新概念英语1册 lesson 103-122笔记

Lesson 103

--exam  n.考试(examination 较为正式一些)

--He is a good student.

He usually gets over 80 points in any exam.他是个好学生,他任何考试通常都在80分以上。

--an entrance exam= an

entrance examination 入学考试

--a midterm exam/

examination 期中考试

--a final exam/ a final

examination 期末考试

--take an exam 参加考试

--pass an exam/

examination 考试及格

--fail an exam/ fail an

examination 考试不及格

--cheat in an exam/examination  考试作弊

--test (专项技能的)考试

--driving test 驾照考试


1) v. 及格,通过

--Only ten students

passed the examination. 只有十名学生通过了考试。

--pass in +具体学科

--pass in mathematics 通过数学考试

2) 通过,前进

--The road is only wide

enough for cars to pass. 这条路宽度只够小汽车通过。


--Every day I see him. He

always passes me with a nod. 每天我看到他,他都点个头和我擦肩而过。

4)把…递给… (接双宾语)

--pass sb sth= pass sthto sb

--Please pass him the

paper.= Please pass the paper to him. 请把这张纸传给他。


--Come on! You’ll be

fine. The sorrow will pass. 好了,你会没事的,悲伤会过去的。

--mathematics    n.数学(maths是缩写)

--She is poor at

mathematics. 她数学不太好。

--Are you good at

mathematics? 你数学好吗?

--I passed in mathematics



1) n. 问题(反义词answer)

--question and answer

--questions and answers 问题和解答

--May I ask you a

question? 我能问你个问题吗?

--I can’t answer the last

tow questions. 最后两个问题我回答不上来。

--beside the question 离题的

--beyond question 毫无疑问

--He is beyond question

the best student in this class. 他确实是这个班最好的学生。

--out of thequestion   根本不可能

--It is out of the

question to make him help us. 让他帮助我们是不可能的。

2)v. 询问,审问

--I’ll question him about

what he was doing yesterday. 我想问他昨天做了些什么?

4)  v.杯疑,对…提出异议

--I question his honesty.我怀疑他是否诚实。

--easy adj.

1) 简单的,容易的 反义词difficult

--This is an easy

question. 这是个简单的问题。

--This is an easy job.

--easy to do 容易做…

--The task is easy to do.这个工作容易做。

--It’s easy for sb todo…   对某人来说做某事很容 易

--It is easy for him to

learn English. 对他来说,学习英文很容易。

--It is not easy for her

grandfather to lift the box. 对她的爷爷来说,把这个箱子抬起来真不容易。


--lead an easy life 过安逸的生活。

3) 宽大的,温顺的,不严厉的

--be easy on sb / be easy

with sb 对…宽容,不 严厉

--Why are you so easy on

her? 你为什么那么宽容她?


--Take is easy ! 放心好了,别着急。

--easy does it慢点儿, 小心点


1) adv. 足够地

--He runs fast enough to

catch up with his friend. 他跑得够快,能够赶上他的朋友。

--enough for sb to do 足够做….

--This room is big enough

for us to live in . 这个房间我们住足够大了。

--You are not old enough

to do it. 你还太小,不能做这件事情。

2)adj. 充足的

--Do you have enough time

to do it? 你有时间作这件事吗?

--Do you have enough

chairs for everyone? 你有足够的椅子给每个人吗?

--The pieces of paper areenough.

--enough+ n. + (for sb) +

to do 足够(某人)做…的

--Do you have enough

money to lend me five dollars? 你有没有足够的钱,借我5美元。

--There is enough foodfor us to last a week.

--paper  n.

1) n. 考卷(可数名词)

--Fifty papers are not

enough for the students to take the exam. 五十份考卷不够学生考试。


--a daily paper 日报

--That will certainly get

into the papers. 那一定会上报的。



--important papers

5) 纸(不可数名词)

--a piece of paper

--three pieces of paper


1) v. 不及格(反义词pass)

--fail the exam 考试不及格

--fail mathematics 数学不及格

2)v. 失败(反义词succeed)

--They failed. 他们失败了。

--The plan failed.

3) fail to do …   未成做成某事

--I failed to pass the

exam. 我没有通过考试

--I failed to see him

this afternoon. 我今天下午未能见到他。

--Never fail to write to

me. 别忘写信给我。


--1) v.  回答

--He doesn’t  want to answer me.他不想回答我。

2)v. 应答,回应

--Please answer thephone.

--answer the letter

3) n. 答案

--Do you know the answer

to this question? 你知道这道题的答案吗?


1) n.  分数(可数名词)

--get a high mark inEnglish

--get 80 marks in

mathematics 数学得了80 分

2) n.  记号,印,标记

--make a mark 做记号


1) n. 其他的东西

--You can eat up the rest

of the bread. 你可以把剩下的面包吃光。

--You open the door and

window. I’ll do the rest. 你打开门和窗户,剩下的由我来做。

--The rest of the money

was put on the shelf. 剩下的钱放在了架子上。

2)n. 休息

--take a rest

--have a rest 休 息一下。


1) adj. 困难的

--a difficult job 困难的工作

--The book is difficult

for the children. 那本书对小孩来说很难。

--difficult to do….  做…. 是困难的

--The question is

difficult to answer. 该问题很难回答。

--It’s difficult for sbto do….   对某人来说做某事很难

--It is difficult for her

to type a letter. 打一封信对她来说很


--He is a difficult man

to get along with. 他是一个很难相处的人。

--hate  v.讨厌

--I hate dogs. 我讨厌狗

--hate doing…. 不喜欢做

--She hates cooking. 她不喜欢做饭。

--They hate typing thereletters.

--hate to do 不愿意….,不想做…

--I hate to say it, but

you are mistaken. 我很不想说这句话,但你的确错了。

--low  adj.

1) 低的

--Be careful! It’s a low


--a low price 低价格

--a low temperature 低温

--at a low speed 以低速度运行

2) (身体)弱的,没有精神的,意志消沉的

--He is in a low state of

health. 他的健康状况不好。

--He is low with a cold. 他因感冒而没精神。

3) (声音)低的

--in a low voice 小声地

--low season 淡季

--high season 旺季

--cheer  v.

1) 振作,振奋

--The news cheered the

family. 那个消息使那空人振奋不己。

--Cheer up! 提起精神


--The crowd cheered when

he appeared. 当他出现时群众发出欢呼声

--guy n. 家伙,人 复数guys

--He’s a nice guy. 他是个好人

--top  n.上方,顶部 反义词bottom

--at the top of a

mountain 在山顶

Question: How long didthe exam last?

How was the exam,

Richard? 考试考得怎么样,理查德?

--How + be +sth/sb? …..怎么样?用来问人的时候一般用来问人的身体或生活情况。

--How is life? 生活如何?、

--How are things?情况怎么样?

Not too bad. I think Ipassed in English and Mathematics. The questions were very easy. How about you,Gary?

--not too bad   不算太坏            too表示过于,具有否定含义

--It’s too heavy. I can’t

lift it. 太重了,我搬不动。

--too….for sb to do   对某人来说太… 以至于不能…

--The exam is too

difficult for her to pass. 考试太难,以至于她不能通过。

--The boy is too young to

join the army. 这个男孩太小了,还不能参军。

--too….. that…. (that从句-否定形式)

--The boy too young that

he can’t join the army. 这个男孩太小,还不能参军。

I think 后面接宾语从句

--pass in + 科目

--How about… ?  …怎么样?用来征求别人的意见、询问情况,相当于what about…?

The English and Mathspapers weren’t easy enough for me. I hope I haven’t failed.

--the English and Maths

papers 英文和数学试卷paper作试卷讲,是可数名词

--enough 的用法  一般放在形容词之后使用

--The room is big enough

for us. 这个房间对我们来说够大了。

--The book isn’t

interesting enough for me. 这本书对我来说不算有趣。

--enough 放在名词之前

--He didn’t buy the

computer, because he didn’t have enough money. 他没有买计算机,因为他没有钱了。

--enough…for sb/ sth todo sth

--The room isn’t gig

enough for three people to live in. 这个房间不够大,不够三个人住。

--You son is old enoughto live by himself.

I could answer sixteen ofthe questions.

--fail the French paper 法语不及格

--could 是can的过去式,表示能够,这个考试发生在过去,所以用could.

--answer sixteen of the question回答十六个问题

--the rest 指的是其余的,其它的考题

--too difficult for me 对我来说太难了

I hate them. I’m sureI’ve got a low mark.

I’ve got =I have got = Ihave

--a low mark 低分

Oh, cheer up! Perhaps wedidn’t do too badly. The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper.

--cheer up 高兴一点,别灰心

--perhaps 可能,也许maybe

--do… badly 做得很糟糕

--next to 在… 旁边next to me 在我旁边,作定语修the guy

--at the top of  在…顶端

Then he sat there andlooked at it for three hours! He didn’t write a word!

