9.write a query to create a table and make Customer ID as primary key ?
create table IF NOT EXISTS a ('customerid' int not null primary key); #sql server版本
create table IF NOT EXISTS a ('customerid' int not null PRIMARY KEY (customerid)); #mysql版本
10.Write a SQL Query to find the 2nd or 3rd highest paid employee from an employee table(EMPID, name, salary, Deptname) from every dept using employee table (EMPID, name, salary, deptname).
11.Given a table TBL with a field number that has rows with the flowing values: 1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1. Write a query to add 2 where number is 0 and add 3 where number is 1.
select case
when '0' then
12. How can you select all the even number records and all the odd number records form a table?
To select all the even number records from a table:
Select * from table where id % 2 = 0
To select all the odd number records from a table:
Select * from table where id % 2 != 0
13.Assume that we have 2 tables(A and B). write a query to fetch values in table A that are and not in table B without using NOT keyword.
14.write a query to get gross sales of every product.
select (sale_price-unit_price) as gross from table group by product;
15.Table called orders, write query to find out the customers have not placed any order.
select customer where customer_id not in (select customer_id from order);
16.write a query to find out customers and address, who have ordered IPHONE more than $800 from CA in the month April ?
select customer,address
from table
where product='iphone'
and state = 'ca'
and month ='april';
17.write a query to display the names of customers who have ordered more than 2 times?
select customer
from table
group by customer
having count(order_id)>2;
18.What will be the logic to remove duplicate records from table?
19.check the table structure DEPT(DEPTID, DNAME, LOCATTION), EMP(EID, ENAME, SALARY, DEPTID). write a query to get department details and salary of all the employees.
select *, e.salary
from dept d join emp e on d.deptid=e.deptid;