


艾揚格箴言757: The body and the mind are in a state of constant interaction. Yogic science does not demarcate where the body ends and the mind begins, but approaches both as a single, integrated entity. 身心始終在相互交換的狀態。瑜伽科學並不限定身體從哪裡結束心靈從哪裡開始,但方法都是作為一個單一的,綜合的實體。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言758: Yoga asanas, while appearing to deal with the physical body alone, actually influence the chemical balance of the brain, which in turn improves one 's mental state of being. 瑜伽體式,雖然看起來僅涉及身體,事實上影響大腦化學的平衡,從而提高了人的精神狀態。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言759: The obstacles to this perfect balance were outlined by the sage, Patanjali, some 2,000 years ago in the Yoga Sutra.通向完美平衡的障碍由圣人帕坦伽利在大约2000年前的《瑜伽经》里提到。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言760: According to the sage, vyadhi or physical ailments, create emotional upheaval. The task of yoga is to tackle both.圣人帕坦伽利认为身心疾病或者身体疾病造成情绪的波动。瑜伽的任务是解决身和心二方面。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言761: The alleviation of pain is, even today, one of the main reasons for the journey into yoga for most people.即使在今天,缓解疼痛是大多数人走上瑜伽之路的主要原因。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言762: Yoga asanas work specific parts of the body to soothe and relax the mind as well.瑜伽体式作用于身体的特定部位,心也得到舒缓和放松。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言763: Yoga possesses the unique ability to calm the nerves. The nerves function as the medium between the physiological body and the psychological body.瑜伽有独特的镇定神经的功效。神经系统又是生理体与心理体之间的媒介。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言764: Practising yoga has the holistic impact of relaxing the body and calming the mind.练习瑜伽有舒缓身体、安抚心灵的整体效果。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言765: The primary aim of yoga is to restore the mind to simplicity, peace, and poise, to free it from confusion and distress. 瑜伽的首要目的是回归心灵的简单、安静和平衡,从困惑与苦恼之中解脱出来。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言766: This simplicity, this sense oforder and calm, comes from the practice of asanas and pranayama.这种简单、有序和安静的感觉来自于体式和调息的练习。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言767: Yoga asanas integrate the body, the mind, the intelligence and, finally, the self, in four stages.瑜伽体式通过四个阶段整合身、心、智,最后乃至自我。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言768: Spiritual awareness flows into the student of yoga through these stages. Duhkha, which is misery or pain, vanishes, and the art of living in simplicity and peace is realized.通过这些阶段灵性的觉知流进瑜伽学生的心。杜卡,也就是苦难或痛苦也随之消失,简单与平静的生活艺术实现了。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言769: The impact of yoga is never purely physical. Asanas, if correctly practiced, bridge the divide between the physical and the mental spheres.瑜伽的影响从来不仅仅是身体上的。如果正确练习体式,将架起连接身心的桥梁。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言770: Yoga stems the feeling of pain,fatigue, doubt, confusion, indifference, laziness, self-delusion, and despair that assail us from time to time.瑜伽遏制了疼痛、疲惫、疑惑、困惑、冷漠、懒得、自欺及绝望这些不时困扰我们的情绪。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言771: The yogicmind simply refuses to accept such negative emotions and seeks to overcome these turbulent currents on the voyage to the total liberation of the self.瑜伽行者的心完全拒绝接受这些负面情绪,并且在通往完全自我解脱的航行中努力克服这些情绪的波澜。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言772: Once we become sincere practitioners of yoga, we cease to be tormented by these unhappy and discouraging states of mind.我们一旦成为真诚的瑜伽习练者,我们将不再被这些不愉快和令人沮丧的心境折磨。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言773: Yoga means union.The union of the individual soul with the Universal Spirit is yoga.瑜伽意味着连接。个体灵魂与宇宙灵性的连接是瑜伽。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言774: But this is too abstract a notion to be easily understood, so for our level of understanding I say that yoga is the union of body with the mind and of mind with the soul.但这是一个抽象的概念不易理解,所以为了配合我们的理解程度,我说瑜伽是身和心的连接及心与灵的连接。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言775: Ninety per cent of us are suffering in some way, physically, mentally or spiritually. The science of yoga helps us to keep the body as a temple so that it becomes as clean as the soul.我们中的百分之九十人都会遭遇苦,身体上的、精神上的或精神上的。瑜伽科学帮助我们把身体如庙宇维护,这样身体如灵魂一样洁净。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言776: Yogic practices develop the body to the level of the vibrant mind so that the body and the mind, having both become vibrant,are drawn towards the light of the soul.瑜伽的练习是要发展身体和心一样充满活力,这样身和心都充满活力之后,从而导向灵魂之光。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言777: For the authors of the ancient texts, these names were like the keys on a keyboard. The keyboard has many keys but the music is one.