--then”然后“, 表示接下来的动作

--a word 一个字


--not too bad   一算太坏

--easy enough for me  对我很简单-

--too difficult forme  对我太难

--get a low mark   得低分

--cheer up 别灰心,振奋起来

--next to  在… 旁边

--at the top of  在…顶端

--clever   adj.聪明的

--a clever child 聪明的孩子

--It is clever of sb todo…

--It was clever of her to

follow his advice. 她听从了他的劝告可真是聪明的做法。

--stupid  adj.笨的

--a stupid man 愚人

--It is stupid of sb todo…

--It is stupid of you to

think that he will come back. 他认为他会回来的想法真是傻。

--cheap adj.

1)adj. 便宜

--I bought a cheap

watch. 我买了一只便宜的手表。

2)adj. 低级的

--expensive  adj.贵的

--The painting is too

expensive for me. 这幅画太贵了,我买不起。

--It is expensive to do….做….是很花钱的

--It is expensive to

travel by plane. 坐飞机旅行是很贵的。

--fresh  adj.

1) 新鲜的

2)新加入的,新进的,不熟 练

--stale  adj.

1) 变锼的,(食物)不新鲜的

--stale bread 不新鲜的面包


--low adj. 低的,矮的

--loud  adj.大声的

--high adj. 高的

--tall 表示身高

--hard   adj.

1) 硬的


Lesson 105

--spell  v.拼写

--How do you spell your

name? 你的名字是怎么拼写的?

--My name is Spelled

W-E-N-D-Y. 我的名字拼作W-E-N-D-Y.

--intelligent  adj.聪明的,有智慧的

--The girl looked intelligent.这女孩看起来是聪明伶俐。

--mistake  n./ v.

1) n. 错误

--a spelling mistake 拼写错误

--make a mistake 做错,犯错

--There is no mistake

about it. 那毫无错误。

2) v. 误 解,弄错,误会

--mistake…for… 把…误为…

--mistake sympathy for

love 误将同情当爱情

--present  n./ adj./v.

1) n. 礼物

--present 指礼物的一般性用语

--gift  是稍正式的说法

2)adj. 出席的 反意词absent

--A lot of students were

present at the meeting. 很多学生出席那会议。

3) 赠送,呈献,奉送

--present sth to sb =

present sb with sth 把…赠送给某人

--The principal presenteda diploma to each of the graduates.

--dictionary n. 词典

--I looked up the word in

the dictionary. 我在词典中查找单词


不定式两种形式:一是带to 的不定式,一是不带to的不定式。




To see is to believe 百闻不如一见


--It always pays to tell the truth.


--Your task is to look after the baby. 你的任务是照顾这小孩。


--They want to learn French.


--I want you to help me. 我想让你帮我。


--He decided not to tell his mother. 他决定不告诉他的妈妈。

--My mother told me not to close the door.

3) to是小品词,后面加动词原形;to是介词后面则接名词,代词或动名词。

--My mother asked me to air the room.妈妈让我给房间通风。(to是小品词)

--I am listening to the radio.(to是介词)

4)有些动词如:hear, see, make, let 等后面是加不带to的不定式。

--I heard you call me.

--The teacher always makes the students clean the office.

--Will you let me go home?

Question: What was Sandra’s present?

Do you want to speak to

her? 你要同她谈话吗?

--want to speak 不定式结构

--want to do sth  想要做某事

--I want to buy a newcar.

Yes, I do. I want her tocome to my office. Tell her to come at once.

--want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事

--I want them to move

out. 我想让他们搬出去

--Tell Mrs. Lee to answer

the phone. 告诉李太太听电话。

--at once 立刻

--You must leave at once.你必须马上离开。

--How do youspell….?  ….怎样拼写

That’s right. You’vetyped it with only one ‘L’. This letter’s full of mistakes. I want you to typeit again.

That’s right= That’scorrect.

You’ve typed it with onlyone ‘L’/


句中的it指intelligent这个词,with 是介词,在这里是指“用”。

--be full of   充满了…

--The glass if full ofmilk.

--The bookcase is full ofbooks.

Yes, I’ll do that. I’msorry about that.

--be sorry about 对某事很抱歉

--I’m sorry about the

mistake. 我对这个错误感到很抱歉

--be sorry to do 很抱歉做某事

--I am sorry to bother

you, but we need to discuss our plan. 很抱歉来烦你,但我们需要讨论一下我们的计划。

And here’s a littlepresent for you.

--and 相当于“于是”,“因此”,有承上启下的作用,使上下文联系更紧密。

--Here’s a little a

present. (倒装句)

正常语序应为:A littlepresent is here.



--I want her… 我想找她

--want to do sth 想要做某事

--want sb to do 想让某人做…

--How do you spell…?  ….怎么拼写?

--be full of   充满…

--I’m sorry about 对…感到抱歉

--carry  v.携带

--carry sth with sb 随身携带

--I never carry a big sum

of money with me. 我从不随身携带巨款。

--The mother is carrying

her baby in her arms. 那个母亲怀里抱着婴儿。

--carry on 继续做….

--Carry on with your

work. 续续你的工作吧。

--correct  v./ adj.

1) v. 改正,纠正

--Correct me if I say

anything wrong. 如果我说话有任何错误请指正。

--correct a badhabit  纠正坏习惯

2)adj. 对的,正角的

--a correct answer  正确的答案

3)adj. 合乎礼节的,妥当的,恰当的

--the correct dress for aceremony


--It is correct to do…做…是适当的

--It is not correct to

speak with your mouth full. 说话时满口食物是不礼貌的。

--keep v.

1) 保 存, 保留

--Keep your money in a

safe place. 把钱放在安全的地方.

--keep…for…   为了…保留…

---keep this for futureuse


--Thiscoat will keep you warm.



kept me waiting for half an hour. 她让我等了半个钟头。

--keep the fireburning   不要让火熄掉


--The telephone kept

ringing until I answered. 电话铃一直响着,直到我去接才停。

Lesson 107

--madam  n.

1) 夫人,女士


--Can I help you, madam?

--May I help you, madam?


--Dear Madam(商用书信中对妇女的称呼)

2)…. 女士(用于职称前面的称呼)

--Madam Chairman 主席女士

--MadamPresident总 统 女士

--smart  adj.

1) 漂亮的

--You look very smart

today. 你今天看起来很漂亮。


--a smart salesman 精明的推销员

--as well 同样

--She can speak German. I

can speak German as well. 她会说德语,我也会说德语。

--She wants to take a

bath. I want to take a bath as well. 她想洗澡,我也想洗澡。


1) v.  适 于(衣服,型式等)与…相配,与…相称。

--The new dress suited

her very well. 那套新服装和她很相配。

2)v. 适合,合(某人)之意

--Does Sunday suit you? 星期日你方更吗?

--The climate here suits

me very well. 这里的期候非常适合我。

--Suit yourself 随你便

3)n. 套装

--suitable  adj.适当的,相称的,合适的

--I found a suitable

place for the party. 我为那个聚会找到一个合适的地方。

--This book isn’t

suitable for children. 这本书不适合儿童阅读

--be suitable for sb 适合某人


1) adj. 漂亮的(用于女性,小孩,小而极漂亮的东西等)

--a pretty girl 可爱的女孩

2)adv. 颇,相当,非常

--The movie is pretty

good. 那部电影非常好。

--He is pretty old

now. 他现在相当老。











3.以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母的词,应双写这个辅音字母,再加er, est.











--difficult—moredifficult—most difficult

--important—moreimportant—most important






7.有些单音节词的比较级和最高级也常用more和most 如:glad, fond, shy.

有些单词则用er和est或more和most  皆可

如:free,  clear


如:pretty, lively




is fatter than I. 他比我胖

--Shedid it more carefully than he.



is the best student in the class. 她是这个班里最好的学生。


sings (the)best in the class. 他在这个班唱歌最好。




--He is cleverer than I. /  Heis cleverer than me.


--China is larger than the U.S.


--Theyrun faster that us.


--Thispicture is more beautiful than that one.


--Thegirl is the thinnest in her class.


--Hedrives (the) most quickly among them all.

Question:What kind of dress does the lady want?

Doyou like this dress, madam?

--madam是对妇发的尊称,服务行业 的人员常用此称呼顾客,相当于称呼男士的“sir”.

Ilike the colour very much. It’s a lovely dress, but it’s too small for me.

--verymuch  adv.非常,修饰动词like.


you very much. –very much 修饰动词thank


hate mathematics very much. 我非常讨厌数学。

--too  adv.太(具有否定意义)


weather is too hot. 天气太热了。(难以忍受之意)

--too(做副词修饰形容词)…to…    太…以至于不能…


are too young to smoke. 你这么小不可吸烟。


box is too heavy to lift. 这箱子太重,举不起来。


small for me 对我来说太小了。

Whatabout this one? It’s a lovely dress. It’s very smart. Short skirts are infashion now. Would you like to try it?

