Geographic Background of the Chinese People
In the Confucian Analects Confucius said: "The wise man delights in water; the good man delights in mountains.The wise move; the good stay still. The wise are happy; the good endure." (VI, 21.)
In reading this saying, I feel there is in it something which suggests a difference between the people of ancient China and those of ancient Greece.
China is a continental country.
To the ancient Chinese their land was the world.
There are two expressions in the Chinese language which can both be translated as the world.
One is "all beneath the sky" and the other is "all within the four seas."
To the people of a maritime country such as the Greeks, it would be inconceivable that expressions such as these could be synonymous.
But that is what happens in the Chinese language, and it is not without reason.
From the time of Confucius until the end of the last century, no Chinese thinkers had the experience of venturing out upon the high seas.
Confucius and Mencius lived not far from the sea, if we think in modern terms of distance, yet in the Analects, Confucius mentions the sea only once.
He is recorded as saying: "If my way is not to prevail, I shall get upon a raft and float out to the sea. He who will go with me will be [Chung] Yu." (V, 6.) Chung Yu was a disciple of Confucius known for his courage and bravery.
It is said in the same work that when Chung Yu heard this statement, he was much pleased.
Confucius, however, was not so pleased by Chung Yu's overenthusiasm, and remarked: "Yu is more brave than myself. I do not know what to do with him." (Ibid.)
Mencius's reference to the sea is likewise brief.
"He who has seen the sea," he says, "finds it difficult to think anything about other waters; and he who has wandered to the gate of the sage, finds it difficult to think anything about the words of others." (VIIa, 24.) Mencius is no better than Confucius, who thought only of "floating out to sea."
How different were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, who lived in a maritime country and wandered from island to island!
From YLYK《中国哲学的故事》专辑S02E01