1.什么是概念图(concept maps)?有哪些常见形式?
It is a way of organizing our ideas About a particular topic.So that the relations you see among the subjects can be displayed visually.
You could draw the map by yourself or use some software to assist you in designing and developing different types of visual maps.
幕布 x-mind
3. 反思:图3-2中的问题你平时备课都有涉及到到么?有哪些方面是以前的你容易忽略的?
Sometimes I may ignore the style as well as skills.
4. 教师的专业思维发展常体现在哪些方面?
When we have a pre plan and then we take actions. Bye. Letting the students engage.Where are you going? Our plans are not enough. So we will increase over awareness of many elements to be considered in conducting a successful lesson, identify The relations between these various elements and re organize our ideas to give priority to different aspects of teaching.I think the process of this is the evidence of professional development.