--thisone= this dress



new dress is very smart. 你的新裙子很漂亮。


in fashion 时髦,正流行 反义词:out of fashion


kind of skirt is in fashion this year. 今年这种衬衫比较流行。


you like + n. / to do. 你愿意… 吗?(用来表示委婉的请求和建议)


you like some milk? 你想喝点牛奶吗?


you like to visit my teacher? 你想拜访我的老师吗?



on 试穿


these new shoes on (on 做副词)

--tryon these new shoes


to do sth 尽力做


will try to go back home early. 我尽力早点回家。


doing 试着做… (看看结果如何)


trying painting the bookcase blue. 他们正试着把书橱刷成蓝色的。

I’mafraid this green dress is too small for me as well. It’s smaller than the blueone.

--I’mafraid…  “我恐怕…” 后 面接宾语从句。


green dress is too small for me as well 作afraid的宾语,省略了that

--aswell   也



would like to go there as well. 他们也想去那儿。

--smaller 是small的比较级

--besmaller than…    比…小

--The room is

smaller than mine. 这个房间比我的房间小。

I don’t like the coloureither. It doesn’t suit me at all. I think the blue dress is prettier.

--either   也(用于否定句中)

--I don’t like this dress

either. 我也不喜欢这件。

--suit  v.适合

--This colour suits you

very well. 这颜色非常适合你.

--This size doesn’t suit

you. 这个尺码不适合你。

--at all 根本,一点也不。。。(用在否定句中)

--I don’t like it at all.我一点也不喜欢它。

--prettier是pretty的比较级,也可用more pretty的形式。

Could you show me anotherblue dress? I want a dress like that one, but it must be my size.

--Could you…你能…吗?、

用于表示请求。比can you 语气婉转各气。

--Could you tell me the

way to the station? 你能告诉我去火车站的路吗?

--show sb sth 给某人出示某物

--show sth to sb

--Show me your passportplease!

--Show your passport to

me please! 请给我看一下你的护照。

--another  另一个

--I want to have anothercup of tea.  我想再喝一杯茶

--like是介词,like that one 是介词短词,修饰a dress,表示象那样的衣服。

--be my size  是我这样的尺寸

--be one’s size  是某人穿的尺码‘

I’m afraid I haven’t gota larger dress. This is the largest dress in the shop


--the larger dress 更大的衣服

--the largest dress.最大的衣服

--the +最高级+比较范围

--This is the prettiest

dress in this shop .这是这个商店里最漂亮的衣服。



--be in fashion 正流行,时髦

--as well 也

--at all 一点也不(用在否定句中)

--show sb sth…给某人出示(看)某物

--be one’s size 适合某人的尺码

Lesson 109

--idea  n.

1) 主意

--I have an idea; you clean the room and I’ll wash the car. 我有个主意,你打扫房间,我来洗车。

--That’s a good idea. 那是一个好主意。


--What is your idea about it? 关于这件事你的意见如何

--I don’t like the idea that money is everything. 我不喜欢金钱就是一切的想法,

--a little 少许(置于不可数名词之前)

--Will you eat a little cake? 你要不要吃点蛋糕?

--little   几乎没有,很少的(置于不可数名词之前)

--I have little time for reading. 我几乎没有时间读书。

--There is little hope of his recovery. 他复原的希望极为渺茫。

--a little 与little

 --a little表示“少“,但是还有一点,即重点放在‘有‘,而little则表示“有但是极少”,即重点强调“几乎没有”

--There is a little wine left in the bottle. 瓶子里还剩一点酒。(原来以为是空的,但发现还“有”,是较乐观的看法)

--There is little wine left in the bottle.瓶子里没剩下多少酒。(原来认为有更多,但发现“剩下很少“是较悲观的看法)

--teaspoonful  n.一满茶匙

--a teaspoonful of sugar 一茶匙的糖

--mouthful  n.一满嘴

--Don’t talk with a mouthful of food. 嘴里塞满了饭时,不要讲话.


1) adj. (little的比较级)较小的,更小的

--I will have less work to do tomorrow. 我明天的工作就更少了。


--I know little about it, but he knows even less. 对此我了解甚少,而他知道的更少。

3)adv. 更不(与more相对)

--This story is less interesting. 这个故事更没意思。

--After the exam, he works less hard. 考试以后,他学习更不努力了。

--a few 几个(通常置于可数名词之前)

--in a few days  过两三天

--few 和a few

  --few是“几乎没有”的否定性意见,a few是“有一些”的肯定性意见。视说话者的想法而定,不一定根据数的大小,因而到底指何种程度的数量要看文章的前后关系而定。

--not a few 不少的,相当多的

--Not a few people have made that mistake. 不少人犯过这种错误。

--only a few 仅少数,只有几个…

--Only a few men were in the room. 房间中只有几个男性。

--quite a few (口语中)相当多的

--You will have to wait quite a few weeks. 你必须等上好几个礼拜。

--pity n.

1) 遗憾

--It’s a pity that he failed again.

--What a pity! 真可惜,实在可怜。

--What a pity (that)…! ….的真是遗憾!

--What a pity (that) she cannot come! 她不能来真是遗憾。


--He felt pity for the jobless man. 他可怜那无业男子。

--instead   adv.  代 替

--I don’t like beer; give me coke instead. 我不喜欢喝啤酒,给我可乐好了。

--stead of  代替…,而不

--I will go to see her instead of you. 我要去看的是她而不是你。

--I have to finish my work instead of going out. 我必须完成工作,不能出去(instead of 介词后面只能接名词,如果是动词要变ing 形式)

--advice  n.建议,忠告

I asked my teacher for advice on my English. 我请老师对我的英语学习给些建议。

--Let me give you a piece of advice. 让我给你个忠告。

--give him a piece of advice / offer him a piece of advice 给他忠告

--take his advice 听他的忠告

--refuse one’s advice 不听某人的劝告

--some advice on… / some advice about  有关…的忠告

--advise  v.忠告,劝告,建议

--The doctor advised taking a week’s rest.

--advise sb to do sth 忠告(某人)做…

--advise that…

--I advised him to stop smoking.= I advised that he (should)

stop smoking. 我劝他戒烟。

Question: What does Jane have with her coffee? 喝咖啡时Jane吃了什么?

Shall I make some coffee, Jane?

1) Shall I ….?  我…. 好吗?

-- shall 用于第一、二、三人称,构成疑问句,表来表示征求对方意见或请求对方指示。

--Shall we go out for a drink?


--Shall the man wait outside?


2)make some coffee 煮咖啡

--make some tea 沏茶

It’s ready. = The coffee is ready.

Just a little, please.

--a little “一些,一点”用于修饰不可数名词

--There is a little coffee in the cup. 在杯子里有一点咖啡。

--I have only a little money. 我只有一点钱。

--a few “一些,几个“用于可数名词

--There are a few students outside. 在外面有几个学生。

--He has only a few hours to do it. 他只有几个小时做这件事。

What about some sugar?

1) What about…? = How about…? 用来征求意见?

2)two teaspoonfuls 两茶匙

No, less than that.One and a half teaspoonfuls,please. That’senough for me.

1) less是little和few 的比较级“更少的“,在此处是little的比较级。

--less than … 少于。。。

2) one and a half  一个半

--one and a half teaspoonfuls


3) That’s enough for me

--be enough for sb  对某人来说…足够了

--Three pens are enough for me. 三只笔足够了。

--enough to do 足够做…

--I am old enough to live alone. 我己经够大了,可以自己生活了。

--not… enough… to do …. 可与too….to…..互换

--She is not tall enough to reach the book on the shelf. 她长得不够高,拿不到架子上的书。

--She is too short to reach the book on the shelf. 她太矮了,拿不到架子上的书。

Would you like some more?

--more“更多的”,是much 和many的比较级。在此是指“再来点儿咖啡吗?”,因此是much的比较级。Many是修饰可数名词。

--I have much money. I have more money.我有更多钱。

I’d like a cigarette, too. May I have one?

1) ‘d like= would like 想要…

( 没 有人称和数格的变化,疑问句式是把would提前,它相当于want, 但比want 口气委婉)

--I’d like a cup of tea.=I want a cup of tea.

--He’d like to go abroad.=He wants to go abroad.

--Would you like to go with us? = Do you want to go with us?

2) May I …? 我可以… 吗? 表示请求或请求充许。

What a pity!

 这 是 一 个感叹句式

--What a/ an + 可数名词(+主语+系/ 谓)!

-- What + 不可数名词(+主语+系/ 谓)!

--What a lovely hat it is? 多么漂亮的帽子啊!

--What nice coffee you’re made! 你煮的咖啡多香啊!

It doesn’t matter= That’s ok. 没关系

Have a biscuit instead. Eat more and smoke less!

1) have a biscuit 吃一块饼干

--have: eat

2) instead  adv.作为替代

--She didn’t have bread, instead, she had biscuits. 她没有吃面包,而是吃的饼干

--She is ill; you can give this lesson instead. 好病了,你可以替她上这次课。

--instead of 代替,而不是

--She would like a computer instead of a piano.

