班级:L3-c 姓名:李思颖Seven 学号:20193000912
日期:2020.03.15 作业序号:001
题目:Some people say that playing a team sport,such as soccer or basketball,should be compulsory for students because it has many benefits.What are the benefits of team sport for high school student?
Team sports help students be successful inlife . Sports students playing together make them learn about cooperation ,which is very important to society , because people today do not work alone, they cooperate with colleague . Also ,that kind of sports is a way of exercise make students stay health .Furthermore , team sports can make people make a lot of friends .
Firstly , team sports is a good way to learnabout cooperate with others . When students play in a team , they have tocooperate with others to make their team good and win the game . A good team isnot only having some excellent players but also needing every team memberscomplement each other . During playing , students try hard to understandmembers advantages and disadvantages ,so that they make plans and help each other . At that time they would know howto work in a team , that is very useful in their future job.
Secondly, students do some sports togetherafter class is good for their mind and their body . While playing , studentscan relax from the school work , they would not feel press , not worry aboutanything else . Their mind have a completely relax . Moreover , students cankeep fit with doing sports . Students can not just focus on the class , theyneed some time to relax and do some sports to keep their body health .