对于古代文本的作者来说,这些派别名字像键盘上的琴键。键盘有很多琴键但音乐只有一种。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言778: Similarly, there are many words by which individuals express their particular ways of approaching yoga and the particular paths through which they reach the culmination of their art, but yoga is one.同样地,有许多言词可以表达个人对验证瑜伽的特定方式和他们达到艺术顶峰的特定途径,但瑜伽只有一个。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言779: Those who approach yoga intellectually say that r膩ji-yoga is spiritual and hatha-yoga merely physical.This is a tremendous misconception.以知性方式修习瑜伽的人说王瑜伽是精神上的,哈他瑜伽只是身体上的。这是一个极大的误解。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言780: As all paths lead towards the source, hatha-yoga too takes one towards the sight of the soul.就像所有的道路都会通向源头一样,哈他瑜伽也可以使人照见灵魂。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言781: The Hatha Yoga Prad墨pik膩 says that yoga is 'pr膩na-vrtti-nirodha'--stilling the fluctuations of the breath. Pata帽jali's Yoga S奴tra say that yoga is 'chitta-vritti-nirodha'--stilling the fluctuations of the mind.《哈他瑜伽之光》说瑜伽是稳定呼吸的波动。帕坦伽利《瑜伽经》说瑜伽是稳定心念的波动。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言782: By controlling the breath you are controlling consciousness, and by controlling consciousness you bring rhythm to the breath.通过控制呼吸来控制意识,通过控制意识来带来呼吸的规律。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言783: Like camphor becoming one with the flame, the mind gets absorbed in the flame of the soul. This is the culmination of hatha-yoga.就像樟脑和火焰合而为一,心被灵魂的火焰吸引。这是哈他瑜伽的成就。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言784: The text tells us that union of the mind with the soul is hatha-yoga.经典告诉我们心和灵的连接是哈他瑜伽。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言785: R膩ja-yoga is also the union of the mind with the soul, so there is no difference between the two. Yoga is one.王瑜伽也是心与灵的连接,因此两者没有区别。瑜伽是一。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言786: To practice yoga is thus to unite the body with the mind.练习瑜伽就是把身和心结合起来。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言787: For the cultured person it is also unite the mind with the intelligence and for the still more highly cultured person it is to unite the body , mind and intelligence with the depth of the soul.对于有修行的人来说,它也是把心和智结合起来的,对于更具修行的人来说,就是把身、心、智和灵魂深处结合起来。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言788: Yoga can also be seen as having three tiers: external, internal and innermost, or physical, mental and spiritual.瑜伽也可以分为三个层次:外在的、内在的、核心的,或者肉体的、心理的和心灵的。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言789: Though yoga is often considered in the West to be only physical, it is also a physio-psychological and psycho-spiritual subject.虽然西方通常认为瑜伽只是生理的,但它也是生理心理学和心理精神学科。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言790: Be inspired but not proud.得道,也别骄傲。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言791: Breath is the king of mind.


艾揚格箴言792: There is no difference in souls, only the ideas about ourselves that we wear.灵魂并无区别,有区别的只是我们加诸于自身的观念而已。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言793: Yoga allows you to find a new kind of freedom that you may not have known even existed.瑜伽会让你发现一种全新的、你未曾知晓的自由。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言794: It is through the alignment of the body that I discovered the alignment of my mind, self, and intelligence.正是通过身体的正位,让我发现了我的思想、自我、以及智慧的一致性。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言795: Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.瑜伽不仅改变了我们看事物的方式,也改变了看事物的人。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言796: Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.瑜伽教我们去治愈那些无需忍受的伤痛,也教会了我们去忍受那些无法治愈的伤痛。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言797: Yoga allows you to rediscover a sense of wholeness in your life, where you do not feel like you are constantly trying to fit broken pieces together.瑜伽让你重新发现生活中的一种完整感,过程中你并不觉得你总是在试图把破碎的自己拼凑起来。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言798: Yoga is a science which liberates one's mind from the bondage of the body and leads it towards the soul.瑜伽是一门将心从身体的束缚中解放的科学,并引导心迈向灵魂。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言799: When the mind reaches and merges with the soul, the soul is freed and remains thereafter in peace and beatitude.当心达到并与灵魂合一,灵魂就获得自由,从此保持在平合和至福的状态。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言800: Man attains that same freedom when the mind is released from the bondage of the body and comes to rest on the lap of the soul.当心灵从肉体的束缚中释放出来,来到灵魂的膝下时,人也获得了同样的自由。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言801: The first level of yoga consists of what can be called dos and don'ts.瑜伽的第一层次包括所谓的该做和不该做的。