3) eat more 多吃点

--more是副词,修饰eat,是much 的 比较级

--smoke less 少抽点

--less 是little的比较级,修饰smoke

That’s very good advice!

--advice  忠告(不可数名词)

--a piece of advice 一个忠告

--advice on…关于…的忠告

--Can you give me some advice on losing weight? 你能给我一些关于减肥的忠告吗?


--Shall I …?    我…好 吗?

--That’s a good idea. 那是个好主意。

--one and a half 一个半

--May I …? 我可以。。。吗?

--What a pity!  真遗憾

--It doesn’t matter. 没关系。


-further—furthest (指程度)

--I go farther than you. 我走的比你远。

--We’ll discuss it further tomorrow.我们明天进一步讨论。

可数名词的多与少,用many 与few 来表达,不可数名词的多与少,则用much 与little来表达。


--This is the best car I have ever seen.(I have ever seen 是定语从句,修饰the best car)


--You made the fewest mistake in the class.


--I’ve got the least chocolate of us three.

Lesson 111

--model  n.


--This washing machine is the latest model. 这台洗衣机是最新型的。


--model plane 飞机模型


--He is a model of diligence. 他是勤勉的榜样


--a fashion model 时装模特儿


1) v. 付得起(钱)

--afford sth

--afford to do 有足够的(金钱/时间)做…

(通常与can, could, be

able to 连用; 多用于否定句,疑问句)

--We cannot afford a new car./ We can’t afford to buy a new

car. 我们买不起新车

--How can you afford so much money for a bicycle? 你怎么付得起这么多钱买一部自行车呢?

--I’ll be able to afford a week’s vacation this summer. 今年夏天我可腾出一个星期的时间去度假。


--Music affords us pleasure. 音乐给我们快乐。

--Music affords pleasure to us.


1)n. 预付定金,押金,保证金(通常以单数形式表 示)

--Make a deposit of 500 dollars on a new car. 为买新车付500美元的订金。


--draw out one’s deposit 提取存款

--make a deposit 存入款项

3)v. 付定金

--He deposited 100 dollars on the motorcycle.  他付了100美元的订金(保证金)买那部摩托车。

4)v. 把(钱)存起来

--I deposited 50 dollars my savings account. 我存50美元到我的储蓄存款账户内。

--deposit money in a bank 把钱存入银行


1)n. 分期付款,分期摊付的钱

--in instalments 以分期付款的方式

--by instalments

--on instalments

--He paid for the car in instalments of $200 amonth for three years.他以分期付款方式买那部车,每月200元,分3年付款。


1) n. 价格((用复数开式prices指物价)

--The prices of vegetables are going up. 蔬菜价格正在上涨。


low; 表示东西的“贵,便宜时,用expensive,cheap.2.

--The prices of watches are very low at that store.

--Watches are very cheap at that store. 那家店的手表很更宜。

2.询问价钱时,price 与what 连用

--What is the price of this camera?

--How much is this camera? 这个照相机多少钱?


原级常用于“as+ adj./ adv. 原级+ 连词as引导的从句“从句中常省去意义与主句相同的部分, 在上下文清楚的情况下,整个as从句都可以省去。

--Bill is as fat as Tom (is)

--Bill 和Tom一样胖。

--He runs as fast as you (do)


在“as…as”中间使用的形容词和副词一定要用原级,中间也可使 名词,但要遵循以下规则:

“as + adj. + a(n) + n.(单) +as “

“as + many + n. (复) + as”

“as + much +n. (不可数)+as”

--He is as brave a man as a hero. 他象一个英雄一样勇敢。

--She read a many books as you did. 她读过的书和你一样多。

--He drank as much water as he could. 他尽可能地多喝水。

有时为了避免重复,在从句中常用the one代替单数可数名词,用those代替复数名词,用that代替不可数名词和某些可数名词。

I hope it was as good as the one you

give me. 我希望这个和你给我的一样好。

The girls in your class are as

pretty as those in our class. 你们班的女生和我们班的女生一样美丽。

--The climate of Guilin is as good

as that of Kunming. 桂林的气候和昆明的一样好。

否定原级用“not as…as”结构,也可用“less…than”结构

--This question is not as importantas that one.

--This question is less important

than that one. 这个问题没有那个问题重要。

Question: Can Mr. Frith buy the

television on instalments? How does it work? 弗里斯先生可以用分期付款的方式购买电视机吗?如何操作?

I like this television very much.How much does it cost?

--cost  v.花费(金钱,时间)主语一般是物。

--This house cost me $90,000. 这座房子我花9万英镑。

--This job will cost us a great deal

of time. 这个工作将花费我们大量的时间。

--spend  v.花(金钱,时间)主语一般是人

--spend (money) on sth  在…方面花钱

--I spent much money on the new car.我在这辆车上花了很多钱。

--spend (time) in doing sth 花时间做某事

--I spent a lot of time in reading. 我花很多时间读书。

--How much does it cost? = How muchis it?

--How much可以用来询问不可数名词的数量,也可以用来问价格。

--How much milk is in the cup?

--How much is the cost?

It’s the most expensive model in theshop,

1) expensive adj. 昂贵的( 多音节词, 比 较级与最高级用more 和most)

--the most expensive model 最贵的型号

2)five hundred pounds 五百英镑(pounds 是pound的复数形式)

That’s too expensive for us.=That’stoo expensive for us to buy.

--afford v. 付得起(一般用于否定句和疑问句中)

--can’t afford 负担不起

--He can’t afford so much money for

a house. 他负担不起买这座房子的这么多钱。

This model’s less expensive thanthat one.

It’s only three hundred pounds. But,of course, it’s not as good as the expensive one.

as good as  和…一样好

--as…as….    和….一样

--Your brother is as tall as I am. 你的兄弟和我一样高。

--She is as busy as a bee. 她象蜜蜂一样忙碌。

--not as….as  不如…怎么样

--This car is not as new as that

one. 这辆车没有那辆车新。

The other model’s more expensive,but it’s worth the money.

the other 是指两者中的另外一种

--I have two sons: one is tall; theother is short.

2) worth  值

--This ring is worth at least $800. 这个戒指至少值8百美元。

Can we buy it on instalments?

--buy …on instalments  以 分期付款的方式购买

--Why don’t you buy this house on

instalments? 你为什么不以分期付款方式购买这座房子?

You can pay a deposit of thirtypounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.

pay a deposit of  付…定金

--You need to pay a deposit of three

hundred pounds for the stereo. 你要先付300英镑的定金来买这套音响

2)fourteen pounds a month前面省略了“pay”

3) for three years 指分期付款三年付清


--How much does…cost? 问价钱

--can’t afford   付不起

--not as….as…   不及…怎么样

--pay a deposit of …  付….的定金

--buy…on instalments  分期付款的方式购买…

Lesson 113

--conductor  n.   售票员



--a taxi fare 出租车费

--a single fare 单程票价

--How much is the fare to Rome? 到罗马的飞机票价要多少钱?


--The taxi driver had only three fares that night. 那个出租车司机那晚仅载了3个乘客。


1) 兑换(钱),换零(钱)

--Can I change pounds into dollars here? 这里可以把英镑兑换成美元吗?


--I’d like to change a ten-dollar bill. 我想把10美元的钞票换成零钱。


--She’s changed her mid. 她改变了主意。

--Let’s change the topic. 我们换个话题吧。

3) n. 零钱,找零

--You may keep the change. 你可以留下零钱,不用找了。

--Pay in small change.以零钱付款。


1) 纸币bill(Am)

--a five-pound note 5英镑纸币

--Pay in notes. 用钞票付款。


--leave a note 留言

3)(通常用复数形式notes) 笔记,备忘录,记录

--The students are busy taking notes in class. 课堂 中 学 生们正忙着作笔记。

--passenger  n.乘客,旅客


1)pron. (三个或三个以上的人或事物中)任何一个都不/没有;所有的都不/没有

--None of the students could answer the question. 没有一个学生会回答那个问题。(of the students是介词短语修饰none)

--None of us have/ has ever been abroad. 我们所有的人都没有出过国,或我们当中没有一个人出过国。


--None of the rooms are ready. 所有的房间都没有准备好。

--None of us are perfect. 所有的人都不完美。

--None of his friends has ever been

to Paris. 他的朋友中,没有一个去过巴黎。

--None of these men is in the Government. 这些人中没有一个人在政府工作。

--None of my friends ever come/ comes to see me.所有的朋友都没来看我,没有一个朋友来看我。

2)adv. 一点也不,绝不,毫不

--The salary they pay me is none too high. 他们付给我的薪水一点也不多。

My car is none the worse for wear.


