SAP 更新被延迟,请等待





[2016/1/21 22:01:35] bvprddb:oraprd 60> brtools
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] BR0651I BRTOOLS 7.40 (6)
[2016/1/21 22:01:35]
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:12
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] BR0656I Choice menu 1 - please make a selection
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] BR*Tools main menu
[2016/1/21 22:01:35]
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] 1 = Instance management
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] 2 - Space management
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] 3 - Segment management
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] 4 - Backup and database copy
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] 5 - Restore and recovery
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] 6 - Check and verification
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] 7 - Database statistics
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] 8 - Additional functions
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] 9 - Exit program
[2016/1/21 22:01:35]
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:01:35] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:01:39] 2

[2016/1/21 22:01:39] BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:15
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] BR0663I Your choice: '2'
[2016/1/21 22:01:39]
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:15
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] BR0656I Choice menu 5 - please make a selection
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] Database space management
[2016/1/21 22:01:39]
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] 1 = Extend tablespace
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] 2 - Create tablespace
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] 3 - Drop tablespace
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] 4 - Alter tablespace
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] 5 - Alter data file
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] 6 - Move data file
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] 7 - Additional space functions
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] 8 - Reset program status
[2016/1/21 22:01:39]
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:01:39] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:01:41] c

[2016/1/21 22:01:41] BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:17
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
[2016/1/21 22:01:41]
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:17
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] BR0657I Input menu 81 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] BRSPACE options for tablespace extension
[2016/1/21 22:01:41]
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] 1 - BRSPACE profile (profile) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] 2 - Database user/password (user) .. [/]
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] 3 ~ Tablespace name (tablespace) ... []
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] 4 - Confirmation mode (confirm) .... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] 5 - Scrolling line count (scroll) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] 6 - Message language (language) .... [E]
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] 7 - BRSPACE command line (command) . [-p -s 20 -l E -f tsextend]
[2016/1/21 22:01:41]
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:01:41] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:01:42] c

[2016/1/21 22:01:42] BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:19
[2016/1/21 22:01:42] BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
[2016/1/21 22:01:42] BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
[2016/1/21 22:01:42]
[2016/1/21 22:01:42] BR0291I BRSPACE will be started with options '-p -s 20 -l E -f tsextend'
[2016/1/21 22:01:42]
[2016/1/21 22:01:42] BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:19
[2016/1/21 22:01:42] BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:

[2016/1/21 22:01:47] c

[2016/1/21 22:01:47] BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:23
[2016/1/21 22:01:47] BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
[2016/1/21 22:01:47] BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
[2016/1/21 22:01:47]
[2016/1/21 22:01:47] ###############################################################################
[2016/1/21 22:01:47]
[2016/1/21 22:01:47] BR1001I BRSPACE 7.40 (6)
[2016/1/21 22:01:47] BR1002I Start of BRSPACE processing: sesilljr.tse 2016-01-21 21:58:23
[2016/1/21 22:01:47] BR0484I BRSPACE log file: /oracle/PRD/sapreorg/sesilljr.tse
[2016/1/21 22:01:48]
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:24
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] BR1009I Name of database instance: PRD
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] BR1010I BRSPACE action ID: sesilljr
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] BR1011I BRSPACE function ID: tse
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] BR1012I BRSPACE function: tsextend
[2016/1/21 22:01:48]
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:24
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] BR0656I Choice menu 301 - please make a selection
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] Tablespace extension main menu
[2016/1/21 22:01:48]
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] 1 = Extend tablespace
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] 2 - Show tablespaces
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] 3 - Show data files
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] 4 - Show disk volumes
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] 5 * Exit program
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] 6 - Reset program status
[2016/1/21 22:01:48]
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:01:48] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:01:54] 1

[2016/1/21 22:01:54] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:30
[2016/1/21 22:01:54] BR0663I Your choice: '1'
[2016/1/21 22:01:55]
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:31
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] BR0658I List menu 302 - please select one entry
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] List of tablespaces for extension
[2016/1/21 22:01:55]
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] Pos. Tablespace Files/AuExt. Total[KB] Used[%] Free[KB] MaxSize[KB]
[2016/1/21 22:01:55]

[2016/1/21 22:01:55] 1 - PSAPSR3 34/34 348160000 97.57 8462912 348160000 注释:注意此处的磁盘占比

