The Chaperone FACT and Histone H2B Ubiquitination Maintain S. pombe Genome Architecture through Genic and Subtelomeric Functions
Pob3 控制5‘末端的基因;
Spt16 控制3’末端的基因;
知识点:组蛋白泛素化(酶: E1s, ubiquitin-activating enzymes; E2s, ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes; E3s, ubiquitin ligases)
H2B 泛素化激活转录,并在组蛋白伴侣分子FACT帮助下在转录延伸中发挥作用。
酶(deubiquitylating enzymes,DUB)的作用下移除泛素的反应过程。去泛素化酶 存在使得泛素修饰的调节具有平衡性.
H2Bub1 的泛素化通过促进组蛋白的其他修饰和在组蛋白分子伴侣 FACT 的依赖下改变核小体结构,从而影响基因转录。
1 FACT and H2Bub repress 5‘ and gene body antisense
transcripts, respectively # FACT and H2Bub 抑制5’和反义转录本
2 H2Bub regulates FACT genic distribution, histone binding,
and chaperone activity # H2Bub调节FACT基因分布、组蛋白结合和伴侣活性
3 The S. pombe Spt16 subunit controls 3' end of genes in the
absence of Pob3 # Spt16 亚基(无 Pob3 )控制 3' end
4 FACT maintains highly compacted subtelomeric knobs in
fission yeast # FACT maintains 裂变酵母S.pombe亚端粒highly compacted。
Genic and Subtelomeric Functions提出问题:
The histone chaperone FACT and histone H2B ubiquitination (H2Bub) facilitate RNA polymerase II (Pol II) passage through chromatin, yet it is not clear how they cooperate mechanistically;it is still not understood how and which genic nucleosomes FACT recognizes and how its activity is modulated in distinct
genomic contexts. Further, whether and how the two subunits of FACT have distinct functions has not been well studied in a genome-wide context.
组蛋白伴侣FACT和组蛋白H2B泛素化(H2Bub)促进RNA 聚合酶II(Pol II)通过染色质,不清楚如何作用;方法:We used genomics,genetic, biochemical, and microscopic approaches
to dissect their interplay in Schizosaccharomyces pombe(酵母)实验结果:
We show that FACT and H2Bub globally repress antisense transcripts near the 5‘ end of genes and inside gene bodies, respectively. (结论一)
The accumulation of these transcripts is accompanied by changes at genic nucleosomes and Pol II redistribution.(关系/)
H2Bub is required for FACT activity in genic regions.(结论二)
In the H2Bub mutant, FACT binding to chromatin is altered and its association with histones is stabilized, which leads to the reduction of genic nucleosomes(关系/)
in the absence of Pob3, the FACT Spt16 subunit controls the 30 end of genes(结论三)
FACT maintains nucleosomes in subtelomeric regions, which is crucial for their compaction.(结论四)
Histone chaperones are a diverse family of proteins that sequester histones from DNA and help deposit or remove them during DNA-based processes,including transcription, replication, and DNA repair.
======》FACT (facilitates chromatin transcription) 由两个亚基组成:Spt16和SSRP1/Pob3(FACT由亚基SPT16和SSRP11组成,促进基因转录、DNA复制和DNA损伤修复过程中的核小体解构和重建参考)
- Spt16 identified as a suppressor of Tyelements in Saccharomyces cerevisiae(酵母-酪氨酸的抑制剂)
- Pob3 was identified by co-purification with DNA polymerase I
The human FACT complex was identified as a factor essential for RNA polymerase II to transcribe through chromatin
转录延伸因子-FACT促进 - H2A-H2B dimers are bound by the unstructured C-terminal domains of Spt16 and Pob3 that compete with DNA binding to histones。(H2A-H2B二聚体与Spt16和Pob3的非结构化C端结构域结合-----》 与 与组蛋白的DNA结合竞争)
FACT is predominantly associated with gene bodies of actively transcribed genes in vivo
- FACT is overexpressed in various tumors and stem cells, suggesting a role in the maintenance of undifferentiated cell states
- implicated in genome stability and chromosome segregation.
- (H2Bub)与 FACT 有协 同 作 用 --->
- H2Bub contributes to FACT binding or stabilization at chromatin
- report showed that FACT stimulates deubiquitinase activity of Ubp10 in S. cerevisiae ---->
the interplay between FACT and H2Bub ---> complexity
Whether H2Bub has a direct role in FACT binding or chaperoning activity 未知;
used the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe as a powerful model organism to study FACT and H2Bub functions in genome organization.