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言802: Niyama tells us what we should do for the good of the individual and society.遵行告诉我们应该做什么,以有利于个人和社会。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言803: Yama tells us what to avoid doing because it would be hardful to the individual and to society.持戒告诉我们应该避免做什么,因为它会有害于个人和社会。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言804: Although yoga is essentially a spiritual science, it leads to a sense of physical and emotional well-being.虽然瑜伽本质上是一门精神科学,但它也会带来身心健康。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言805: Yoga asanas help to ensure an even distribution of bio-energy, or life-force, which brings the mind to a state of calm.瑜伽体式有助于确保生物能量或生命力的均匀分布,这带给心平静的状态。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言806: A practitioner of yoga faces life not as a victim, but as a master, in control of his or her life situations, circumstances, and environment.瑜伽修行者不是以受害者面对生活,而是作为主人来掌控自己的生活的各种场景、境遇和环境。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言807: Asanas cater to the needs of each individual according to his or her specific constitution and physical condition.根据自己的具体体质和身体状况,体式能满足所有人的需要。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言808: In yoga, each cell is observed, attended to, and provided with a fresh supply of blood, allowing it to function smoothly.在瑜伽中,每一个细胞都被关注和照料,并被提供新的血液供应,使其能够顺利地运作。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言809: It is the practice of yogawhich removes this sluggishness from the body and brings it to the level of the active mind.正是瑜伽从身体去除这种惰性的状态,把身体带到了活跃的心的水平。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言810: Yoga is for everyone. There are asanas to suit everyone constitution, irrespective of age or physical condition.瑜伽适合每一个人。每一种身体状态,无论年龄或者体质的人都能找到适合的体式。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言811: A healthy body is like the flowing water of a river--always fresh and pure.健康的身体像一直流动的河水—永远清新而纯净。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言812: Yoga illuminates your life. If you practise sincerely, with seriousness and honesty, its light will spread to all aspects of your life. 瑜伽照亮你的生命。如果你带着认真和如实,真诚地练习瑜伽,瑜伽之光将照亮你生活的所有方面,——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言813: Regular practice will bring you to look at yourself and your goals in a new light.规律地练习瑜伽将带给你用新的视角来看待你自己和个人的目标。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言814: It will help remove the obstacles to good health and stable emotions.瑜伽将帮助去除通向安康和情绪稳定的障碍。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言815: In this way,yoga will help you to achieve emancipation and self-realization, which is the ultimate goal of every person's life.通过这种方法,瑜伽将帮助你获得解放和自我实现,这是每个人生命的终极目标。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言816: As the essence of the tree is contained in the fruit, so too the essence of your practice is contained in its fruit of freedom, poise, peace and beatitude.就像树的精华包含在果实里,你的练习的精华也包含在自由、泰然自若、平静和至福的果实里。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言817: Having followed these traditional precepts, or dos and don'ts, we then work for individual development through the interpenetration of body and mind,mind and soul.通过遵守这些传统的戒律,什么能做什么不能做,再通过身与心,心与灵相互渗透,致力于个人的发展。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言818: The third tier of yoga is described by Pata帽jali in the Yoga S奴tras as the wealth of yoga. It is the effect or the fruit of s膩dhana and consists of dh膩rana, dhy膩na and sam膩dhi.瑜伽师第三个层次被帕坦伽利在瑜伽经里描述为瑜伽的财富。它是三摩地的效果或者果实,包括专注、禅定和三摩地。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言819: Dh膩ran膩 is concentration or complete attention. Dhy膩na is meditation. Sam膩dhi is the culmination of yoga; it is a state of bliss and union with the Universal Spirit.专注是专心或者完全的专注。禅定是冥想。三摩地是瑜伽的高潮;它是极乐的状态和宇宙灵性的结合。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言820: Yoga works on each individual for his or her growth and betterment, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is meant for the whole of humanity. That is why it is called s膩rvabhauma, a universal culture.瑜伽对每个人的身体、心理、情绪和灵性的健康和改善都有帮助。它是为整个人类服务的。这就是为什么它被称为是普世法制,一个普遍的文化。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言821: The yog墨’s action are performed without vice and virtue, but with purity and divinity.瑜伽修行者的行为没有恶与善之别,只有纯净和圣洁。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言822: When you are at one within yourself, yoga does not end there.当你和你自己内在统一时,瑜伽并未在那结束。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言823: Having acquired a certain discipline in body, mind, senses, intelligence and consciousness, the yog墨 has to live in the world without getting involved in his or her actions.