[2016/1/21 22:01:55] 2 - PSAPSR3740 18/18 69662720 96.01 2782400 184320000
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] 3 - PSAPSR3USR 1/1 348160 93.18 23744 10240000
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] 4 - PSAPTEMP 1/1 10240000 0.00 10240000 10240000
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] 5 - PSAPUNDO 1/1 10240000 0.01 10238976 10240000
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] 6 - SYSAUX 1/1 4730880 95.02 235584 10240000
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] 7 - SYSTEM 1/1 1566720 99.07 14592 10240000
[2016/1/21 22:01:55]
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:01:55] BR0662I Enter your selection:

[2016/1/21 22:02:05] 1

[2016/1/21 22:02:05] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:42
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] BR0663I Your selection: '1'
[2016/1/21 22:02:05]
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:42
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] BR0657I Input menu 303 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (1. file)
[2016/1/21 22:02:05]
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] 1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_34/sr3.data34]
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] 2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] 3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35]
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] 4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] 5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] 6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] 7 ? Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... []
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] 8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] 9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize M]
[2016/1/21 22:02:05]
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:02:05] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:02:23] 3

[2016/1/21 22:02:23] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:58:59
[2016/1/21 22:02:23] BR0663I Your choice: '3'
[2016/1/21 22:02:23] BR0681I Enter string value for "file" (<file>|<sapdata>|<N>) [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35]:
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:59:11
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] BR0683I New value for "file": '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35'
[2016/1/21 22:02:34]
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:59:11
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] BR0657I Input menu 303 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (1. file)
[2016/1/21 22:02:34]
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] 1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_34/sr3.data34]
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] 2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] 3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35]
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] 4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] 5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] 6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] 7 ? Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... []
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] 8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] 9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize M]
[2016/1/21 22:02:34]
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:02:34] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:02:44] c

[2016/1/21 22:02:44] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:59:21
[2016/1/21 22:02:44] BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
[2016/1/21 22:02:44] BR0688W Mandatory input value at position 7 not entered 提示没有选择7
[2016/1/21 22:02:44] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:03:11] 7

[2016/1/21 22:03:11] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:59:47
[2016/1/21 22:03:11] BR0663I Your choice: '7'
[2016/1/21 22:03:11] BR0682I Enter integer value for "maxsize" (0-32767) []:

[2016/1/21 22:03:18] 10000

[2016/1/21 22:03:18] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:59:55
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] BR0683I New value for "maxsize": '10000'
[2016/1/21 22:03:18]
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 21:59:55
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] BR0657I Input menu 303 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (1. file)
[2016/1/21 22:03:18]
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] 1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_34/sr3.data34]
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] 2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] 3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35]
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] 4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] 5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] 6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] 7 - Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] 8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] 9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M]
[2016/1/21 22:03:18]
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:03:18] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:03:29] 3

[2016/1/21 22:03:29] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:00:05
[2016/1/21 22:03:29] BR0663I Your choice: '3'
[2016/1/21 22:03:29] BR0681I Enter string value for "file" (<file>|<sapdata>|<N>) [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35]:

[2016/1/21 22:03:35] /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35

[2016/1/21 22:03:35] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:00:11
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] BR0683I New value for "file": '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35'
[2016/1/21 22:03:35]
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:00:11
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] BR0657I Input menu 303 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (1. file)
[2016/1/21 22:03:35]
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] 1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_34/sr3.data34]
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] 2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] 3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35]
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] 4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] 5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] 6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] 7 - Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] 8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] 9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M]
[2016/1/21 22:03:35]
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:03:35] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:03:39] c

[2016/1/21 22:03:39] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:00:16
[2016/1/21 22:03:39] BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
[2016/1/21 22:03:39] BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
[2016/1/21 22:03:40]
[2016/1/21 22:03:40] BR1091I Next data file can be specified now
[2016/1/21 22:03:40]
[2016/1/21 22:03:40] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:00:16
[2016/1/21 22:03:40] BR0675I This is a optional action - do you want to execute it now?
[2016/1/21 22:03:40] BR0676I Enter 'y[es]' to execute the action, 'n[o]/c[ont]' to skip it, 's[top]' to abort:

