【大米粒相亲记】4相亲会遇到两种男人,另一种他不想结婚 字数1079
很有趣的,有时候你可能会想,去尝试因生存和竞争而生的拳击,会不会让自己变得很粗鲁很暴力?这次中文角与新东方Super A合作的拳击活动,可能会给你答案。
Interestingly, sometimes you might think whether trying boxing which was born for survival and competition will make yourself rude and violent. The boxing class of HBCC and XDF Super A may give you the answer.
HBCC particularly invited Osman, with 17 years' experience of boxing, to let us get to know the art and charms of boxing. Boxing has its inherent rules, and our little attempt is actually more about physical fitness, and to ease the pressure under the fast pace of modern society.
At the beginning of the activity, we needed warm up first, such as ten push-ups, ten squats, two-minute flat. It was originally effortless for the fitness people, and who has no exercise habit couldn't help crying out. But everyone was working hard and completed in the warm fitness atmosphere.
After a break, it was time for boxing. Boxing shows both strength and beauty. The body should squat a bit, the arms make the protective head posture, the feet stand at around 90 degrees, and the strength of the waist is aroused by twisting the foot of the same direction when fist.
Although some was experiencing boxing for the first time, they also could give a hard and accurate fist after the detailed explanation of Osman. The sounds of boxing, with its rhythm, and the laughters of everyone, became moving notes.
“No matter how tough the chase is, you should always have the dream you saw on the first day. It’ll keep you motivated and rescue you from any weak thoughts.” – Jack Ma
那些艰难困苦中走出来最终成功的例子,我们能看到不少,比如而今世界人民都知道的马云,比如试图出版哈利波特却失败过12次的JK罗琳。马云说,you should always have the dream you saw on the first day. But the problem is that I don't have a dream on the first day. 不忘初心,是因为他们有初心,而且坚持初心。而大多数的我们,其实连初心都没有,我们儿时的梦想,都是漂泊不定的云,时而变幻,时而消无。因此,我对这类的鸡汤不太感冒,因为每个人的步调都不一样。那些成功人士的鸡汤中,我们看到的是他们当下的成功,但不是所有人会成功,会成功的人也不一定知道自己会有成功的那个阶段。可能我们最后不能成功,可能我们会获得一些小小的成就却不是现在,可能我们会找到那个梦想并去实现,然而the first day还未到来。
【大米粒相亲记】5女生去联谊,最后认识的都是女生 (部分)