图片发自简书App 试译艾米丽·狄金森的一首情诗:归期 归期难必,亦既秋日维夏徂暑,且念且止浅笑盈盈,含嗔颦颦宛若幽妇,拂掸青蝇 归期难必,亦既期年绩绕节气,抱朴混沌如履如临,且贮且分佳期既至,只盼良辰 归期难必,亦既隔世纤纤素手,量之计之天地消磨,形体槁枯乃至碧落,垂垂老矣 归期难必,此生将尽汝予有命,迢迢相离且掷今生,如抛糠粃永生之水,饮之如醴 不日不月,君子于役悠悠苍天,曷其有极既刺且伤,仿若妖蜂唯赠毒针,蛰蛰不语 Emily Dickinson (1830–86) Part Three: LoveVI If you were coming in the fall,I'd brush the summer byWith half a smile and half a spurn,As housewives do a fly. If I could see you in a year,I'd wind the months in balls,And put them each in separate drawers,Until their time befalls. If only centuries delayed,I'd count them on my hand,Subtracting till my fingers droppedInto Van Diemen’s land. If certain, when this life was out,That yours and mine should be,I’d toss it yonder like a rind,And taste eternity. But now, all ignorant of the lengthOf time’s uncertain wing,It goads me, like the goblin bee,That will not state its sting.