[2016/1/21 22:03:48] y

[2016/1/21 22:03:48] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:00:25
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] BR0257I Your reply: 'y'
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] BR0677I The action will be executed...
[2016/1/21 22:03:48]
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:00:25
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] BR0657I Input menu 303 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (2. file)
[2016/1/21 22:03:48]
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] 1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_34/sr3.data34]
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] 2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] 3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36]
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] 4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] 5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] 6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] 7 - Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] 8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] 9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M]
[2016/1/21 22:03:48]
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:03:48] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:03:55] 3

[2016/1/21 22:03:55] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:00:31
[2016/1/21 22:03:55] BR0663I Your choice: '3'
[2016/1/21 22:03:55] BR0681I Enter string value for "file" (<file>|<sapdata>|<N>) [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36]:

[2016/1/21 22:04:07] /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36

[2016/1/21 22:04:07] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:00:44
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] BR0683I New value for "file": '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36'
[2016/1/21 22:04:07]
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:00:44
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] BR0657I Input menu 303 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (2. file)
[2016/1/21 22:04:07]
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] 1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_34/sr3.data34]
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] 2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] 3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36]
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] 4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] 5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] 6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] 7 - Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] 8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] 9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M]
[2016/1/21 22:04:07]
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:04:07] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:04:17] 3

[2016/1/21 22:04:17] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:00:53
[2016/1/21 22:04:17] BR0663I Your choice: '3'
[2016/1/21 22:04:17] BR0681I Enter string value for "file" (<file>|<sapdata>|<N>) [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36]:

[2016/1/21 22:04:28] /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36

[2016/1/21 22:04:28] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:04
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] BR0683I New value for "file": '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36'
[2016/1/21 22:04:28]
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:04
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] BR0657I Input menu 303 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (2. file)
[2016/1/21 22:04:28]
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] 1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_34/sr3.data34]
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] 2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] 3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36]
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] 4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] 5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] 6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] 7 - Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] 8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] 9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M]
[2016/1/21 22:04:28]
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:04:28] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:04:38] 3

[2016/1/21 22:04:38] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:15
[2016/1/21 22:04:38] BR0663I Your choice: '3'
[2016/1/21 22:04:38] BR0681I Enter string value for "file" (<file>|<sapdata>|<N>) [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36]:

[2016/1/21 22:04:53] /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36

[2016/1/21 22:04:53] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:30
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] BR0683I New value for "file": '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36'
[2016/1/21 22:04:53]
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:30
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] BR0657I Input menu 303 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (2. file)
[2016/1/21 22:04:53]
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] 1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_34/sr3.data34]
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] 2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] 3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36]
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] 4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] 5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] 6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] 7 - Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] 8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] 9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M]
[2016/1/21 22:04:53]
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:04:53] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:04:55] c

[2016/1/21 22:04:55] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:32
[2016/1/21 22:04:55] BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
[2016/1/21 22:04:55] BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
[2016/1/21 22:04:55]
[2016/1/21 22:04:55] BR1091I Next data file can be specified now
[2016/1/21 22:04:55]
[2016/1/21 22:04:55] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:32
[2016/1/21 22:04:55] BR0675I This is a optional action - do you want to execute it now?
[2016/1/21 22:04:55] BR0676I Enter 'y[es]' to execute the action, 'n[o]/c[ont]' to skip it, 's[top]' to abort:

[2016/1/21 22:05:05] y

[2016/1/21 22:05:05] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:42
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] BR0257I Your reply: 'y'
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] BR0677I The action will be executed...
[2016/1/21 22:05:05]
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:42
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] BR0657I Input menu 303 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (3. file)
[2016/1/21 22:05:05]
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] 1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_34/sr3.data34]
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] 2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] 3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_37/sr3.data37]
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] 4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] 5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] 6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] 7 - Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] 8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] 9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_37/sr3.data37' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M]
[2016/1/21 22:05:05]
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:05:05] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:05:09] 3

[2016/1/21 22:05:09] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:45
[2016/1/21 22:05:09] BR0663I Your choice: '3'
[2016/1/21 22:05:09] BR0681I Enter string value for "file" (<file>|<sapdata>|<N>) [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_37/sr3.data37]:

[2016/1/21 22:05:19] /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_37/sr3.data37