--neither adj. 两者都不…(置于单数名词之前)

--Neither article is made in Beijing. 这 两 种 物 品都不是北京制造的。

--We discussed neither subject. 这两个问题我们都没有讨论。

--get off 下车


1)n. 流浪汉,漂泊者

2)v. 用沉重的脚步走

--They tramped up the stairs. 他们以沉重的脚步走上阶梯。

--except  prep.除…之外

--Everybody except John was able to answer. 除了约 翰 以 外大家都能回答。

--He goes to the library every day except when he is not well.他除了身体不舒服以外,每天都上图书馆。

--except for 除…以外,要不是

--The movie was good except for the ending. 这部电影除了结尾之外都很好。

--We enjoyed the party except for the loud music. 除了音乐嘈杂了点,我们在舞会上玩得很开心。

--I would join you except for my headache. 要不是头 疼 的 话, 我 会 和你们在一起的。

--except 与except

for 的区别

1)Except a broken

chair, the room has no furniture.(正)

2)Except a broken

chair, the room is empty. (错)

3)Except for a

broken chair, the room is empty. (正)

--except 所指的项目,必须在主句内有所交代,Except a broken chair, the room has no furniture.正确,因为chair是furniture的一种,性质相同。

Except a broken chair, the room is empty.不对, 因 为chair 与empty性质不同。

Except for a broken chair, the room is empty.正确,因为except for…没有所指项目类别的限制。

--besides 除了…还有…(包括)

--Besides Peter,Tom

and Jim went there, too. 除了Peter, Tom 和Jim 也去了那个地方。(Peter和Tom,


--so与neither引导的 简 短回




--I’m tired. So am I. 也可用I am tired, too.来回答。

--She wants some tea. So does he.

--He has finished his homework. So has she.

--They saw peter yesterday. So did I.

--We can drive. So can we.

She isn’t hungry. Neither am I.

--They don’t like maths. Neither do we.

--They haven’t moved out. Neither have I.

--He didn’t shave yesterday. Neither did he.

--I won’t go to Paris. Neither will I.

Question: Who has got some small change? 谁有零钱?

Fares, please! 请买票!(这是公共车辆售票员用语)

I’m sorry, sir. I can’t change a ten-pound note. Haven’t yougot any small change?

--change  v.找零

--I can’t change this note. 我找不开这张钞票。

--change v. 兑换

--I want to change pounds into dollars. 我想把英镑换成美元。

--change n. 零钱

--Do you have small change? 你有零钱吗?

--ten-pound 十镑的(作形容词修饰note)

--I have a ten-pound note. 我有面值十英镑的钞票一张。

--I have ten pounds. 我有十英镑

Haven’t you got any small change? 反意疑问句,表示人的惊奇不满或愤怒等情绪。

--Can’t you do it yourself? 难道你自己不会做吗?

--Don’t you want to go with us? 难道你不想和我们一起去吗?

I’ve got no small change. I’m afraid.

--no+ n. (所有的东西全然没有)

I’ve got no small change. / I haven’t got any small change. 第一句更要强调“没有任何一点零钱”。

I’ll ask some of the passengers.

--will 表示临时决定

--be going to 表示打算

--I’ll answer the phone. 我去听电话。

--I’ll open the door. 我去开门。

课文中,the conductor看到10镑钞票后才决定去问别人是否能够帮助找零,因此用will,不用be going to.

--some pron. 一些乘客

--of thepassengers 介词短语,限定修饰代词some.

Have you any small change, sir?

--change 作零钱是不可数名词,any用在疑问句中修饰change.

I’m sorry, I’ve got none.

--none 表示没有任何人或物,代词,指代不可数名词

--change 零钱


--None of the students can answerthe question.

I haven’t got any either. = I havegot none either.

--either 用在否定句中

I’m afraid I can’t.

--I’m afraid. 后面的宾语是个从句:I can’t.

Neither can I .

倒装句,表示我也不能,如果前句是否定句,后面要用neither, 时态要一致。

--I don’t know the time. Neither doI.

I’m very sorry, sir. You must getoff the bus. None of our passengers can change this note. They’re allmillionaires!

--get off the bus 下车

--get on the bus上车

--get into the car 上小汽车/  getout of the car下小汽车

--all 所有人(三个或三个以上的人或物)

--They all like Paris.


--They both like Paris. 他们两个都喜欢巴黎。

Except us.

--except…  除了

--Everybody went to the library,

except me. 除了我每个人都去了图书馆。(去图书馆里的人不包括我)

--except for…要不是

--Your essay is good except for some

spelling mistakes. 要不是一些拼写错误,你的文章还是很好的。

I’ve got some small change.(肯定句)

--若后一句要表示“也…”, 要用so引导,时态要保持一致。

--They have left for Madrid.

--So has Mr. Smith.


1.-so 与neither引导的简短回答,so表示肯定意义要,neither表示否定意义。

-change a ten-pound note 十英镑钞票找零

--small change 零钱

--get off the bus 下车

Lesson 115

--anyone  pron.


1)(用于疑问句,if 从句)任何人,


--Is anyone there?  有谁在那里吗?

--You should not rely on anyone. 你不应该依赖任何人。


--Anyone may attend his lecture. 任何人都可以听他演讲。


1) 敲,打

--I knocked at the door, but there

was no answer. 我敲了门,但没有回应。

--He came in without knocking. 他没有敲门就近来了


--He knocked me on the head. 他打我的头。


--He knocked his leg against the

desk. 他的腿撞到了那张书桌。

--knock down 把(人)击倒,(车等)撞倒(人)

--His son was knocked down by a car.他的儿子被汽车撞倒

--knock it off (口语)住手,住嘴

--everything  pron.一切事物,每样事物

--Everything is good well. 万事如意。

--Tell me everything about it. 告诉我整个事情的来龙去脉。



--everything useful  一切有用的东西


--Money is everything to him. 钱对他而言是最重要的东西

--She is everything to me. 她是我的一切。



--a quiet night 寂静之夜

--a quiet room 安静的房间


--I’d(would) like to live a quiet

life in the country. 我想到乡下过悠闲的生活,。

--live a … life   过着…的生活

--in the country


--impossible  adj.不可能的,办不到的 反义词:possible

--an impossible plan 不可能实行的计划

--It is impossible for sb to do… 做….是不可能的

--It is impossible to get a taxi on

such a rainy day. 在这样的下雨天是不可能搭到出租车的。

--It was impossible for him to solvethe problem.  要 他解决 那个问题是不可能的。


以人或事为主语时,impossible 不能做表语与不定式连用,必须用少作形式主语。

--It is impossible for him to do it.要他做那件事是不可能的。

--He is impossible to do it. (错误)

2)it 也可不做主语,而做宾语。

--Illness made it impossible for him

to go. / Illness made him impossible to go.生病使他不能去。

--invite  v.邀请

--invite sb to ….

--He invited them to the party. 他邀请他们参加宴会。

--invite sb to do  邀请某人做…

--I invited her to have coffee. 我邀请她喝咖啡。

--invitation  n.

--accept the invitation to the

wedding. 接受邀请参加婚礼。

--anything  pron.任何东西



--Did you say anything? 你说了些什么吗?

--Has anything happened during my

absence? 我不在时发生了什么事吗?

--Do you want anything to drink? 你想喝点什么?

--If there’s anything I can do for

you, please tell me. 如果有什么我能帮你的,请告诉我。

--I didn’t eat anything today.= I

eat nothing today. 我今天什 么 也没吃。


用于疑问句,否定句,if (weather)从句,肯定句用something.

修饰anything 的形容词置于其后。

--nothing  pron.什么也没有。

--He said nothing about it. 那件事他什么也没说。

--There is nothing wrong with the


--Nothing could change hismind.  没 有任何事能改变他的心意。

--修饰nothing的形容词要置于其后。Nothing interesting

--be nothing to  对…不算什么,毫无关系

--Both money and honor were nothing

to him. 金钱和名誉两者对他都不重要。

--have nothing to do with 与。。。毫无关系

--The man had nothing to do with the

bank robbery. 这个人与银行抢动案毫无关系。

--joke  v.开玩笑,戏弄,嘲弄

--My brother is always joking.我的兄弟经常开玩笑

--You must be joking.你在开玩笑吧

--I joked with him. 我和他开玩笑

--n. 玩笑

--He sometimes tells jokes. 他有时会说笑话。

--He can’t take a joke .他经不起开玩笑。

--It’s no joke. 不是开玩笑。

--make a joke 开玩笑, 说笑话。




some/ any / no

somebody / anybody / nobody/ someone/ anyone/ no one/   something/ anything /nothing

one/ none


all/ every/ each/ other/ another/either/ neither/ both/ half

everybody/ everyone/ everything


--many/ much/ few/ little/ a few/ alittle/ a lot of/ lots of

二、不定代词一般既可指人,也可指物,但其中由-body和-one构成的复合代词只能指人,由-ing构成的复合代词以及修饰不可数名词的much和(a) little只能指物

--There is much to do. 要做很多事情。

--Someone will pay the bill. 有人会付账单的。

--Can you do everything carefully? 你可不可做事认真一点?