在身体、精神、感官、智性和意识获得某种训练时,瑜伽修行者依然必须生活在尘世间但行为举止超然世外。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言824: Yoga is firstly for individual growth, but through individual growth, society and community develop.瑜伽初始是针对个人的发展,但是通过个人的发展,社会和群体也得到进步。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言825: Each one has to train himself or herself, for without discipline we cannot become free, nor can there be freedom in the world without discipline. 每个人都必须训练自己,因为没有纪律我们就不能自由,没有纪律也终究不能有自由。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言826: Moderation in living is essential. This is why yoga starts with a code of conduct which each individual has to develop.自我节制在生活中是必要的。这就是为什么瑜伽始于行为守则,这是个人必须发展的。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言827: One who is undisciplined is an irreligious person. One who is disciplined is a religious person.没有戒律的人不是有信仰的人。有戒律的人才是有信仰的人。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言828: Health is religious. Ill-health is irreligious.健康是虔诚修来的。不健康是缺乏修炼。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言829: Religious life is not to withdraw from the everyday world. On the contrary, we have to harmonise our lives.修行生活不是从日常生活中分离出来的。相反,我们必须使我们的生活和谐。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言830: Yoga works on your conscience. Yoga works on your consciousness. Yoga works on your intelligence. Yoga works on your senses. Yoga works on your flesh. Yoga works on your organs of perception. Thus, it is known as the global art.瑜伽对你的良心起作用。瑜伽对你的意识起作用。瑜伽对你的智力起作用。瑜伽对你的感官起作用。瑜伽对你的肉体起作用。瑜伽对你的感知器官起作用。因此,它被称为普世的艺术。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言831: When your body, mind and soul are healthy and harmonious, you will bring healthy and harmony to those around you and health and harmony to the world—not by withdrawing from the world but by being a healthy living organ of the body of humanity.当你的身心灵健康与和谐,你将带给周围与世界健康与和谐——不是脱离世界,而是成为人类身体健康的生命组织。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言832: Diseases are common to all human beings, and yoga is given to cure those diseases.疾病对于全人类来说是共通的,瑜伽就是用来疗愈这些疾病。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言833: Nowhere in the ancient texts is it said that yoga is only to be practiced by the Hindus. On the contrary, Pata帽jali describes yoga as ‘s膩rvabhauma’. ‘Bhauma’ means the world; ‘sarva’ means all. Yoga is a universal culture.在古代的经典中没有说瑜伽只适合印度人练习。相反,帕坦伽利描述瑜伽似“萨瓦呼玛”,“呼玛”意味着世界,“萨瓦”意味着全部。瑜伽是世界的文化。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言834: For health and happiness, according to Pata帽jali, diet is not very important. But if you are to develop spiritual health, then dieting becomes necessary so that fluctuations of the mind may be stilled.根据帕坦伽利所言,如果为了健康与快乐,节制饮食并不重要。但是如果为了发展灵性的健康,节制饮食就变得重要,这样内心的波动才会安定。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言835: As you sow, so you reap. Mind is a product of food, so food will have an effect on the mind. Hence, for spiritual practice food is restricted, but not if you are only aiming for health and happiness.就像播种你会有收获一样。思想是食物的产物,食物会影响思想。因此,为了修行,食物是受限制的,但是如果你的目的仅仅是健康与快乐就不必。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言836: Yoga leads to that happiness where one is free from the defects of intelligence, emotions and instincts. 瑜伽达成的快乐,是能让人摆脱智力、情感和本能的缺陷。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言837: Do not make distinctions, saying that you are doing a better yoga than this or a worse yoga than that. Yoga is one as the world is one and the people of the world are one.不要分别,说你练的瑜伽比其他瑜伽好或者糟。瑜伽是一体的,就像世界是一体的,世界上的人也是一体的。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言838: Many may take one path as a key in order to experience self-realization while others take another path, but I say that there is absolutely no difference between the various practices of yoga.很多人选择了一条路作为体验自我实现的关键,而其他人选择了另外的一条路。但我要说,不同的瑜伽练习之间绝对没有什么不同。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言839: Yoga is meant for individual growth and for physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual defects to be removed.瑜伽是为了个人的成长和去除身体、情感、智性和精神上的缺陷。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言840: Yoga is designed for the removal of fluctuations and afflictions, pains and sorrows. 瑜伽是为消除情绪波动、苦恼、痛苦和悲伤而设计的。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言841: Artha, the acquisition of goods, allows one to liberate oneself from dependence on others. It is not a matter of acquiring wealth, but of earning one’s living to maintain the body in good health and the mind free from worries.赚钱金钱可以从依赖他人中解放出来。不是为了获取财富,而是能自食其力,保持身体健康,心无挂碍,——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言842: A badly fed body would become a fertile ground for illness and worry and would not be a fit vehicle for spiritual development.