[2016/1/21 22:05:19] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:55
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] BR0683I New value for "file": '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_37/sr3.data37'
[2016/1/21 22:05:19]
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:55
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] BR0657I Input menu 303 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (3. file)
[2016/1/21 22:05:19]
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] 1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_34/sr3.data34]
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] 2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] 3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_37/sr3.data37]
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] 4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] 5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] 6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] 7 - Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] 8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] 9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_37/sr3.data37' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M]
[2016/1/21 22:05:19]
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:05:19] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:05:22] c

[2016/1/21 22:05:22] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:59
[2016/1/21 22:05:22] BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
[2016/1/21 22:05:22] BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
[2016/1/21 22:05:22]
[2016/1/21 22:05:22] BR1091I Next data file can be specified now
[2016/1/21 22:05:22]
[2016/1/21 22:05:22] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:01:59
[2016/1/21 22:05:22] BR0675I This is a optional action - do you want to execute it now?
[2016/1/21 22:05:22] BR0676I Enter 'y[es]' to execute the action, 'n[o]/c[ont]' to skip it, 's[top]' to abort:

[2016/1/21 22:05:30] y

[2016/1/21 22:05:30] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:02:06
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] BR0257I Your reply: 'y'
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] BR0677I The action will be executed...
[2016/1/21 22:05:30]
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:02:06
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] BR0657I Input menu 303 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (4. file)
[2016/1/21 22:05:30]
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] 1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_34/sr3.data34]
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] 2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] 3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_38/sr3.data38]
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] 4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] 5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] 6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] 7 - Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] 8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] 9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_37/sr3.data37' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_38/sr3.data38' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M]
[2016/1/21 22:05:30]
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:05:30] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:05:37] 3

[2016/1/21 22:05:37] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:02:13
[2016/1/21 22:05:37] BR0663I Your choice: '3'
[2016/1/21 22:05:37] BR0681I Enter string value for "file" (<file>|<sapdata>|<N>) ####[/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_38/sr3.data38]:
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_38/sr3.data38
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:02:26
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] BR0683I New value for "file": '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_38/sr3.data38'
[2016/1/21 22:05:49]
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:02:26
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] BR0657I Input menu 303 - please enter/check input values
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (4. file)
[2016/1/21 22:05:49]
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] 1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_34/sr3.data34]
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] 2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] 3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_38/sr3.data38]
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] 4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] 5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] 6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] 7 - Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... [10000]
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] 8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] 9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_37/sr3.data37' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_38/sr3.data38' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M]
[2016/1/21 22:05:49]
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:05:49] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:05:51] c

[2016/1/21 22:05:51] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:02:28
[2016/1/21 22:05:51] BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
[2016/1/21 22:05:51] BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
[2016/1/21 22:05:51]
[2016/1/21 22:05:51] BR1091I Next data file can be specified now
[2016/1/21 22:05:51]
[2016/1/21 22:05:51] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:02:28
[2016/1/21 22:05:51] BR0675I This is a optional action - do you want to execute it now?
[2016/1/21 22:05:51] BR0676I Enter 'y[es]' to execute the action, 'n[o]/c[ont]' to skip it, 's[top]' to abort:

[2016/1/21 22:05:54] c

[2016/1/21 22:05:54] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:02:31
[2016/1/21 22:05:54] BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
[2016/1/21 22:05:54] BR0678I The action will be skipped...
[2016/1/21 22:05:54] BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
[2016/1/21 22:05:54]
[2016/1/21 22:05:54] BR0370I Directory /oracle/PRD/sapreorg/sesilljr created
[2016/1/21 22:05:55]
[2016/1/21 22:05:55] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:02:31
[2016/1/21 22:05:55] BR0319I Control file copy created: /oracle/PRD/sapreorg/sesilljr/cntrlPRD.old 25575424
[2016/1/21 22:05:55]
[2016/1/21 22:05:55] BR0370I Directory /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35 created
[2016/1/21 22:05:55] BR0370I Directory /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36 created
[2016/1/21 22:05:55] BR0370I Directory /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_37 created
[2016/1/21 22:05:55] BR0370I Directory /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_38 created
[2016/1/21 22:05:55]
[2016/1/21 22:05:55] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:02:31
[2016/1/21 22:05:55] BR1088I Extending tablespace PSAPSR3 ...
[2016/1/21 22:06:46]
[2016/1/21 22:06:46] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:03:23
[2016/1/21 22:06:46] BR1016I SQL statement 'alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_37/sr3.data37' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_38/sr3.data38' size 10000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10000M' executed successfully
[2016/1/21 22:06:46]
[2016/1/21 22:06:46] BR1051I Tablespace PSAPSR3 extended successfully with files:
[2016/1/21 22:06:46] /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_35/sr3.data35 10000M,
[2016/1/21 22:06:46] /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_36/sr3.data36 10000M,
[2016/1/21 22:06:46] /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_37/sr3.data37 10000M,
[2016/1/21 22:06:46] /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_38/sr3.data38 10000M

