是从MSVC的c runtime抄来的,my_gmtime64_s参数有变更,第二参数不用指针,而是直接传值。
可方便MCU在没有C runtime时使用。
#define _DAY_SEC (24 * 60 * 60) /* secs in a day */
#define _YEAR_SEC (365 * _DAY_SEC) /* secs in a year */
#define _FOUR_YEAR_SEC (1461 * _DAY_SEC) /* secs in a 4 year interval */
#define _BASE_DOW 4 /* 01-01-70 was a Thursday */
#define _LEAP_YEAR_ADJUST 17 /* Leap years 1900 - 1970 */
#define _MAX_YEAR 138 /* 2038 is the max year */
#define _MAX__TIME32_T 0x7fffd27f /* number of seconds from
00:00:00, 01/01/1970 UTC to
23:59:59, 01/18/2038 UTC */
#define _MAX_YEAR64 1100 /* 3000 is the max year */
#define _MAX__TIME64_T 0x793406fffi64 /* number of seconds from
00:00:00, 01/01/1970 UTC to
23:59:59. 12/31/3000 UTC */
* Macro to determine if a given year, expressed as the number of years since
* 1900, is a leap year.
#define _IS_LEAP_YEAR(y) (((y % 4 == 0) && (y % 100 != 0)) || \
((y + 1900) % 400 == 0))
* Number of leap years from 1970 up to, but not including, the specified year
* (expressed as the number of years since 1900).
#define _ELAPSED_LEAP_YEARS(y) (((y - 1)/4) - ((y - 1)/100) + ((y + 299)/400) \
void my_gmtime64_s(struct tm *ptm, const __time64_t tim)
int _lpdays[] = {-1, 30, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365};
int _days[] = {-1, 30, 58, 89, 119, 150, 180, 211, 242, 272, 303, 333, 364};
__time64_t caltim = tim; /* calendar time to convert */
int islpyr = 0; /* is-current-year-a-leap-year flag */
int tmptim;
int *mdays; /* pointer to days or lpdays */
struct tm *ptb = ptm;
memset(ptm, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
if(caltim > _MAX__TIME64_T)
/* Determine the years since 1900. Start by ignoring leap years. */
tmptim = (int)(caltim / _YEAR_SEC) + 70;
caltim -= ((__time64_t)(tmptim - 70) * _YEAR_SEC);
/* Correct for elapsed leap years */
caltim -= ((__time64_t)_ELAPSED_LEAP_YEARS(tmptim) * _DAY_SEC);
* If we have underflowed the __time64_t range (i.e., if caltim < 0),
* back up one year, adjusting the correction if necessary.
if (caltim < 0)
caltim += (__time64_t)_YEAR_SEC;
if (_IS_LEAP_YEAR(tmptim))
caltim += _DAY_SEC;
if (_IS_LEAP_YEAR(tmptim))
* tmptim now holds the value for tm_year. caltim now holds the
* number of elapsed seconds since the beginning of that year.
ptb->tm_year = tmptim;
* Determine days since January 1 (0 - 365). This is the tm_yday value.
* Leave caltim with number of elapsed seconds in that day.
ptb->tm_yday = (int)(caltim / _DAY_SEC);
caltim -= (__time64_t)(ptb->tm_yday) * _DAY_SEC;
/* Determine months since January (0 - 11) and day of month (1 - 31) */
if (islpyr)
mdays = _lpdays;
mdays = _days;
for (tmptim = 1; mdays[tmptim] < ptb->tm_yday; tmptim++);
ptb->tm_mon = --tmptim;
ptb->tm_mday = ptb->tm_yday - mdays[tmptim];
/* Determine days since Sunday (0 - 6) */
ptb->tm_wday = ((int)(tim / _DAY_SEC) + _BASE_DOW) % 7;
* Determine hours since midnight (0 - 23), minutes after the hour
* (0 - 59), and seconds after the minute (0 - 59).
ptb->tm_hour = (int)(caltim / 3600);
caltim -= (__time64_t)ptb->tm_hour * 3600L;
ptb->tm_min = (int)(caltim / 60);
ptb->tm_sec = (int)(caltim - (ptb->tm_min) * 60);
ptb->tm_isdst = 0;