1)no, every 只有形容词功能,作定语;

2) none, others 及所有的合成代词只有名词的功能不能作定语。

3)all, both, each 还可以作同位语


--Everyone is out. 大家都出去了。

--Everything is ready. 一切都准备好了。

--Nobody tells me about it. 没有人告诉我有关这件事的情况。


--I’ve got nothing to eat. 我没有什么可以吃了。

--I’ve seen nothing. 我没看到什么东西

--I saw no one. 我谁也没有看到。


--There’s nothing on the shelf. 架子上什么也没有。

--There’s something in the room. 房间里有个人。

--That’s nothing. 那没什么。



something/ somewhere 一般用于肯定句

2))anybody/ anyone/

anything/ anywhere用于疑问句与否定句

3)nothing/ nobody/

no one/ nowhere 相当于not anything/anybody/anyone/anywhere

--Someone is asking to see you. 有人要求见你。

--There’s something in the box! 盒子里有个什么东西

--Is there anything to drink?有什么喝的东西吗?

--I went nowhere.=I didn’t go anywhere 我哪也没去。

--I saw no one.= I didn’t see anyone.

Question: Jim has to drink some lemonade instead of beer,hasn’t he?

--Jim  只有一些柠檬水可以喝,而没有啤酒喝,是吗?

Isn’t there anyone at home?

--Isn’t there any milk in the glass? 玻璃杯中没有什么牛奶吗?

--Haven’t you been to the Great Wall? 你没去过长城吗?


I’ll knock again, Helen. Everything’s very quiet. I’m surethere’s no one at home.

--Everything is quiet. 一切都是安静的。

1)everything 也是不定代词,由every和thing组成的。


3)everything 作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。

--Everything can be done has been done. 所有可以做的事情己经做完了。

--Is everything ready for the party? 晚会的一切工作都就绪了吗?

I’m sure 我确信 (后面的there’s no one at home 做sure的宾语)

no one 也是不定代词

注意,no one的写法

- no one 作主语,后面的谓语动词用单数形式。

--No one wants that room. 没有人杨要那个房间。

--There is no one in the classroom.教室里没人。

But that’s impossible. Carol and Tominvited us to lunch. Look through the window.

--But that’s impossible.但是那不可能。

--that pron. 没有人在家的这件事

--impossible adj. 不可能

--im- (前缀)无…,不…, 非…

--polite impolite 不礼貌的

--patient impatient 不耐心的

--invite sb to… 邀请某人参加….(to是介词)

--I’d like to invite you to my

birthday party. 我想邀请你参加我的生日晚会。

--Shall I invite you to my house? 我可以邀请你到我家里来作客吗?

--Thank you for inviting me to

lunch. 谢谢你请我吃午饭。

--invite sb to do  邀请某人做某事(to是小品词,后接动词原形)

--I’d like to invite you to come to

my house. 我邀请你到我家来。

--She invited me to have coffee.

--through prep. 穿过…

--look through the window 透过窗户看。

--go through the forest 穿过森林。

--The sun is shinning through the


Can you see anything? Anything用在疑问句和否定句当中,谓语用单数形式。

--Do you have anything to eat? 你有没有什么吃的?

--She doesn’t know anything about

cooking. 她对烹饪一窍不通。

     Nothing at all.Nothing是由no 与thing 组成的合成词,是不定代词,作主语时,后面的谓语用单数形式,。

--I’ve got nothing to drink. 没有什么可以喝的。

--She knew nothing about it. 对此她什么都不了解。

--at all 根本, 一点也(不)(用在否定句当中)

--I don’t like him at all. 我根本不喜欢他。

--She has no money at all. 她一点钱也没有。

Let’s try the back door.

--try 试一下

--try the back door 试一试后门

Look! Everyone’s in the garden.

--every 每个人(大家),不定代词,作主语,谓语用单数形式。

--Everyone must be present at the meeting. 所有人都必须参加这个会议。

Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden.

--everybody 不定代词(作主语时,谓语用单数形式。)

Come and have something to drink.

--come and do 过来做…

--Come and see our new car.


--have something to drink. 喝点什么东西。

May I have a glass of beer please?

May i…? 我能。。。。?

--May I have a look at your book? 我可以看一下你的书吗?

--May I ask you a question? 我可以问你一个问题吗?

There’s none left.

--none 表示“没有任何东西”,是代词。

--there’s none 表示“什么也没有”left 是过去分词,表示“剩下的”,修饰none.

Don’t believer her, Jim. She’s only joking. Have some beer!

--Don’t …不要…(祈使句否定形式)

--Don’t believe her.

--joke v. 开玩笑

--look through 透过…看

--the back door  后门

--have something to drink 喝点什么东西

--a glass of beer 一杯啤酒

--sb is only joking. 某人只是在开玩笑。


1) adj. 睡着的 (用作表语)

--The baby is asleep in the bed. 婴儿在床上睡着了。


My leg is asleep.我的腿麻木了

--fall asleep 睡着,入睡

--I fell asleep while watching TV. 我在看电视时睡着了。

--glasses  n.眼镜

--a pair of glasses  一副眼镜

--wear glasses  戴眼镜

Lesson 117

--dinning room 饭厅,餐室(家中的)

--coin n. 硬币

--a silver coin 银币

--Could you change the one-dollar bill for coins?  我用1美元纸钞和你换硬币好吗?

--mouth  n.嘴

--Open your mouth.

--Don’t talk with your mouth full! 嘴里塞满食物时不要说话。

--Shut your mouth! (口语)闭嘴

--It sounds funny in your mouth. 这种话由你的口中说出来,听起来就很可笑。

--by word of mouth 口头上


1) v. 吞…, 咽…

--He swallowed (up) the medicine with water.  他把药和水一起吞下


1) adv. 后来,较迟地,较后地

--three days later  三天后

--He came later than usual. 他比平常来得晚。

--see you later. 回头见

2)adj. 较迟的,较后的,更近的。

--in one’s later life 在晚年

--Let’s take a later train. 我们搭晚一点的火车吧。

--toilet n. 厕所



--was/ were + 现在分词

疑问句式:把was/ were提前

否定句式:在was/ were的后面加not



 --They were shavingat seven this morning.今晨七点钟的时候他们正在刮胡子。

--She was telephoning a friend when I came in. 当我进来时,她在给一个朋友打电话。


--They were waiting for yesterday. 他们昨天在等你。

--She was writing a story last year. 她去年在写一部小说。

3.表示从过去某一个时间的角度看将要发生的动作,用于某些瞬间动作;go, come, leave, stay, fly 等。

--They were leaving a few days later.

--They are leaving in a few days. 几天后他们要离开。

--He told me that his brother was going to Suzhou. 他告诉我他的哥哥要到苏州去。

4)与always 等副词连用,表示感情色彩。

--My brother was always losing his keys. 我的哥哥总是把他的钥匙弄丢。

--As a boy, John was always making things. 还是孩子的时候,约翰总是制作东西。



--He drew a picture yesterday afternoon.(过去某一时间发生的事情,昨天下午画了一副画)

--He was drawing a picture yesterday afternoon.(昨天下午这一段时间所进行的动作是画画,强调这一过程中所进行的动作)


--The frog was jumping up and down.

--The frog jumped up and down.

--He was nodding. 他不停地点头。

--He nodded. 他点了点头。

3.leave, arrive, start, die 等用在过去进行时表示“快要完成,即将…”。而用在一般过去时当中则表示“己经完成”。

--The train was stopping. 火车快要停了。

--The train stopped. 火车停了。

When my husband was going into the dining room this morning,he dropped some coins on the floor.


were+ doing 表示过去某个时刻正在进行或发生的动作。

2.go into 走进,强调“进入”的动作,反义词go out of 走出…

3. drop 掉下

--Be careful! Don’t drop the vase. 小心,别把花瓶摔了。

--drop 还可以表示丢失,丢掉

--I dropped my pen on the way home. 回家的路上,我把等弄丢了。

1)everywhere 到处

--I looked for my pen everywhere, but I couldn’t find it. 我找遍了任何地方都找不到我的钢笔。

2.look for 寻找(强调动作和过程)

--find 找到 (强调寻找的结果)

--She was looking for her passport yesterday.

--Did she find it?

--Yes, She found it under the chair.

3.but we could not find them all.

--find 强调找的结果。


4. could 是can的过去式。

While we were having breakfast, our little boy, Tommy, foundtwo small coins on the floor.



   --while或at the same time强调同时进行的两种或几种动作。

--When I was doing my homework, my father came home fromwork.

--While she was cleaning the room, her husband telephonedher.

--As the children were playing in the garden, it began torain.

2. Tommy是boy的同位语。

He put them both into his mouth. We both tried to get thecoins. But it was too late. Tommy had already swallowed them!

1) put sth +介词短语  把…东西放在…

--put them both into his mouth

2. both表示“两个都…”

--They both want to go to France. 他们俩都想去法国。


3.put them both into his mouth

--both 是them的同位语

4)we both tried toget the coins


--tried to do 是指尽力做某事

--get the coin= get the coin out of his mouth

5.Tommy had already swallowed them!


