从膳食指南到大众健康——塔夫茨大学Alice Lichtenstein教授专访

Alice H. Lichtenstein 博士

Alice H. Lichtenstein 博士简介

Bio of Alice H. Lichtenstein, D. Sc.

Dr. Lichtenstein is the Stanley N. Gershoff Professor of Nutrition Science and Policy in the Friedman School, and Director and Senior Scientist of the Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA), both at Tufts University. Dr. Lichtenstein completed her undergraduate work at Cornell University, holds a Master’s degree from the Pennsylvania State University, and Master’s and doctoral degrees from Harvard University.

Lichtenstein博士是美国塔夫茨大学弗里德曼营养科学与政策学院的Stanley N. Gershoff荣誉教授,美国农业部老年营养研究中心 (HNRCA) 心血管营养实验室主任兼首席科学家。 Lichtenstein博士在康奈尔大学获得本科学位,在宾夕法尼亚州立大学获得硕士学位,在哈佛大学获得硕士和博士学位。

At the HNRCA Dr. Lichtenstein’s research group focuses on assessing the interplay between diet and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Past and current work includes addressing issues related to trans fatty acids, soy protein and isoflavones, sterol/stanol esters, novel vegetable oils differing in fatty acid profile and glycemic index, in postmenopausal females and older males. 

在HNRCA, Lichtenstein博士的研究组专注于评估饮食与心血管疾病风险因素之间的相互作用。实验室的研究工作包括在绝经后女性和老年男性人群中研究反式脂肪酸,大豆蛋白和异黄酮,甾醇/甾烷醇酯,新型植物油脂肪酸谱和血糖指数等不同的问题。

Dr. Lichtenstein currently serves the Executive Editor of the Tufts Health and Nutrition Letter and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Lipid Research. She served on the 2000 and 2015 (vice-chair) Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committees of the USDA and HHS, and 2003 Dietary Reference Intake Macronutrient Panel of the Institute of Medicine. Dr. Lichtenstein is a member and was past-chair of the American Heart Association’s (AHA) Nutrition Committee. She is currently serving on the Dietary Reference Intake for Sodium and Potassium review panel for the Institute of Medicine. Dr. Lichtenstein served as vice-chair of the 2013 AHA/ACC Guideline on the Treatment of Blood Cholesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Adults and member of the AHA/ACC Guideline on Lifestyle Management to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk panels. She is currently a member of the Food and Nutrition Board, and serving on the panel constituted to undertake a Review of Dietary Reference Intakes for Sodium and Potassium.

Lichtenstein博士目前担任“塔夫茨大学健康和营养信”的执行编辑和“脂质研究杂志”副主编。她曾担任美国膳食指南顾问咨询委员会副主席 (2015) 及委员 (2000) 、美国国家医学院 (IOM) 膳食参考摄入量 (DRI) 宏量营养素小组委员 (2003)。Lichtenstein博士是美国心脏协会 (AHA) 营养委员会的成员,并曾担任主席。她目前为IOM钠和钾DRI评估小组成员。Lichtenstein博士曾担任2013年AHA/ACC血液胆固醇治疗指南的副主席,以减少成年人的动脉粥样硬化性心血管风险, 并为AHA / ACC生活方式管理指南的指导小组的成员,以减少公民心血管疾病风险。她目前担任食品和营养委员会 (FNB) 成员,并在小组委员会任职,负责钠、钾DRI的科学证据审查工作。



Thank you for sharing your wisdom with members of International Chinese Nutrition Young Scholar Network (ICNYSN). As the Vice Chair of Advisory Committee for the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2015-2020), could you please explain the path from the committee appointment to final version of Dietary Guidelines?


Alice H. Lichtenstein


The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) has been published every 5 years since 1980 by the Federal Government. The preparation of the 2015 version started from late 2012 when nominations for Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) were solicited through a Federal Register notice. The committee was appointed by Secretaries of Human and Health Service (HHS) and Unite States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in May 2013. The committee then examined the 2010 DGA and determined whether new scientific evidence might inform revisions, or suggested new guidance with primary focuses on the systemic review and analyses of the evidence published since the last DGAC deliberations. The DGAC used a variety of evidence sources to develop its Advisory Reports. The Committee graded its conclusion statement using a table of strength of evidence grades (see below) adapted specifically for the use with existing reports.

