hit (rock)bottom 触底,陷入低谷
urban dictionary上的解释和例句:
A statement of defiance or a derogatory term expressing surprise, disappointment or irritation. Usually used when someone tells you something that you just honestly can't or won't enjoy.
“The fact you have to face is that you inadvertently killed two psyker brothers with your presence. This is why we decided that the Culexus Temple would be the best place for you,” He (Briar) explained.“Culexus my ass,” Marcella rolled her eyes, “I’d rather be back home on Epsilon Regalis, or serving in Escholan’s retinue.”
per the norm 按照社交规范来说。
fashionably late 指的故意晚来,显得自己很受欢迎,不只有这个party要参加,还有很多其他社交活动。
Arriving after the arranged time to a meeting or event that does not require strict punctuality, especially so as to give the appearance of nonchalance or having been preoccupied by other social engagements.
A: "John's party is starting in 20 minutes, so we'd better get moving soon!" B: "No one will even be there by then. Haven't you ever heard of being fashionably late?"
to make sure that someone or something is safe, is in a satisfactory state, or is doing what they should be doing检查,查看〔是否安全、满意或是否在做应该做的事〕:
•Honey, can you go upstairs and check on the kids? 亲爱的,你去楼上看看孩子们行吗?
提醒 Just a heads up.当整体记住。
in a couple of shakes 一会儿,马上
Poor, inaccurate, or misleading information or advice.
这两个图片一起看。一人有急事,无法回应刚刚主人公提出的问题,就说Hold that thought. Hold on本身就是等一等的意思,这里应该是说,等一会儿我忙完了我们再继续讨论。忙完之后,要继续讨论了,又说As you were saying,刚刚你是说,注意这里英语我听到电影里用的是降调。而听的人接下去讲 I was saying.
Excuse me. 很常见,看上去很容易,但是意思用法超多。记得BBC learning English 有一期节目讲了各种用法,其中一种是打喷嚏的人会说Excuse me. 然后对方会说Bless you. 这里不展开,以后看到再说吧。
Excuse you. 往往是A冒犯到B,却没有任何表示或者可能也道歉了,但是B很恼怒。就说Excuse you. 你怎么回事啊,没长眼吗?
还有一个Excuse my French. 表示”不好意思,刚刚爆粗口了。” 这据说是因为以前人装逼,用法语骂人,显得自己很高雅,所以French会变成这种含义。
联想到最近读的Born a crime中的knockoff
One time I asked my mom for Adidas sneakers. She came home with some knockoff brand, Abidas.
cuckoo 布谷鸟 go cuckoo:go crazy
bestow upon sb sth=bestow sth on / upon sb
honours bestowed on him by the Queen女王授予他的荣誉他的荣誉
PS 如果你听到一些口语课程宣称,你只要熟练运用我教你们的这几千左右的词,就能流利交流blabla~~,不要信它就下单,简直bullshit呀。最简单的道理是你如果看剧,或者看油管上日常生活的视频就会知道,一些高阶词还是很常用的。可能你熟练运用了那些词,表达很流利,可是你听不懂对方讲的话,怎么交流呢?还是要老老实实背,并且看书或看剧不断巩固运用这些词汇。
No way. 由很多意思,用于不同语境。
1. 表示不可能,最常见的用法。相似的表达有: Fat chance. No can do. Nothing doing. No dice.
2. 表示才不是呢,自谦用语。见过的语境是: A 赞美B,项目成功都靠他,B 回答: No way. It was a group effort. 才不是呢,这是团队努力的结果。
3. 接下来两种用法正好有点相反的含义,但都是”不可能“这种含义的引申。一是图片这里展示的情境,发生了非常棒的事,好到令人觉得不可能(=unbelievable);二是在游戏Life is strange中遇见的。Max洗完澡回到房间,看到房间被人蓄意破坏后,Max的反应: No fucking way.(这个学校的bully比较严重)Max和Chloe在楼上的房间,Chole在吸大麻,好像是,Chole的继父说要上楼后,Chloe觉得不能被发现,她出口一句也是 No fucking way. 所以遇到坏事或者坏事即将要发生,你都想和这件事say no,就可以来这么一句。
电影后面又出现了一次,两人发现King Candy居然是Turbo假扮的,感到难以置信。
embody v 体现
She embodies everything I admire in a teacher.她体现了我钦佩的作为一名教师所具备的各种素质。
embodiment n 体现,化身=epitome=personification
He is the embodiment of evil.他是邪恶的化身。
corps /kɔː/ 注意发音 部队,军团
stray dog 流浪狗
口臭 bad breath
哑的;说不出话的(惊讶,恐惧,震惊);愚蠢的 从根义,哑的,进一步扩充到“说不出话"的含义,最后由说不出话的人看上去很蠢,就能将这三种含义联系起来。
dumb sth down 降低标准,使简单化。这个词组也就比较好理解了,to make or become less intellectually demanding or sophisticated
dungeon 地牢
a play on word 双关语,俏皮话
If we have a deal, let's shake on it (=show that we have made an agreement by shaking hands) .如果我们成交的话,我们就握手为定吧。----朗文字典
It's a deal. 成交。
Do we have a deal or not? 到底行不行?
