



如果你们的公司预算微薄,或者你是在一个上市公司内担任C&B(薪酬与福利)总监,并且你最大任务之一是要降低员工奖励制度的成本,那么恭喜你,你来对地方了!首先要提到的是,我一直很讨厌旧同事和表现不佳的下属追着上司要更多的薪酬。因为他们根本不值那个价——为什么要给这些效率极低的员工们更多的报酬呢? 哎,我见过我很多客户因为自己的下属进行了对自己不利的劳动合同的谈判,变成了最终受害者,还得眼睁睁地看着这些糟糕的员工将优厚的薪水存进账户——扣这些员工的工资他们都应该感恩了,谁会在意他们辞职呢?只想说“赶紧滚吧,不送了”。不过对于那些表现足够优秀、值得表扬的员工们,我的原则就是:一定要好好地、适当地,去支付他们所应得的薪水。



当我们开始思考如何执行一个补充金钱奖励的低预算甚至零预算制度时,我需要所有拥有权限管理自己公司福利和薪酬架构的读者们,一定要确保员工在他们的工作环境里感到Empowered(也就是有关键发挥的空间)。对于这个英语单词Empowerment, 更详细的解释就是:在员工完成每一项任务中,哪怕多么无聊、多么乏味,他都能意识到背后的意义和目的都至关重要。而对于那些想在目前公司提升自己的工作动力的读者,也一定要确保这种工作环境存在——不然你永远不会感受到一份有意义的工作带来的快乐,待在雇主面前的每一秒都在浪费你宝贵的生命!

如果一个激励制度没有明确地指出员工在哪些方面需要“正强化”,那么这个制度还有什么用呢? 它的意义就是在良好的工作行为上进行正强化,但如果你连这种行为的本身应该是什么都不清楚,那么它便毫无意义。如果想在员工激励制度上节省成本,这一点一定要尽快让相关部门列入工作事项。


请记住,即使金钱是生存必不可少的东西,但雇主对金钱的过度重视却是让员工产生消极情绪。因为他们一旦感觉雇主在用金钱来“购买”他们的劳动力,他们会觉得这仅仅是一场交易,他们完全没有必要超越工作的范围;当你把他们当作企业的“佣兵”,雇员们便会自动建立这种的思维态度,也自然无法表现出作为“组织员公民”(organizational citizenship)应有的工作表现。

在本文的下一部分中,我将分享另外一种低成本的方法奖励你的员工们 - 提供他们能在职场上促进个人发展的机会,无论是在学习方面或是提供更多曝光的机会。除此之外,我也会分享一些在关于利用低成本激励制度的常见问题以及我的答案和建议,所以敬请期待,而且不要忘记关注我(AndyZ老师)!


- Prior to you starting to gamify, you need to think about the rewards

- Meaningful Work environment

- Identify what needs to be reinforced

- Communicate: Praise (not just 1 on1, but can be in front of everybody) and dialogue!

- Development: Training, opportunities for more exposure

- Remember, money can be a huge demotivator, if they feel you are buying them out, they will only do work that is required of them and no need to go beyond: if you treat them as a mercenary, they will act as one and lack of organizational citizenship

My line of work and professional interests mean that I work with clients that deal with students and employees. Do you know one of the hardest things about working with the latter group of people? Unless you’re totally zoned out, yes you should have realized now it’s keep them happy and interested to continue working for you.

Wait, so does that mean burning a lot of cash to win them over?

So if you’re a company with little budget, or even if you’re a stock-listed company but your job as a compensation and benefits director is to help squeeze costs when it comes to rewarding people, then you’ve come to the right place! Okay, first things first. I’ve hated seeing colleagues or even under-performing staff trying to bargain for more money when they don’t deserve it - why reward ineffective people?! Heck, I’ve seen my clients over and over again become victims of poor contract negotiations and watch their awful employees pocket fat paychecks - even salary reductions are appropriate and who cares if they leave, good riddance! However, when it comes to rewarding people that have performed admirably, I do not condone on skipping this out! If you want your best people to feel pumped, pay them appropriately.

But just rewarding with money is not enough (I’ll explain in other articles), especially for most companies you wouldn’t be able to retain your top talent because just money does not inspire them. Fear not, let me teach you a few tricks that you may or may not already know, but how to actually put them into practice, as they are great ways to supplement monetary rewards.

All roads lead to gamification, and as someone who has consistently written about this topic, it’s one of the best ways to motivate and incentivizing employees, while at the same time keeping interest levels up there. Prior to this though, we need to think about reinforcement.

To begin thinking about how to actually institute a low to no budget method in addition to money incentives, I need all my readers who are overseeing their company’s compensation structures to make sure that employees feel empowered in their work environment. By empowerment, this refers to the fact that every single tasks that employees do, no matter how mundane they are, has a meaning and purpose behind it. And for those readers that are looking to increase their motivation within the context of their organization, make sure your company has this sort of work environment, or you’re simply wasting your time because you will never feel happy there.

What use is a motivational system if it doesn’t correctly identify what areas do employees need reinforcement? The whole idea of such system is that you are giving them positive reinforcement for good behavior, but if you aren’t even clear of what that good behavior is, then it’s pointless, especially if you are trying to be thrifty with your reinforcement, which is very reasonable in itself as the “good behavior” aspect definitely needs to be amplified.

After identifying the desired good behavior, now it’s time to communicate! Keeping open lines of communication - this piece of advice is age-old and I must’ve seen thousands of articles promoting such advice, but I never get tired of mentioning a lot of “duh” advice because companies still fail to implement this. Praising is one of the best forms of “open” communication, and you don’t always have to do it privately, but in front of others or even over a company meeting, email as well. This makes the employee feel good about the work that they’ve done and more important makes them realize that they can provide worthwhile contribution. Another very important aspect of this “open” communication is proper dialogue daily, and while this is not a reward per se because you really should be doing this anyway. Sadly, most managers often complain they get caught up with corporate politics in addition to their own hectic work schedule as well as nagging their subordinate to get things done. Here’s my simple trick to communication - make an effort at the end of the day to communicate five bullet points to the employee: each point is regarding corporate affairs (that can be shared with them) and career development within the organization, while having the last point become praise of the day, should they deserve it. This will make them feel empowered as mentioned earlier, and one mild compliment is not enough to bloat their ego!

Remember, while everyone needs money to survive, overemphasis on money can be actually be a huge demotivator, if they feel you are buying them out, they will only do work that is required of them to fulfill this transaction and no need to go beyond. Once you treat them as a mercenary, they will act as one and will lose any organizational citizenship behavior.

In the next part of this article, I’ll also share another way to reward your employees - providing them with development opportunities, whether it is through learning or through more exposure, as well as some common questions asked when using low budget reward systems and how to overcome, so please stay tuned and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel!


- Multicultural and multilingual: Grew up and lived in a number of countries, American-born Chinese and Third Culture Kid (TCK)

多文化和多语言:在多个国家成长和居住;美籍华人, 典型第三文化人士(TCK)

- Leader in empowering corporate training and recruitment professionals with assessment methodologies and project-based learning andragogy


- Decade of experience in education and training, and expert in China


- UC Berkeley Alumni Club Ex-Leader and Recruitment Ambassador


- Third-party Interviewer for College Admissions


- Helped build a number of college admissions counseling departments


- Unlike most “education experts”, personally attended more than a dozen schools growing up and personally went through the AP, IB, British, Singaporean and Hong Kong education systems


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