1 deletion of the pob3 gene reduces FACT activity
show that within gene bodies, FACT and H2Bub contribute to the proper maintenance of genic nucleosomes and repression of antisense transcription at 50 and genebodies,(FACT和H2Bub有助于维持基因核小体并抑制5‘和基因的反义转录)
- RNA-seq(针对两个高度可重复的生物学样本中进行链特异性RNA测序)
作图-R 语言;多变量统计学方法PCA 分析和作PCA 图
PC1 表示尽可能最大解释数据变化的主坐标成分
PC2 为解释余下的变化度中占比例最大的主坐标成分
在该图中:可以观察到三个不同颜色的+表示的样本区域是重叠的wild-type (WT); H2BK119R; pob3Δ,
参数解读:log2FC(两组间某基因的差异倍数,fold change);其中,做差异分析,用edgeR 或者DEseq2等R包分析后产生fold change值;
参数解读:log2 fold change
差异倍数(fold change) :
用了log2 fold change后,差异基因里负数代表下调、正数代表上调
当expr(A) < expr(B)时,B对A的fold change就大于1,log2 fold change就大于0(y轴上半),B相对A就是上调;反之
结合上图,H2BK119R vs 突变体,有2,012个反义转录物显着上调;在pob3D vs 突变体,有2,450个反义转录物显着上调
--> 两组中反义转录本中存在正相关关系
- 在FACT突变体中, 994个基因表达明显上调,1001个基因表达下调
- 在H2BK119R突变体中,1,418个基因和1,374个基因分别上调和下调
- 虽然两个突变体中下调基因的数量相似,但结合下图它们之间的相关性相对较低
Spearman´s R 相关系数
--->提示 FACT和 H2Bub抑制的反义转录本之间存在显著的genes overlap
antisense:2,012 vs 2,450
Thus, FACT and H2Bub globally repress antisense transcription in S. pombe
热图包括距TSS上游1 kb和下游5 kb的基因组区域。基因按照长度和分组:I–IV(基因总计= 5,069)
研究---> 受抑制的反义转录物是否影响相应的有义转录;根据有义和反义转录之间的关系对基因clustered
染色质免疫沉淀(CHIP-seq)监测FACT和H2Bub突变体中Pol II Ser2P的伸长分布;
Pol II Ser2P 转录延伸复合物成员;根据其在野生型(WT)菌株中的表达水平对基因进行了划分;绘图如下
H2BK119R 突变体中的Pol IISer2P在最高表达的基因上减少,并且在所有基因的TTS下游均显示一个明显的峰(距离TSS500处)
- 已有研究报道 与Pol II Ser2P在3'末端加工 和 转录终止中的作用有关----->除了抑制基因反义转录外,H2Bub可能还具有功能与粟酒裂殖酵母的转录终止有关.
在pob3 突变体中,Pol II Ser2P信号在基因的5'末端附近增加,与该菌株中反义转录的增加相关。
WT中核小体对MNase处理具有不同的敏感性: ±1核小体的位置(第一个峰)以及上游基因间核小体对酶消化最敏感;+2核小体的位置开始出现相对抵抗
参考文献:MNase-seq 与核小体定占位研究
- 结合上图可以看出:+1/−1 核小体位置最好,采用最低浓度的MNase处理---->研究H2Bub和FACT突变体与核小体。
- 在H2BK119R突变体中,+1和 TSS近端核小体受到更好的保护,而从+2位置开始的核小体逐渐失去占据;
没有显示组蛋白信号(H3)在基因体中的减少----> 表明在没有H2Bub的情况下,基因核小体对MNase处理的敏感性增加,反映了不稳定或组装不正确的核小体,而不是组蛋白损失.? (使用R包画出)
基因核小体的这种损伤表现与在转录伸长过程中H2Bub在基因核小体组装中的作用是一致。----- 解释了:为什么the H2Bub mutant TSS周围的反义转录本没有增加。
- chr1:4278-4280
针对我pob3 mutant, TSS近端+1核小体位置 -有较低的峰(图2b)。
结合图2B和S3C,FACT突变体 在较高的MNase消化下,FACT突变体中的基因核小体密度降低;
- 在pob3 中存在不太稳定的核小体,不是整体的核小体丢失。
热图:以TSS附近 +1核小体位置为中心的 核小体 vs 差异倍数(fold change)-左:H2BK119R与WT,右:pob3D与WT;;基因体核小体位置用垂直虚线标记