超详细英语讲解 别错过啦!

Summer days提及到暑假所带来的一些问题和影响 重点学习加分词汇和表达~~

Summer days

Drifting away

School summer holidays should be shorter

Excessively long breaks are bad for children and for social mobility

👏👏1)excessively long breaks=summer breaks=summer days (excessively=very=too much, drink excessively=excessive drinking, smoke excessively= excessive smoking, excessive competition=compete excessively, excessive consumption=consume excessively 过度消耗 提前消费 词性的转换,对英语学习超级重要!!! )

2) social mobility:  a person's ability to move to a different social class, usually from a lower to a higher social class 原来social mobility 指代不同阶层的流动性

3)drifting away 可以表示时光流逝

4)be bad for.... 可以用于口语方面代替以前使用的 is not good for... 另外以前在TE上看过一篇文章讲的是日本的过劳死,其中标题为:No one is happy with Japan's workstyle, but it is proving hard to change. So呢? be bad for可以与no one is happy with 呼唤下,简单的表达,但是蛮好用的。

5)school summer days should be shorter (因为是与过去的暑假相比,所以用比较级)

这也许是我过的最后一个暑假 🤦‍♀️,不过以后不用在暑假写论文啦 哈哈哈哈

YOU return from work on a muggy August evening. Your unwashed teenage son is on the sofa playing Fortnite, as he has been doing for the past eight hours. Your daughter, scrolling through Instagram, acknowledges your presence with a surly grunt. Not for the first time, you ask yourself: why are school summer holidays so insufferably long?


想想:当你在闷热的天气下,返回家时,看到你脏兮兮的儿子正在玩Fortnite,因为他已经玩了8小时。而你的女儿正在刷Ins, 当她看到你的出现时,抱怨不断。你总是会问自己:为什么暑假那么长呢?(我也有这样的体会,每次MOM看到我每天穿着同样的衣服时,而且没有收拾房间,没有做饭,我都会遭受一顿责备,而每次看到妈妈回家时,心里总会有 my mom's presence with a surly grunt)

👏👏1)Muggy weather is unpleasantly warm and damp. 闷热的天气真可怕!i hate the muggy weather.(Japan’s summers are notoriously hot and humid 与上文同义替换哦--people feel the heat--heatstroke----torrential rains and strong winds closed roads and suspended flights 平时去机场时,经常会出现天气☁️不好的情况,而这已经是家常便饭啦~)

You return from school on a muggy July evening

2)unwashed son 蓬头垢面的或者脏兮兮的

👏👏3) scrolling through Instagram (scroll through Wechat /Weibo /Facebook )--刷朋友圈 scrolling through moments

4) 同义替换:summer holidays=summer days =summer breaks=school summer holidays

                      insufferably long=excessively long breaks (insufferably=unbearablely)

5)your daughter acknowledges your presence with a surly grunt (surly:rude +bad-tempered 一直以为surly表示sure的副词,没想到表示粗鲁的 adj。eg:He became surly and rude towards me. 另外这句话可以描述平时当你看到不喜欢的老师出现时,你就会抱怨下 eg: you acknowledge your teacher's present with a surly grunt. you acknowledge your best friend's present with a surely happiness)He became surly and rude towards me.

This is a more serious question than it sounds (see article). Many children will return from the long break having forgotten much of what they were taught the previous year. One study from the American South found that this “summer learning loss” could be as high as a quarter of the year’s education. Poor children tend to be the worst affected, since rich ones typically live in homes full of books and are packed off to summer camp to learn robotics, Latin or the flute. A study from Baltimore found that variations in summer loss might possibly account for two-thirds of the achievement gap between rich and poor children by the age of 14-15. Long holidays definitely strain the budgets of poor families, since free school meals stop and extra child care kicks in.


结构:many children will return from the long break但是已经忘记了很多的知识----给于study的发现 (summer learning loss) --解释:说明穷人更容易被影响--再来一个study --总结:暑假会给穷人带来压力。

1)返回来上学怎么说:return from the long break (return from很简单的用法,但是出现了两次,可以多用用于口语!)