虚弱的身体将成为疾病和忧虑的肥沃土壤,不会成为精神发展的合适载体。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言843: Because the body is dwelling place of man, one should treat it as the temple of the soul.因为身体是人类的居所,所以应该把它当作灵魂的殿堂。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言844: From self-realization one moves toward God-realization.Thus ends the journey of man, who has move from the quest of the world towards the quest of God, or the Universal Soul.从自我实现走向神的实现。这样,人的旅程就结束了,他已经从世界的探索转向了对上帝的追求,或是宇宙的灵魂。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言845: The approach of a young child is very different from that of an adult.孩子学瑜伽的方式和成年人不同。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言846: A child’s mind is in the present and does not go to the past or the future. But adults always move to the past and the future and never in the present.孩子的心在当下,不会跑到过去和未来。成年人总是在过去和未来飘荡,永远不在当下。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言847: There is a moral concept in the philosophy of yoga which has ledto a great deal of misunderstanding. This is the fourth aspect of Yama, known as brahmacharya.瑜伽哲学里有一个道德概念一直饱受误解。这个就是持戒的第四个“禁欲”。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言848: According to the dictionary, brahmacharya means celibacy, religious study, shelf-control and chastity.根据词典,禁欲意味着独身主义,宗教研究,自我控制和贞节。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言849: All the treatises on yoga explain that the loss of semen leads to death and its retention to life.所有瑜伽文献解释说流失精液导致死亡,守住精液保住性命。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言850: Nevertheless, brahmacharya in the philosophy of yoga is not intended only for celibates.然而,禁欲在瑜伽哲学不单单指独身生活。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言851: Nearly all the yog墨s and sages of ancient India were married and had families. The sage Vasistha, for example, had a hundred children and was nevertheless considered as a brahmach膩r墨 because he did not seek only pleasure in sexual relations.几乎所有的古印度瑜伽士和圣人都是结婚和有家庭。举个例子,圣哲婆吒有100个孩子,然而他仍被视为一个禁欲者,因为他没有只寻求性关系中的乐趣。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言852: Brahmacharya is thus not a negativeconcept, nor an enforced austerity, nor a prohibition.禁欲是不是一个消极的概念,也不是强迫的苦行,也不是禁令。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言853: The married man or woman can thus practice brahmacharya to the extent that they do not abuse their sexuality, but control it.已婚的男女可以这样练习禁欲到这种程度,他们不是纵欲,而是控制。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言854: Today, in the name of freedom, everyone behaves like a libertine, but the life of a libertine is not true freedom.今天,在自由的名义下,每个人的行为都无拘无束,然而无拘无束不是真正的自由。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言855: Giving does not impoverish, withholding does not enrich.施不致贫,敛不致富。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言856: The five principles of yama constitute social ethics.瑜伽五持戒构成了社会伦理。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言857: The hardness of a diamond is part of its usefulness, but its true value is in the light that shines through it.一颗钻石的硬度只是它毫无用处的一部分而已,真正的价值在于通过照耀它,钻石才能发光发亮。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言858: Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.瑜伽教会了我去治愈那些无法承受的伤痛,也教会了我去忍受那些不可治愈的伤痛。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言859: There is no difference in souls, only the ideas about ourselves that we wear.灵魂并无区别,有区别的只是我们加诸于自身的观念。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言860: For me, brahmacharya is happy married life, since the married man or woman learns to love their partner both with the head and the heart.对我而言,“禁欲”是快乐的婚姻生活,因为已婚的男女学着用脑和心去爱伴侣。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言861: Each individual should observe a certain discipline within society. Only freedom combined with discipline is true freedom.每个人都应该遵守社会的某一纪律。只有自由与纪律相结合才是真正的自由。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言862: A brahmach膩r墨 is one who is steeped in the study of sacred Vedic knowledge, who is at all times in contact with the very core of his being, and who therefore perceives the divinity in all persons.一个禁欲的人是沉浸在神圣的吠陀知识的学习,他一直与其存在的核心链接,因此他认为神性在所有人中。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言863: I pray to Lord Pata帽jali, to whom I am indebted for having built me to this level.我向帕坦伽利祈祷,我很感激他把我提升到了这个水平。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言864: While practicing or teaching,I could express the outer beauty of an 膩sana with utmost inner attention.无论是练习或者教授,我都能以内在最专注的精神来表现体式外在的美。——《艾揚格箴言》第八輯(于伽編譯)

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