两端证书的安装 模拟器也有:
要注意的是 有的程序要校验根证书 他们不接受charles的证书并且 会话也会失败
SSL Pinning
Note that some apps implement SSL certificate pinning which means they specifically validate the root certificate. Because the app is itself verifying the root certificate it will not accept Charles's certificate and will fail the connection. If you have successfully installed the Charles root SSL certificate and can browse SSL websites using SSL Proxying in Safari, but an app fails, then SSL Pinning is probably the issue.
ssl pinning 几种
charles 的ssl 代理设置 里会对你列出来的网站和端口 解决和注册证书 就可以抓这些站点了.
抓包发现有的网站是connect , 搞了半天, 加入到ssl proxying 列表里面就行了... 有可能就是跟ssl pinning 有关. 2017-02-09 18:54:01