7th Apr. 2018
每日一进步:sit on heads
解释:字面上可以理解为“坐在手上”,同时也可以用来形容对某件事听之任之,无动于衷,比较消极地进行处理, 即坐视不理、袖手旁观。
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What are you going to do today?
Stay at home .
7th Apr. 2018
每日一进步:sit on heads
解释:字面上可以理解为“坐在手上”,同时也可以用来形容对某件事听之任之,无动于衷,比较消极地进行处理, 即坐视不理、袖手旁观。
Need any help of learning English?Don't sit on your hands! I can help you.
What are you going to do today?
Stay at home .