Leon and Amy:
恋爱,love, dating. 失恋, breakup, lovelorn.
他一定是个很优秀的男人。He must be a very good man.
他很浪漫,她爱上了他。He was very romantic and she fell in love with him. 浪漫,romantic. 爱上了某人,fall in love with someone.
他对她很好。He was very kind to her.
和他分手了,她很难过。She was sad to break up with him. 分手,break up. 难过、伤心,sad.
振作点,让我给你个拥抱。Cheer up, let me give you a hug. 振作,cheer up. 干杯, cheers. 拥抱,hug.
他其实没那么喜欢你。 He was just not that into you. 这是比较少用的句式,有一部电影就叫《He's Just Not That Into You》。
放弃你是他的损失。It is his loss to give up you. 放弃,give up. 损失,loss.
他不是你的正确人选/真命天子。He's not the right person for you. 正确人选,right person.
你会找到你的真命天子的。You'll find your Mr.Right. 真命天子,Mr.Right.这是比较常用和通俗易懂的用法。
现在她什么事情都不想做。Now she doesn't want to do anything.
她觉得天空是灰色的,窗外是灰色的,所有东西都是灰色的。She thought the sky was grey, the window was grey, and everything was grey. 灰色,grey.
失恋就像生病,她过一个星期就好了。Lovelorn is like sickness, she will be good/OK in one week. 生病,sickness.
让她一个人呆着吧。Leave her alone.
时间可以治愈一切。Time heals everything. 治愈,heal.
好好休息,明天又是新的一天。Have a good rest, tomorrow is another day.