详情可以参见<a href="http://dockone.io/article/246">Kitematic 是什么?</a>
<h4>Windows 和 Mac的安装方法请看<a href="http://dockone.io/article/246">这里</a></h4>
A lot of development is going around Docker Kitematic. Kitematic is basically a graphical User Interface that is used to manage docker containers. It integrates with the individual’s Docker hub account and one can manage and use his/her Docker repos using Kitematic.
许多应用构建与发展都是围绕着docker kitematic的,它是个用于管理docker容器的图形用户界面接口,它集成了docker hub个人账户并且可以使用它来管理个人的docker repos.
The project is still in its beta release and till date its only available for Mac OS and Windows, however, a lot of research is going around this project in the Linux community for its Linux release. Today, while reading about Kitematic, I came across a post to install and configure Kitematic on Linux here.
这个项目依旧在Mac OS和Windows上可用,然而,许多研究渐渐围绕并趋向于LInux社区的Linux发行版,所以,今天我在这里介绍我如何在Linux下配置Kitematic的
$~ docker pull jonadev95/kitematic-docker
$~ docker run --net host --name kitematic
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
--privileged=true -t jonadev95/kitematic-docker