👏👏2) summer learning loss--variations in summer loss 终于知道了怎么说!(一放完寒暑假知识全部忘光,全部还给老师)

👏👏3)Poor children tend to be the worst affected, since rich ones typically live in homes full of books and are packed off to summer camp to learn robotics, Latin or the flute. 这就是社会现象,贫富差距的影响是什么:poor children--the worst affect,  rich ones---live in home full of books and are packed off to A to B, C or D 富人在暑假什么都学,所以导致穷人和富人的知识和见识差距越来越大。

pack (sb) off to somewhere: If you pack (someone) off to somewhere, you send them there to stay for a period of time. eg: during the excessively summer break, she packs her daughter off to summer camp to learn English.

👏👏4) A study from Baltimore found that variations in summer loss might possibly account for two-thirds of the achievement gap between rich and poor children by the age of 14-15.y因此上面👆提到的差距导致了成绩上的gap!!!! 有理有据,写的好。

5)Long holidays definitely strain the budgets of poor families, since free school meals stop and extra child care kicks in. ( strain the budgets of poor families 预算紧张,因为free school meals and extra child care stop/kick in, 表达因为时,可以多用用since)

kick in: If someone kicks in a particular amount of money, they provide that amount of money to help play for something. eg: i kick in 100$ to my good friend who suffer from cancer.

Youngsters will hate the idea of a longer school year. Many grown-ups will object to it, too. It would cost taxpayers more, since teachers would have to be paid for the extra days. Schools in hotter areas would spend a fortune on air-conditioning. Sceptics also note that, although those barely rested South Korean pupils do superbly in exams, they are often miserable. Is that really what you want for your darlings?

主题句:youngsters will hate the idea of a longer school year.

结构:youngsters and grown-ups 都不喜欢长假--原因:cost taxpayers more 老师+学校---反对者的想法---疑问句结尾

1)youngsters (替代young people)--- grown-ups (替代adult),  hate the idea of A= object to A (可以替代don't like / dislike, pay for =spend a fortune on,   poor children ---rich ones

2) 曾经看韩国教育的纪录片,了解到韩国的学生学习超级刻苦,每天学习到下午放学后,又继续到培训学校学习,直到晚上11点钟左右后才回家,在韩国大大小小的街上路人经常会在半夜看到许许多多学生很晚回家,而他们奋斗的目标则是进入one of top universities,如果他们没有进入顶尖大学则对他们以后找工作不利,因为以后企业公司直接在得到简历时,会把来自顶尖大学学生的简历放在一边,而另一些来自非顶尖大学的学生简历则被扔进垃圾桶里。所以下面这句话写的真妙:although those barely rested South Korean pupils do superbly in exams, they are often miserable. (多用用barely来表示否定,barely rested people表示很少休息的人, do superbly in exam==people who get good grades, miserable这个简单词汇可以用在口语表达中)

3)Is that really what you want for your darlings?看到darling这个词汇,想到前段时间看TE工业革命出现的一句话:British firms operated in a market where coal was cheap but labour was dear. dear=expensive ! 另外labour是单数哦!

We got no class, we got no principles

It would be unwise to import South Korea’s pressure-cooker approach, in which a single exam determines every child’s future. But plenty of Western children could usefully spend a bit longer at their books. Yes, it would cost money, but there are ways to pay for it. One is to have larger classes. Many parents are obsessed with teacher-to-pupil ratios, but there is scant evidence that they make much difference. The average Japanese lower-secondary class is more than 50% larger than the average British one, but Japanese children get better results.