Later that morning, When I was doing the housework, myhusband phoned me from the coffee.

1.later that morning  那天上午晚些时候

2.when I was doing the housework…


--my husband phoned me from the office


‘How’s Tommy?’ he asked. ‘I don’t know,’ I answered,‘Tommy’s been to the toilet three times this morning, but I haven’t had anychange yet!’

--‘How’s Tommy?’ He asked. ( 直接引语)

--He asked how Tommy was. (间接引语)

--“I don’t know,” I answered.(直接引语)

--I said that I didn’t know.(间接引语)

--has/ have been to 去过….(现在不在那了)

--three times 三次

--基数词(3或3以上)+times 表示次数

--haven’t had any change yet.

--change 在此处指硬币

--yet 用在否定句中表示“还“


--go into 走进

--drop some coins on the floor 把一些硬币掉在地板上了

--find some coins on the floor 在地板上找到一些硬币

--put sth +介词短语  把….东西放在…

--try to do  尽力做

--swallow sth 吞….

--later that morning  那个早晨晚些时候

--do the housework  做家务

--have/ has been to  去过…地方

--when 引导的时间状语从语强调的是,当….我正在做…

--When he arrived I was having a bath.


--While I was cooking the dinner, he was working in thegarden.

Lesson 119

--story  n.

1) 故事

--a detective story  侦探小说


--Her story is hard to believer. 她的说法很难令人相信

--It’s another story. 那是另一回事。/那是题外话了。


--Don’t tell stories. 不要撒谎。

--happen  v.


--How did it happen? 那是怎么发生的?

--What happened next? 然后怎么了?

--happen to sb   某事发生在某人身上

--She hoped nothing bad would happen to him. 她希望不会有坏事发生在他身上。

2) 碰巧

--I happened to see him on the street. 我碰巧在街上见到他。

--I happened to be there when the fire started. 火灾发生时我碰巧在那儿。

--It (so) happens + that….碰巧…

--It so happened that the famous actor was her brother. 那个有名的演员碰巧是她的哥哥。

--The  famous actorhappened to be her brother.

--thief  n.  贼

--A thief stole all my money. 小偷偷走了我的全部钱财

--thieves 是thief的复数形式

--enter  v.

1) 进入

--She entered the room quietly. 她悄悄地进入屋中。


--He entered university at the age of 21. 他21岁上了大学。

--at the age of ….在….岁的时候


--I entered my name for the exam.


1) adj. 黑暗的

--a dark street  黑暗的街道

--It was a dark night. 那是个黑夜。

--It’s too dark to read. 太暗了,无法看书



--She has dark eyes.

3) 阴暗的,忧郁的,暗淡的

--The future looked dark in those

days. 那时觉得前途暗淡。

4)n. 黄昏,傍晚,黑夜(通常不加冠词)

--before dark 天黑以前

--torch   n.

1) 手电筒

--turn on a torch  开手电筒turn

off a torch 关


--Kindle a torch  燃起火炬

--voice   n.

1) 声音

--in an angry voice 以生气的声音

--in a sad voice 以伤心的声音

--in a cheerful voice  以快活的声音

--lose one’s voice 嗓子变哑

--I’ve lost my voice because of a

bad cold. 我因重感冒,嗓子都哑了。

--drop one’s voice / lower one’s

voice 放低声音

--lift up one’s voice  大声叫喊

--raise one’s voice 提高嗓门

2) 意见,心声

--the voice of the citizen 市民的心声

--parrot n. 鹦鹉


一.过去完成时构成形式:had+ 过去分词(疑问句式是把had提前,否定式在had的后面加not)


1.表示在过去某一时刻或动作以前己经完成的动作,即“过去的过去”。这个过去的时刻可以用by, before等介词短语,时间状语或者从句来表示。

--The film had already begun when I

got there. 我到达的时候,电影己经放映了。

--They had left before I came back. 我回来之前,他们己经离去。

2. 表示由过去某一时间开始,一直延续到过去另一时间的动作或状态。

--I had been at the bus stop for 20

minutes when a bus finally came. 我在车站等了20分钟,一辆公共汽车终于来了。

3.当一个由before, after, as soon as 等连词综引导的从句所表示的动作和主句的动作先后紧接发生时,由于这些连词本身己经说明两个动作发生的先后关系,因此,从句和主句的谓语动词均可用一般过去时,当然从句用过去完成时也是可以的。

--He left the room after he and

turned off the light. 他把灯关上之后,离开了房间。

--He left the room after he turnedoff the light.

4) 过去完成时也用于一些固定句型中。

--hardly…when….     “刚…就…”

--no sooner….than…. “刚…就…”

--He had hardly arrived when it

began to snow. 他刚一到,天就开始下雪。

--We’d hardly arrived when she

started crying. 我们刚一到,她就开始哭。

--He had no sooner gone to sleep

than the telephone rang once more. 他刚一入睡电话又一次响起了。

Question: Who called out to the

thieves in the dark? 谁在暗处对窃贼喊了一声.

Do you like stories? I want to tellyou a true story.

--like, 实义动词,一般疑问句用助动词do/ does, 主语是you,用do引导一般疑问句。


--She likes cats。(泛指)

--We like reading books (泛指)

--We should eat apples every day. (泛指)

--I hate the dogs. (特指)

--tell a story 讲故事

--tell sb a story 给某人讲故事

--Can you tell us a story? 你能给我们讲个故事吗?

--The mother always tells her

children stories. 这位母亲总是给她的孩子们讲故事。(stories,表示泛指)

--true  adj.真实的

--a true story 真实故事

--a true love 真爱

--truth  n.  事 实,真相

--Tell me the truth. 告诉我事情的真相。

It happened to a friend of mine ayear ago.

--happen  v.发生

--What happened? 怎么了?

--When did it happen? 它是什么时候发生的?

--sth happen to sb  某事发生在某人的身上

--Good things always happen to me. 总有好事发生在我的身上。

--I don’t believer that it happened

to him. 我不相信这事发生在他身上。

--sb happen to do sth  某人碰巧做某事

--I forgot to bring my pen with me.

She happened to have a spare one 我忘记带着我的钢笔了,而她碰巧有一支备用的。

--I lost my key to the front door

yesterday. My mother happened to find it in the garden. 我昨天把前门的钥匙弄丢了,妈妈碰巧在花园里发现了它。

--a friend of mine  强调我朋友中的一个

--of mine 做介词短语修饰a friend

--mine= my friends

--a year ago 一年前

--….ago  …以前(用于过去时态)

--I couldn’t find a job in Pairs a

year ago. 一年前我在法国找不到工作。

While my friend, George, was readingin bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.

--George是my friend 的同位语

--in bed 躺在床上

--read in bed 躺在床上看书

--stay in bed 躺在床上

--remain in bed

--lie in bed

--be in bed

--climb into…  爬到… 里面去

--while 表示“当…的时候”,相当when,强调主句与从句的动作同时发生,在此处强调George在看书的时候,两个小偷爬进了他的厨房。

--While my father was cooking, the

doorbell rang. 我的爸爸正在做饭的时候,门铃响了。

--While I was typing a letter, my

friend called. 我正在打信的时候,我的朋友打电话来了。

After they had entered the house,they went into the dinning room. It was very dark, so they turned on a torch.


--had entered 是过去完成时,表示在某个过去的时间之前发生的动作,在此处是指先进入到房子,然后再进久到餐厅,因此用hadentered the house.

--turn on a torch

Suddenly, they heard a voice behindthem. ’What’s up? What’s up?’ someone called. The thieves dropped the torch andran away as quickly as they could.

--suddenly 忽然,突然地

--I suddenly remembered his name. 我突然记起了他的名字。

--heard 是hear的过去式

--heard a voice behind them 他们听到身后的声音 behind them 是介词短语作宾语a voice的补足语,这是一个复合宾语结构


--noise 尤指噪音

--sound 用来指一切声响

What’s up? 干什么?有什么事?

--John, can you come over here a

little while? John,你可以过来一下吗?

--What’s up? 什么事?



--run away  跑开了,跑掉了,逃跑

--Don’t run away. I have something

nice to tell you. 别跑!我有好事要告诉你。

--as quickly as they could是状语,修饰ran way. 第一个“as”是副词,第二个”as”是连词,引导比较状语从句。

--as they could 后面省略了run. “能跑多快就跑多快。”

--I try to bring as many things as I

can. 我尽量地多带东西。

--He wrote the letter as clearly as

he could. 他尽量清楚地写这封信。

--She drove as fast as the could. 她尽可能地把车开快。

--George heard the noise and camedownstairs quickly.

--heard the noise 听到志响

--came downstairs下楼来


He turned on the light, but hecouldn’t see anyone. The thieves had already gone.

--turn on the light 开灯

--he couldn’t see anyone


The thieves had already gone.


But George’s parrot, Henry, wasstill there.

--Henry 是George’s parrot的同位语。

--still 仍然

“What’s up, George?” he called.‘Nothing, Henry,’ George said and smiled.’ Go back to sleep.’

