This chapter covers
- Training homogeneous parallel ensembles
- Implementing and understanding how Bagging works
- Implementing and understanding how Random Forest works
- Training variants with pasting, random subspaces, random patches and ExtraTrees
- Using bagging and random forests in practice
To recap, an ensemble method relies on the notion of “wisdom of the crowd”: the combined answer of many diverse models is often better than any one individual answer.
Parallel ensemble methods, as the name suggests, train each component base estimator independently of the others, which means that they can be trained in parallel. As we will see, parallel ensemble methods can be further distinguished as homogeneous and heterogeneous parallel ensembles depending on the kind of learning algorithms they use.
The class of homogeneous parallel ensemble methods includes two popular machine-learning methods, one or both of which you might have come across and even used before: bagging and random forest.
Recall that the two key components of an ensemble method are: ensemble diversity and model aggregation. Since homogeneous ensemble methods use the same learning algorithm on the same data set, how can they generate a set of diverse base estimators? They do this through random sampling of either the training examples (as bagging does) or features (as some variants of bagging do) or both (as random forest does).
2.1 Parallel Ensembles
Recall Dr. Randy Forrest, our ensemble diagnostician from Chapter 1. Every time Dr. Forrest gets a new case he solicits the opinions of all his residents. He then decides the final diagnosis from among those proposed by his residents (Figure 2.1, top). Dr. Forrest’s diagnostic technique is successful because of two reasons.
- He has assembled a diverse set of residents, with different medical specializations, which means they think differently about each case. This is works out well for Dr. Forrest as it puts several different perspectives on the table for him to consider.
- He aggregates the independent opinions of his residents into one final diagnosis. Here, he is democratic and selects the majority opinion. However, he can also aggregate his residents’ opinions in other ways. For instance, he can weight the opinions of his more experienced residents higher. This reflects that he trusts some residents more than others, based on factors such as experience or skill, that mean they are right more often than other residents on the team.
Dr. Forrest and his residents are a parallel ensemble (Figure 2.1. bottom). Each resident in our example above is a component base estimator (or base learner) that we have to train. Base estimators can be trained using different base algorithms (leading to heterogeneous ensembles) or the same base algorithm (leading to homogeneous ensembles).
2.2 Bagging: Bootstrap Aggregating
Bagging, short for bootstrap aggregating, was introduced by Leo Breiman in 1996. The name refers to how bagging achieves ensemble diversity (through bootstrap sampling) and performs ensemble prediction (through model aggregating).
Bagging uses the same base machine-learning algorithm to train base estimators. So how can we get multiple base estimators from a single data set and a single learning algorithm, let alone diversity? By training base estimators on replicates of the data set.
Bagging consists of two steps as illustrated in Figure 2.3:
- during training, bootstrap sampling, or sampling with replacement is used to generate replicates of the training data set that are different from each other but drawn from the original data set; this ensures that base learners trained on each of the replicates are also different from each other;
- during prediction, model aggregation is used to combine the predictions of the individual base learners into one ensemble prediction. For classification tasks, the final ensemble prediction is determined by majority voting, for regression tasks, by averaging.
2.2.1 Intuition: Resampling and Model Aggregation
Bootstrap Sampling: Sampling with Replacement
When sampling with replacement, some objects that were already sampled have a chance to be sampled a second time (or even a third, or fourth, and so on) because they were replaced. In fact, some objects may be sampled many times, while some objects may never be sampled.
Thus, bootstrap sampling naturally partitions a data set into two sets: a bootstrap sample (with training examples that were sampled at least once) and an out-of-bag (oob) sample (with training examples that were never sampled even once).
The Out-of-Bag Sample
The oob sample is effectively a held-out set and can be used to evaluate the ensemble without the need for a separate validation set or even a cross-validation procedure.
The error estimate computed using out-of-bag instances is called the out-of-bag error or the oob score.
import numpy as np
bag = np.random.choice(range(0, 50), size=50, replace=True)
array([ 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10, 10, 11, 13, 14, 14, 15, 17,
18, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 38, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 43, 43, 46, 48, 49])
oob = np.setdiff1d(range(0, 50), bag)
array([ 0, 4, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 30, 31, 33, 34, 40, 44, 45, 47])
To summarize: after one round of bootstrap sampling, we get one bootstrap sample (for training a base estimator) and a corresponding oob sample (to evaluate that base estimator).
When we repeat this step many times, we will have trained several base estimators and will also have estimated their individual generalization performances through individual oob errors. The averaged oob error is a good estimate of the performance of the overall ensemble.
0.632 Bootstrap
When sampling with replacement, the bootstrap sample will contain roughly 63.2% of the data set, while the oob sample will contain the other 36.8% of the data set.
We can show this by computing the probabilities of a data point being sampled. If our data set has n training examples, the probability of picking one particular data point x in the bootstrap sample is 1 / n. The probability of not picking x in the bootstrap sample (that is, picking x in the oob sample) is 1 - ( 1 / n ).
For n data points, the overall probability of being selected in the oob sample is (for sufficiently large n).
Thus, each oob sample will contain (approximately) 36.8% of the training examples, and the corresponding bootstrap sample will contain (approximately) the remaining 63.2% of the instances.
Model Aggregation
For classification tasks, majority voting is used to aggregate predictions of individual base learners. The majority vote is also known as the statistical mode. The mode is simply the most frequently occurring element and is a statistic similar to the mean or the median.
We can think of model aggregation as averaging: it smooths out imperfections among the chorus and produces a single answer reflective of the majority. If we have a set of robust base estimators, model aggregation will smooth out mistakes made by individual estimators.
2.2.2 Implementing Bagging
We can implement our own version of bagging easily. Each base estimator in our bagging ensemble is trained independently using the following steps:
- Generate a bootstrap sample from the original data set
- Fit a base estimator to the bootstrap sample
Independently here means that the training stage of each individual base estimator takes place without consideration of what is going on with the other base estimators.
- We use decision trees as base estimators;
- the maximum depth can be set using the parameter
- the maximum depth can be set using the parameter
- We will need two other parameters:
, the ensemble size and -
, the size of the bootstrap subset, that is, the number of training examples to sample (with replacement) per estimator.
- Our naïve implementation trains each base decision tree sequentially.
- If it takes 10 seconds to train a single decision tree, and we are training an ensemble of 100 trees, it will take our implementation 10 sec. x 100 = 1000 seconds of total training time.
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
def bagging_fit(X, y, n_estimators, max_depth=5, max_samples=200):
n_examples = len(y)
# Create a list of untrained base estimators
estimators = [
for _ in range(n_estimators)
for tree in estimators:
# Generate a bootstrap sample
bag = np.random.choice(n_examples, max_samples, replace=True)
# Fit a tree to the bootstrap sample[bag, :], y[bag])
return estimators