自1980年以来,联邦政府每5年出版一次《美国膳食指南》(DGA)。2015年版本的起草工作从2012年底开始,当时通过联邦登记公告开始接受膳食指南顾问咨询委员会 (DGAC) 的成员提名。该委员会于2013年5月由人类和卫生服务部(HHS)和美国农业部(USDA)任命。委员会随后审查了2010年的DGA,并确定了新的科学证据是否足够进行新版修订。本次修订的重点为对自上届DGAC成立之后发表的新证据的系统审查、归纳和分析。DGAC使用了各种证据来源来制定其咨询报告。委员会根据现有报告,根据证据等级(见下表),对其研究的结论进行了评级。

In early 2015, the DGAC submitted an advisory report to Secretaries of HHS and USDA. The public is also welcomed to submit written comments to the DGAC throughout the whole process. By the end of 2015, the Secretaries of HHS and USDA and other federal staff wrote and released the 2015-2020 version of DGA to the public.



While the Dietary Guidelines have been widely disseminated, only few people know in detail of and comply closely with these Guidelines. What are the challenges you see in translating nutritional science to public health?


Alice H. Lichtenstein


I think that people have different priorities in their life. For some people, health is a priority and they are aware of the current guidelines. They generally know what a healthy diet is and the importance of engaging in regular physical activity. But there are some people who don't have that health literacy or they do not prioritize health in their life. Those are actually the people that we should try to reach the most, which is usually not easy to do. I don't have a magic answer for it and probably it’s going to take a multi-pronged approach. One of the things I think in the long run to be most useful is introducing food and nutrition education into the school system starting in kindergarten straight up through high school, because then people have a sound foundation. I think if we bring people up in a way so they really understand the relationship between food and health, maybe it's more likely we'll be able to reach those people.


For nutrition education, in general, I think we have to make things as easy as possible for people and the most useful thing is “food based general guidelines”, meaning we don't need to stress that blueberries are better than strawberries or that salmon is better than tilapia. We just need to provide very general broad guidelines that can be adapted to people's personal preferences, and ethnic and cultural back grounds. For example, a good diet is usually high in fruits and vegetables, but in reality, people are not eating enough. To begin with, it’s better to get people start eating more fruits and vegetables rather than telling them they need to eat specific kinds. The same thing with fish, people don't eat enough fish in the United States. So, we could not split hairs and say, salmon is much higher in omega three fatty acids than flounder and tilapia. If people aren't eating fish, just get them to eat whatever fish they're willing to eat. Then I think things like whole grains, they're ubiquitous in the market at a comparable price so it's just a matter of somehow getting people to make the change, but we need to understand that people change dietary habits slowly.



In Dietary Guidelines, the recommendations for carbohydrate, lipid, and cholesterol were changing over the past decades. As a senior cardiovascular nutrition scientist, could you please share how and why these changes were made?


Alice H. Lichtenstein


As far as the recommendation changes for carbohydrate, lipid, and cholesterol over the past decades, the changes were made on the basis of emerging science. At one point, it was thought that low fat diets were the best. There was an unanticipated consequence that people were taking fat out and substituting it with sugar and refined carbohydrate. That was unfortunate. Then the research showed that low fat diet induced hypertriglyceridemia, so the recommendation was changed from low fat to moderate fat. As far as cholesterol, the very first studies were done with very high cholesterol diets in rabbits, which can handle high cholesterol intake, and it just seemed logical. High cholesterol diet would raise cholesterol levels in plasma, but then science showed that the effect was stronger for saturated fat rather than dietary cholesterol, so we have to modify recommendation on the basis of what the most recent science shows: the quality of dietary fat is very important.



Conflicts are commonly observed in nutrition research. What is your opinion about this?


Alice H. Lichtenstein


There's an article that just came out in JAMA recently (title: Disclosure in Nutrition Research. Why It Is Different?). The article raised some important issues regarding conflict of interest. However, it is important to understand that now, for industry sponsored research, there are safeguards in place so the sponsors cannot influence the results of the study. It is not uncommon for there to be different findings on a topic among studies. What is important to do is understand whether there are just different results or there were design issues that could explain the differences. I don't think there are many people who really just fabricate or misinterpreted data for their own benefit. Sometimes studies can be designed with a certain outcome in mind, but hopefully the peer review process will take care of that. When there are conflicting studies it's just a matter of reading them very carefully, and trying to understand where there might be study design issues that cause the difference in results.

