取消将fiddler注册为系统代理

Unregister as the system proxy


show                     --从系统托盘中恢复显示fiddler,在使用ExecAction.exe的触发规则时更有用

Restore Fiddler from system tray -- more useful when triggering rules from ExecAction.exe (see below)

select MIME          --根据响应头Content-Type中包含的内容选择Session

Select any session where the response Content-Type header contains the specified string.

select image

select css

select htm

select HeaderOrFlag PartialValue              --根据Header或者SessionFlag中包含的内容选择Session

Select any session where the named Header or SessionFlag contains the specified string.

select ui-comments slow                                    <-- 选择 comments 包含slow的session

select ui-bold *                                                      <-- 选择加粗的session

select @Request.Accept html                                 <-- Find requests with Accept: html

select @Response.Set-Cookie domain                    <- Find responses that Set-Cookie on a domain

allbut or keeponly                      --只显示响应头Content-Type中包含指定字符串的session

Hide all sessions except those where Content-Type header contains the specified string.

allbut xml

allbut java

quit                               --关闭fiddler

Shutdown Fiddler.


!dns hostname              查找DNS,并将结果显示在log界面

Perform a DNS lookup of the target host and show the results on the LOG tab



!listen PORT [CERTHOSTNAME]      监听一个额外端口,可选参数为HTTPS certificate的Host

Set up an additional listener on another port, optionally secured by a HTTPS certificate

!listen 8889

!listen 4443 localhost

!listen 444

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