45. It is illogical to infer a second and different effect from a causewhich is known only by one particular effect. This is incorrect because theinferred effect must necessarily be produced by some different characteristicof the cause than is the observed effect, which already serves entirely todescribe the cause.
Which one of the following arguments makesthe same logical error as the one described by the author in the passage?
(A) An anonymous donor gave a thousand
dollars to our historical society. I would guess that that individual also
volunteers at the children’s hospital.
(B) The radioactive material caused agenetic mutation, which, in turn, caused the birth defect. Therefore, theradioactive material caused the birth defect.
(C) The tiny, unseen atom is the source ofimmense power. It must be its highly complex structure that produces thispower.
(D) The city orchestra received more fundsfrom the local government this year than ever before. Clearly thisadministration is more civic-minded than previous ones.
(E) If I heat water, which is a liquid, itevaporates. If I heat hundreds of other liquids like water, they evaporate.Therefore, if I heat any liquid like water, it will evaporate
46. Just as a bicycle chain may be too tight, so may one’s
carefulness and conscientiousness be so tense as to hinder the running of one’smind.
Which one of the following most closelyparallels the reasoning used in the argument above?
(A) Just as a clock may be wound too
tightly, so may one’s time be spent fruitlessly in the pursuitof perfection
(B) Just as a carousel may spin too quickly,
so may one’s rapid concentration on several problemsprevent a resolution of difficulties.
(C) Just as a machine may be oiled too much,
so may one’s heavy drinking of alcoholic beverageslead to complete dissipation
(D) Just as a raging river may be frozen
into stillness during the winter, so may one’s careerfalter at certain times of the year
(E) Just as a boxer may become too tense
before a big fight, so may one’s personal concerns stand in the way ofprofessional success