最近有一篇文章在《美国医学会刊》上发表 (标题:Disclosure in Nutrition Research. Why It Is Different?)。这篇文章提出了一些重要的和“利益冲突”有关的问题。然而,值得指出的是, 现在对于那些由工业界赞助的研究,是有一系列安全措施来保证科学证据的正直性的,因此赞助商一般不能影响研究的结果。而在研究中,一个显而易见的现实是,对于同样的话题,不同的结论并不少见。对我们来说,最重要的是去区分是否在事实上这些结论是相悖的,还是有可能是因为实验设计的不同而导致的结果的不同。我不认为大部分人只是为了自己的利益而编造或曲解数据。虽然有时候实验设计可以人为地使结论偏向某个方向,但是成熟的同行评审系统能够很好避免这个问题。每当我们碰见结论相互冲突的研究时,应该要很小心地理解其中的差别,并看看是否是因为研究的设计导致了结论的不同。


It is common that the media misinterprets nutrition evidence. As nutrition scientists and practitioners, what actions should we take to prevent this from happening?


Alice H. Lichtenstein


I think it's important to keep the media on message rather than letting them determine what we say. We should decide what point we're going to make. No matter how many times they ask the question in different ways we should make our points clearly and consistently. If I have the option to respond via e-mail usually do, then they'll more likely use that quote. Sometimes I will not talk to a reporter if I think they are very biased going into the interview, so anything I say will be misinterpreted. Most of the time, we just have to be very firm and clear, yet not get too much in the details. They don't want the details. They want a clear message. Sometimes the reporter’s background knowledge can be an issue. If they have no science training, they may not understand how things need to be kept in context. Certainly, we have to do a little more. Keeping things very simple is the key.

我认为重要的是给媒体非常确定的、我们明确想要表达的信息,而不是由他们去决定我们传递什么信息。 不管他们如何用不同的方式提出问题,我们都应该清晰而一致地阐述我们的观点。如果我可以选择通过电子邮件来回复,那么媒体就更有可能直接引用我在邮件中的原文,这样一来传递的信息就会有更少的偏移。有时,如果我觉得媒体对信息是有明显偏见的,我就不会选择和记者交谈,因为我说的任何话都有可能会被曲解。大多数时候我们必须非常坚定和清晰,但不用给太多的细节。媒体不想要细节,他们想要的是非常明确的信息。有时,记者可能不会有充足的背景知识来对我们传递的信息进行系统性的理解。另外如果他们没有足够的科学训练,他们可能不明白语境和前提条件的重要性,所以我们可能要花更多精力去思考如何给他们传递正确的信息。总之一句话,保持信息简单、清晰、一致是关键。


What is the trend of personalized nutrition in this era? What are challenges that may come along with opportunities?


Alice H. Lichtenstein


I think we're still learning about personalized nutrition and I suspect that different people do have different requirements for different nutrients. However, most of the time within the context of human consumption, we consume more than we need. We don't consume many nutrients at minimum amount. For example, even if two people have a different requirement for protein, because it’s very likely that they both consume protein in excess of their minimum requirement, it's probably not going to matter. I think the only time it really matters is if there's some kind of genetic inborn error of metabolism or whether there's a period of deprivation where there is not enough of certain types of food, which are extreme cases. Under normal circumstances, when we think about food, it is in the context of eating with other people. If we go more towards personalized nutrition we can make up some kind of bar that's perfect for each individual, but we could lose that whole social aspect of food. That would be unfortunate. I think we need to find out a little bit more about how much variability there is among individuals and then whether individualized requirements are really necessary, or whether we just have enough of all essential nutrients because our food supply is fortified with most things and we have an abundant amount of food.



In your opinion, what is the direction of nutrition research in the future? What will be the biggest challenge?


Alice H. Lichtenstein


Conducting large-scale studies. We can conduct well-controlled feeding interventional studies and it'll answer a certain question, but it will have relatively low generalizability. We can do lots of analytical work on those studies and generate lots of data but it's still not going to make it more generalizable. I think the most impactful studies we've had in the field of nutrition have been large-scale intervention studies. A lot of people are doing a lot of work, trying to figure out creative ways of conducting those in a cost-effective manner so that we can really have highly generalizable results.



For young scholars, what are the focuses of career development at early stage?


Alice H. Lichtenstein


To gain as broad knowledge base as possible. You don't know what you're going to be doing in 5 years, 10 years or 20 years from now. I wouldn't have anticipated I was doing what I'm doing. I think the broader your knowledge base, the more flexibility you'll have later on, even though it entails more work. It may not make you more productive in the short term but it may impact future tremendously.


Special thanks to Dr. Huicui Meng from Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory at Tufts University for proofreading English-to-Mandarin translation.



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