我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持3个月了.
你想要甩掉字幕吗? 跟着我一起开始听写吧! 拿出纸和笔, 把你听懂的句子写下来, 随意暂停和查字典, 听懂一句是一句. 只有当你开始行动了, 改变才会开始. 听完之后把你的听写心得写在评论里.
If I touch a burning kindle(candle), I can feel no pain.
and the eyes in surrounding the sun(in the ice, or in the sun) it's all the same
yet I feel my heart was(is) aching.
though it doesn't beat. it's breaking
and the pain here that I feel
try and tell me it's sorry(not real)
I know that I am dead
yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed
(电子书看多了, 把蜡烛形成kindle了, 木哈哈哈)
a round stick of wax with a piece of string (called a wick ) through the middle which is lit to give light as it burns
a flickering candle
The room was lit by candles.
to blow out/snuff out a candle