开窗函数用于为行定义一个窗口(这里的窗口是指运算将要操作的行的集合),它对一组值进行操作,不需要使用GROUP BY子句对数据进行分组,能够在同一行中同时返回基础行的列和聚合列。
create table MYTAB
cid VARCHAR2(50),
name VARCHAR2(50),
score VARCHAR2(50)
tablespace USERS
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
prompt Importing table mytab...
set feedback off
set define off
insert into mytab (CID, NAME, SCORE)
values ('1', 'LS', '70');
insert into mytab (CID, NAME, SCORE)
values ('1', 'ZS', '60');
insert into mytab (CID, NAME, SCORE)
values ('1', 'WW', '80');
insert into mytab (CID, NAME, SCORE)
values ('2', 'BB', '90');
insert into mytab (CID, NAME, SCORE)
values ('2', 'AA', '80');
insert into mytab (CID, NAME, SCORE)
values ('2', 'ZL', '90');
insert into mytab (CID, NAME, SCORE)
values ('1', 'qq', '70');
prompt Done.
select cid,NAME,SCORE,
row_number() over(partition by cid order by score)rn,
rank() over(partition by cid order by score)rk,
dense_rank() over(partition by cid order by score)drk,
-- 窗口函数聚合
sum(score) over(partition by cid) as sum1,
sum(score) over(partition by cid order by score) as sum2,
sum(score) over(partition by cid order by score range between unbounded preceding and current row) as sum3,
sum(score) over(partition by cid order by score rows between unbounded preceding and current row)as sum4, ----但不等价于rows(自行体会)
sum(score) over(partition by cid order by score desc) as sum5,
sum(score) over(partition by cid order by score range between current row and unbounded following)as sum6,
sum(score) over(partition by cid order by score desc range between unbounded preceding and current row)as sum7,
lag(score) over(partition by cid order by score)lag1,
lag(score,1,0) over(partition by cid order by score)lag2,
lead(score) over(partition by cid order by score)lead1,
first_value(score) over(partition by cid order by score) first1,
last_value(score) over(partition by cid order by score) last1,
last_value(score) over(partition by cid order by score rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) last2
from mytab