great adj. 极好的,这里准确的说是指“精品的”
serve great breakfast, great lunch... “serve”指的是有卖,有提供....
baked goods 烘焙食品
I’m here for fun! 纯属娱乐
argubly adv. 可论证地
apron n. 围裙
sequel n. 续集
right off the griddle 趁热吃
taste it plain 直接吃(啥都不加)
internship n. 实习
line cook 帮厨
there's no shortage of options 极具创意,让人无可挑剔
with his spin on it 由他自己完成
brusque adj. 无礼的
I had it with you so much. 我简直受够你了
The place is bustling with new reasons to go down there. 各式各样的原因让我们欣然前往
microcosm of life 生活的缩影
Huckleberry in St. Monica(店名):Phil讲述了自己二十多年的挚友突然摇身一变成为了黑木莓面包房的后厨,每天卖力地做土耳其肉丸Turkey meatballs,而这里给大家推荐的是面包房独家秘方!香草煎饼Special: MY DAD’S Pancakes:“We want separate the eggs with hands. The egg whites are whipped up, and added to a mixture of milk, sugar, salt and vanilla beans. Most people dont make pancakes by folding egg whites, I don’t think so, the egg whites just make it rise, it’s really light, plumps up and it’s just great.”
另外还有推荐的是:油折饼面团 Kouign amann dough (similar to croissant),brisket hash 鸡胸脯肉末
“Everything she touches turns out very very well.” 任何东西一旦经由她手,都能化腐朽为神奇
Malibu is iconic, everybody has their image of Malibu, and there’s that —— the surfers and the hoity toity beach houses 说起马里布,总会让人浮想联翩,很有画面感,人们总是会想到冲浪者帅气的身影,气派的海滨别墅等等
Malibu Kitchen for New York Style Deli Food:接下来Phil讲述的是自己来自纽约的好友将纽约风格的熟食文化(deli food)带到阳光海滩,这里Phil与自己的父亲一起享受家乡的地道美食: 蔬菜卷veggie wrap和蔓越莓火鸡三明治Turkey Sandwich with Cranberry: “this is fresh roast trurkey with cranberry, and brie and greens.”
Grand Central Market 中央大市场:这里Phil讲述了洛杉矶的中央大市场是一个纷繁多彩的文化万花筒,不同民族不同文化背景的味道相互碰撞交融,墨西哥猪肉卷pork taco (giant hunks of pig),馄饨汤 wonton soup一系列美食近在眼前。其中有一位华人商家向Phil 两人推荐了人参精华ginseng extract。
Wexler's, a modern take on the Jewish deli 韦克斯勒家食一家具有现代风格的犹太餐厅,phosphate 犹太冰淇淋,也是20世纪20年代的复古美食