Launch Instruments from the Dock
Instruments can be launched from the Xcode icon in the Dock.
To launch Instruments from the Xcode icon in the Dock
- Open Xcode.
- Control-click the Xcode icon in the Dock, and then choose Options > Open Developer Tool > Instruments from the shortcut menu.
也就是在Dock 按住 Xcode 一段时间后弹出窗口。
Instruments launches and its icon appears in your Dock.
让 Instruments 启动icon 保留在 Dock 中
- Control-click the Instruments icon in the Dock, and then choose Options > Keep in Dock from the shortcut menu.
Launch Instruments from Launchpad
Launchpad 自动显示您的应用程序。由于Instruments不在应用程序文件夹(至少不是直接在Xcode,它是在应用程序文件夹),它没有出现在 Launchpad。但是,您可以通过为工具创建一个别名并将其放入应用程序文件夹中来添加它。
To add Instruments to Launchpad
- Open Xcode.
- Choose Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Instruments.
Instruments launches and its icon appears in your Dock.
- Control-click the Instruments icon in the Dock, and then choose Options > Show in Finder from the shortcut menu.
Option-Command-drag 将instruments应用程序图标拖到应用程序文件夹中。
Launch Instruments from the Command Line
You can use the open command to launch any app in OS X via Terminal.
To launch Instruments using the open command line tool
- 1、Launch Terminal (in /Applications/Utilities/).
- 2、Run the following command:
open /Applications/
The Instruments app launches.