--he called 指the parrot called 动物有时用he或she来代替,是“拟人“的写法

--nothing 指什么事也没有

--go back to… 回到(地方,某种状态)

--go back to sleep 继续睡觉吧


1.过去完成时:had done

2. 短语

--tell you a story给你讲一个故事

--sth happen to sb某事发生在某人身上

--a friend of mine我的一位朋友

--read in bed 躺在床上看书

--climb into…爬进…

--turn on a torch / light 打开手电筒/电灯

--What’s up?什么事

--run away 逃跑,跑掉了

--come downstairs 下楼来

--go back to…回到(状态/地方)

Lesson 121

--customer  n.顾客(买东西的顾客)

--client  银行,律师等的客户

--guest  旅馆的旅客

--passenger 乘客

--a regular customer 老顾客

--The customer is always right. 顾客至上。

--forget v.

1) 忘记

--I forget his telephone number. 我忘了他的电话号码。

--forget doing 忘记曾做过

--I’ll never forget seeing him in New York. 我永远忘不了在纽约见到他。

--forget to do 忘记做(to

do 表示将来的动作)

--Don’t forget to call me. 别忘了打电话给我。

--She forgot to mail the letter.  她忘了寄信

2) 忘记事(买,做)

--I forgot my umbrella. 我忘了带伞。

--He forgot his umbrella on the train,他将伞忘在火车上。

--He left his umbrella on the train.

--manager  n.经理

--a sales manager 销售经理

--manage  v.管理

--manage a firm 经营公司

--serve  v.照应,服务,接待

--How can we serve you? (营业员对顾客用语)需要我们为你服务吗?

--serve sb right (口语)给某人应得的报应(惩罚)

--Serve him right.= It serves him right! 他活该

--service  n.

--The service in that restaurant in poor. 那家餐馆的服务很差。

--a charge for service 服务费

--counter  n.

1) 柜台

--at the jewelry counter 在珠宝部

--checkout counter  付帐柜台

2) 柜台式长桌

--recognize   v.

1) 认出

--Do you recognize his handwriting? 你能认出他的笔迹吗?


--We all recognized her talent for dancing. 我们都肯定她在舞蹈方面有才华。

--He didn’t recognize that he had made a big mistake. 他不承认自己犯下了大错。


--The student who answered the question was peter. 回答问题的那个学生叫Peter. (句中的who

answered the question是定语从句,修饰先行词the student. 从句中的who是关系代词,由它引导定语从句,它一方面起连接先行词和定语从句的作用,另一方面在从句中作主语。


I will never forget the day when I

met her. 我永远不会忘记我见到她的那一天。(关系副词when引导的定语从句紧跟随其先行词the day之后作状语)


whom, whose, that, which 等。

1). Who, whom, whose 指人。Who是主格,在从句中用作主语(在非正式英语中亦可用宾语),whom是宾格,在从句中用作宾语,whose是属格,在从句中用作定语(有时亦可指物)。

--The man who was here yesterday is

a teacher. 昨天在这里的那个人是位老师。(主格关系代词who在从句中作作主语)

--The man who I saw is called Mike. 我见到的那个人叫麦克。

--The man whom I saw is called Mike.


--I know the man whom you like. 我认识你喜欢的那个人。(关系代词whom在从句中用作宾语)

--A child whose parents are dead is

called an orphan. 失去父母的孩子叫做孤儿。


I’d like a room whose window is big.我想要一个有大窗户的房间。

(属格关系代词whose在从句中用作定语,指the room’s)


--A letter that is written in pencil

is difficult to read. 用铅笔写的信很难读。(关系代词that在从句中作主语,指物)

--The letter that I heard from him

yesterday is very important. 昨天他来的信很重要。(关系代词that在从句中作宾语,指物)

--Is he the man that sells eggs? 他是卖鸡蛋的那个人吗?(关系代词that在从句中作主语,指人)

3)which 在从句中既可用作主语,亦可用作宾语(非正式文体中可省去)一般指物。

--This is the book which is very

difficult .这就是那本很难的书。(关系代词which在从句中用作主语)


where, why 等。

1.when 在从句中用作时间状语,其先行词应是表示时间的名词或名词短语。

--He came last night when I was out.他昨晚来时我出去了。(关系副词when的先行词 是last night)

2. where在从句中用作地点状语,其先行词应是表示地点的名词或名词短语。

--I’ll never forget the place where

I met. 我永远不会忘记我们见面的地方。

3. why 在从句中用作原因状语,其先行词是reason等表示原因的词。

--That is not reason why you should

leave. 那不是你必须离开的原因。


Question: Why didn’t Caroline

recognize the customer straight away? 为什么Caroline 没有马上认出那位顾客?

I bought two expensive dictionarieshere half an hour ago, but I forgot to take them with me.

1. half an hour ago 半小时之前(用在过去时当中)

--bought是buy 的过去式

--dictionary 的复数形式为dictionaries

--hour 是以元音音素开头字母,前面的不定冠词用“an”

2. forgot 是forget 的过去式,时态上与前面bought保持一致。

--forget to do 表示忘记去做某事

--I forgot to call you yesterday. 昨天我忘记了要给你打电话。

--Don’t forget to bring your book

here next time. 下次别忘了把你的书带来。

--forget doing “忘记做过某事”

--Betty, do you know where my key is? You’ve given it to me. Oh, I forgot giving it to you.

--remember to do 记住去做….

--remember doing 记得做过…

--Remember to turn off all the

lights before you leave. 在你离开之前,记住关掉所有的灯。

--remember to do = don’t forget todo…

--Can you tell me your telephone

number? 请把你的电话号码告诉我。

--I remember telling you. 我记得告诉过你。

3….but I forgot to take them with me

--them指代the two expensive dictionaries

4. take sth with sb 把某物带走

--I took some medicine with me when

I went to the village. 我去那个村庄的时候我随身带了一些药。

--take sb sth (双宾语)=take sth to sb 把某物拿去给某人

--I’ll take some presents to my

friends in Beijing. 我将给我在北京的朋友们带一些礼物。

--I’ll take my friends in Beijingsome presents.

--bring sth with sb 把某物带来

--Peter, if you don’t bring your

book with you next time, I’ll call your father. Peter,如果你下次再不把书带来,我就给你父亲打电话。

--bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人

--Thank you for bring me your

pictures. 谢谢你给我带来你的照片。

Who served you, sir?

The lady who is standing behind thecounter.


--I’ll serve the people with heart

and soul. 我会全心全意为人民服务的。

--service  n.服务

--The service in that store is good.那家商店服务很好。

The lady who is standing behind thecounter.


lady who is standing behind the counter served me.”其中who

is standing behind the counter 是一个以关系代词who引导的定语从句,修饰the lady.(who在这里不是疑问副词,而是关系代词,引导定语从句)

--Who is knocking at the door? 谁在敲门?


--I don’t like that man who is

standing by the gate. 这不喜欢站在门口的那个男人。


Which books did you buy?

--which 指在一定范围内的哪个(些)

--which 既可用来指人,又可用来指物



--Which is your daughter among thechildren?

--The one in red. 穿红色衣服的那个。

--Who is your boss?

--Mr. Jackson is.

--Which is your favourite book?

--This one.

--What is your favourite book?

The books which are on the counter.

--此句是带有定语从句的 复 合句 ,这也是一个省略句,全句应该是I bought the books which are on the counter.

Did you serve this gentleman half anhour ago, Caroline?

He says he’s the man who boughtthese books.

1.He says 后面的宾语从句省略了从属连词that

2. he’s the man who bought thesebooks  作He says的宾语


bought these books作定语修饰先行词the man, 意为买这些书 的人。

I can’t remember.

The man who I served was wearing ahat.

1.The man who I served was wearing a

hat. “who I served”作定语修饰the man由于被修饰的名词the man在定语从句中做动词served的宾语,因此关系代词应该用宾格whom,但在口语中往往用主格who.

2. wear a hat 戴着帽子

--wear 穿(表示状态)

--put on 穿上(强调动作)

Have you got a hat, sir?

Yes, I have.

Would you put it on, please?

1.Would you…? 请你…好吗?

2. put it on 戴上帽子it指代a hat

--put on your shoes= put your shoes on = put them on 穿上鞋

--put on 反义词put

off 脱下,摘下

--take off you watch=take your watch off =take it off 摘下手表

Is this the man that you served. Caroline?


Yes, I recognize him now.

--recognize  v.认出来(强调过程,是非持续性动词)

--He has changed a lot, I hardly recognized him. 他变了许多,我几乎没有认出来他。

--know v. 知道,认识(表状态,是持续性动词,可以接表示时间段的状语)

--I have known her for ten years. 我认识她己经10年了。

--forget to do 忘记去做…

--on the counter  在柜台上

--wear a hat 戴着帽子(状态)

--recognize sb 认出某人

--road  n.路

--This road leads to the city.这条路通往城市

--the road to 通往…的路

--road accident  交通事故

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