在废柴联盟中,还遇见过 What's your deal? 说说你吧。说说你的情况吧。应该来自于What's the deal?Jeff和Britta第一次在学习小组见面时,Jeff问的这句话,应该是在问How did you end up here?吧。
What's the deal?
( informal)what is happening in the present situation? 出了什么事;怎么啦
What's the deal? Do you want to go out or not?怎么啦?你想不想出去?
Not for nothing was he called the king of rock and roll.他被称作摇滚之王不是没有道理的。
Not for nothing is New York City called the fashion capital of the world.
PS 感觉这篇的翻译不错。
这是后面出现的,和上面的意思类似。For a reason= Not for nothing 是有理由的,不是无缘无故的
squirrel 松鼠,可能松鼠比较好动活泼吧,所以squirrel变成了闹哄哄的,发疯的意思。注意英美发音的不同。
What's wrong/the matter with sb?小学就学过。可以简化成这里的What is it with sb?或者进一步去掉it,变成What's with sb?
类似: steal the show 大受欢迎,成为中心人物,抢镜
to move or make something move from side to side in a violent or uncontrolled way 扑腾,挣扎
控制自己,其实就是再说Calm down.
to cover food with a liquid which gives it an attractive shiny surface在〔食物表面〕浇液浆
get sth straight: to understand something clearly. Now get this straight. You're going to fail history. Let me get this straight. I'm supposed to go there in the morning?
Let me get this straight.
You use this expression if someone has said something to you and you want to check if it’s true. It can be used when you think what someone has said is strange, surprises you, makes you angry or is not clear.
向对方确认事实,特别是这件事你觉得奇怪,吃惊,不明白或者让你生气。 我觉得这个词组的语气有点像是在说:所以你的意思是....,是吗?(反问)
这个小句意思同样很多。也可以说成 That's about it.
1. 够了。I've had enough of that.
That's it! I can't listen to you two fighting anymore, I'm getting out of here!
2.就是这样!你说得对! =Exactly. used to agree with what somebody has just said
That's it! You are right. That's it! You got the right answer.
3. 就这么多。到此为止。结束了,完了。That is the end of that.
That's it, everyone, thank you for listening. There are refreshments in the other room.
crummy 劣质的,蹩脚的
whoop: A loud cry of exultation or excitement.
big whoop: Big deal, important occurance. Usually used sarcastically or to blow something off. --Urban dictionary
What is the big whoop about....? 当句型整体记住。
hygiene :the practice of keeping yourself and the things around you clean in order to prevent diseases 卫生
sanitation:the protection of public health by removing and treating waste, dirty water etc 公共卫生
hygienic 卫生的 unhygienic 不卫生的
a very short news programme on radio or television, broadcast suddenly in the middle of another programme when something very important has happened 新闻快讯
/ ˈdaɪnəˌmaɪt ; ˈdaɪnəmaɪt /
1. a powerful explosive used especially for breaking rock 炸药
2. a term for "awesome"
gal: a girl or a woman
呕吐: vomit, puke, throw up
burp 打嗝
这小女孩很喜欢造词啊。前面有情节,把hero's duty说成hero's doodie,正好美式发音中flat t读音类似d。
All I ask is that... 我要求的不多,只是想...
as相当于although,though 只不过as需要倒装,引导让步状语从句。高中语法。
=although it is sad= though it is sad=sad though it is
前面一句Ralph说Why are you so against her? 好像是/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
not that并不是说
there's even a remote chance 绝不可能(这个可能很远嘛,根本够不到)
=be upfront with
"Never let it be said that ..." means "Don't let it be said that ..." means "Don't allow anyone to say that ..." So what it means is, if anyone ever says that this person doesn't collect the best, you should correct them. You should explain to them that, no, that's wrong, this person does collect the best.
换句话说Never let it be said xyz=xyz is wrong.
(That is) reasonable, understandable, or agreeable. Used for accepting a suggestion.
I'll wait just one more day.-Fair enough, you've been very patient.
What you say when you initially disagreed with another's opinion or behavior, but after hearing their explanation can now see their point of view.--Urban dicitonary
1. 这个表达可以是正面的,你怎么方便怎么来。常见于人家到你家做客,你跟他说Suit yourself if you want to eat fruit now.
2.也可以是负面的。随便你吧,爱咋咋地。(反正我跟你想法不一样)What? You don't want to have classes? Oh, well. Suit yourself.
someone who has or is a potty mouth uses offensive words 脏嘴; 满口脏话的人
things that are higgledy-piggledy are mixed together in an untidy way乱七八糟的,杂乱无章的
an unkind or unfriendly answer to a friendly suggestion or offer of help〔对善意的建议或帮助作出不友好的〕回绝,断然拒绝
前面有get hold of yourself.
Cut it out=Knock it off.=Stop it.
Roughly similar to something; like something, though not exactly the same. 差不多,类似
Well, that's along the lines of what I have in mind for the new kitchen, but there are a few tweaks you need to make before it's right.
This movie is along the lines of your old favorites.
To sound appealing. An adjective, often "certain" or "nice," is commonly used to modify "ring."
a very strong bad smell
to be good at doing something without having to try hard or practise是有天赋的人; 是天才