7:51-8:14 TED Talk
8:14-9:00 数学
9:00-10:20 大学规划
10:20-10:50 早饭
10:50-11:20 数学
11:20-12:20 MVC Quiz
12:40-15:10 健身
15:15-15:45 读书
15:45-19:10 赶路&晚饭
19:10-20:50 MVC Quiz
21:00-22:10 学Java
22:10-23:50 APES Exam
TED Talk《Stop making excuses, create your own reality》
-Write the top five dreams&the resources.
-Surround yourself with the right people---Supportive Enviornment
-Get it done!
(1)Foster an open enviornment
(2)Zero tolerance policy
(3)Be value-based
(4)Create a culture of listening