长假所带来的影响是什么呢?We got no class, we got no principles---举例韩国的高压锅学习方式--转折西方孩子的学习---花在书上的方式有两种-- 其中一种是大课堂,但是并没有什么用--让人反思:日本的初中班级英国多,但成绩却胜于英国人

1 )It would be unwise to import South Korea’s pressure-cooker approach, in which a single exam determines every child’s future. ( it would be unwise to .... 。 import A ...approach。pressure-cooker approach 高压锅的方法,太形象啦还顺便学会个单词pressure-cooker考试决定未来)

2)plenty of Western children (Westerners) usefully spend a bit longer at their books  (usefully的词性转换。可以多用用a bit。在课本方面,注意需要用的介词是at!!!)

3)Many parents are obsessed with teacher-to-pupil ratios,but there is scant evidence that they make much difference. (比喜欢的程度高:痴迷)(用scant 来表明并没有。make much difference, scant 以及barely都比not 好用很多)很多家中are obsessed with 老师和学生的比例,但是scant evidence 可以支持这个论点。

4)get better results =get good grades取得好成绩~variations account for students' achievement gap.

More time in school need not mean repeating the same old lessons. Some extra drilling would be beneficial, particularly for those falling behind. But the summer could also be a time for different kinds of learning: critical thinking, practical skills, financial literacy, work placements with local firms—schools should be free to experiment. Space should not be a problem. Many school buildings sit idle in the summer.

主题句:more time in school need not mean repeating the same old lessons. (是呀,现在的很多课程都在不断repeating the same old lessons)---承认课外的额外的练习对差生有用---转折--提出问题:学校空间闲置也是一个问题

1) Some extra drilling would be beneficial, particularly for those falling behind. (some extra drilling=extra exercise, beneficial, for those falling behind)

drill: If you drill people, you teach them to do something by making them repeat it many times. 

👏drill sth into sb: to force (something) to be learned very well by (someone) by repeating it again and again  eg: Our teacher drilled the lesson into our heads.

2) 暑假 rich students live in homes full of books and are packed off to summer camp to learn robotics, Latin, or the flute~~~~学习这些可以带来的好处:critical thinking, practical skills, financial literacy, work placements with local firm

3)be free to ... sit idle 

Well-off children often already use the summer to broaden their minds and burnish their college applications at pricey camps or doing summer jobs found through connections. Schools should help the rest catch up. Other public services do not simply vanish for a quarter of the year. It would be unthinkable for hospitals or the police to do so. So why do schools get away with it? Their responsibility to educate does not end when the mercury rises.

本段提出两个问题:富裕家庭的孩子已经扩展视野(broaden their minds) 以及美化大学的申请(burnish their college applications)----怎么办,帮助差生 help the rest catch up, 另一个问题是公共的服务不应该在放假期间vanish 

👏👏 1) Well-off children often already use the summer to broaden their minds and burnish their college applications at pricey camps or doing summer jobs found through connections. 有是有钱人家做的事:开拓视野+打磨大学申请文书+通过关系找工作

2)学校应该做的:help those falling behind catch up+public services should not simply vanish

2) well-off children =rich ones~ disadvantaged family

3)So why do schools get away with it? Their responsibility to educate does not end when the mercury rises. 前一句提到(public service: hospital+police 学校假期的服务不应该消失,以反问来诉说。 教育的责任也许我会说 the responsibility of education, 但这里用education的v。最后when the mercury rises. 这儿指温度上升,那么也就是间接指代夏季)

所以总结下:暑假呢?---拉开贫富差距,让很多孩子got no classes, and got no principles


穷人家的孩子:strain the budget of families. 同时由于和有钱人差距相差大,导致achievement gap 变大

长时间的暑假导致 summer learning loss!!!

但是呢,对于年轻人和growns-up的人而言,很讨厌暑假,因为增加纳税人的负担,老师不得不额外支付那几天的钱,而且夏天学校不得不spend an fortune on ail-conditioning. 但是在另一方面,长时间的呆在学校里面并不意味着重复的上课,y也不能像韩国一样采用pressure-cooker approach, 而把更多的时间给差生。

同时,暑假带来的问题:学校的建筑物不应该sit idle during summer vacation,应该合理利用。并且be free to experiment. +the responsibility to educate should not end!!


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