[2016/1/21 22:06:46] 注释:同时创建了4个10G的数据文件

[2016/1/21 22:06:46] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:03:23
[2016/1/21 22:06:46] BR0340I Switching to the next online redolog file for database instance PRD ...

[2016/1/21 22:06:46] BR0321I Switch to the next online redolog file for database instance PRD successful 注释:只要看到此提示就表示成功了

[2016/1/21 22:06:48]
[2016/1/21 22:06:48] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:03:24
[2016/1/21 22:06:48] BR0319I Control file copy created: /oracle/PRD/sapreorg/sesilljr/ 25575424
[2016/1/21 22:06:48]
[2016/1/21 22:06:48] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:03:24
[2016/1/21 22:06:48] BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRSPACE:

[2016/1/21 22:06:55] c

[2016/1/21 22:06:55] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:03:32
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
[2016/1/21 22:06:55]
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:03:32
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] BR0656I Choice menu 301 - please make a selection
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] Tablespace extension main menu
[2016/1/21 22:06:55]
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] 1 + Extend tablespace
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] 2 - Show tablespaces
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] 3 - Show data files
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] 4 - Show disk volumes
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] 5 = Exit program
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] 6 - Reset program status
[2016/1/21 22:06:55]
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:06:55] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:06:59] c

[2016/1/21 22:06:59] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:03:35
[2016/1/21 22:06:59] BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
[2016/1/21 22:06:59] BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
[2016/1/21 22:06:59] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:03:35
[2016/1/21 22:06:59] BR0680I Do you really want to exit BRSPACE? Enter y[es]/n[o]:

[2016/1/21 22:07:05] n

[2016/1/21 22:07:05] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:03:41
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] BR0257I Your reply: 'n'
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
[2016/1/21 22:07:05]
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:03:41
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] BR0656I Choice menu 301 - please make a selection
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] Tablespace extension main menu
[2016/1/21 22:07:05]
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] 1 + Extend tablespace
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] 2 - Show tablespaces
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] 3 - Show data files
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] 4 - Show disk volumes
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] 5 = Exit program
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] 6 - Reset program status
[2016/1/21 22:07:05]
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:07:05] BR0662I Enter your choice:

[2016/1/21 22:07:07] 1

[2016/1/21 22:07:07] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:03:43
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] BR0663I Your choice: '1'
[2016/1/21 22:07:07]
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:03:44
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] BR0658I List menu 302 - please select one entry
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] List of tablespaces for extension
[2016/1/21 22:07:07]
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] Pos. Tablespace Files/AuExt. Total[KB] Used[%] Free[KB] MaxSize[KB]
[2016/1/21 22:07:07]
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] 1 - PSAPSR3 38/38 389120000 87.30 49418816 389120000 注释此处一定看看磁盘占比是不是变小了
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] 2 - PSAPSR3740 18/18 69662720 96.01 2782400 184320000
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] 3 - PSAPSR3USR 1/1 348160 93.18 23744 10240000
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] 4 - PSAPTEMP 1/1 10240000 0.06 10233856 10240000
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] 5 - PSAPUNDO 1/1 10240000 0.09 10230784 10240000
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] 6 - SYSAUX 1/1 4730880 95.02 235584 10240000
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] 7 - SYSTEM 1/1 1566720 99.07 14592 10240000
[2016/1/21 22:07:07]
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
[2016/1/21 22:07:07] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/1/21 22:07:36] BR0662I Enter your selection:

[2016/1/21 22:07:48] s

[2016/1/21 22:07:48] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:04:25
[2016/1/21 22:07:48] BR0663I Your selection: 's'
[2016/1/21 22:07:48] BR0679I Do you really want to cancel BRSPACE? Enter y[es]/n[o]:

[2016/1/21 22:07:51] y

[2016/1/21 22:07:51] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:04:27
[2016/1/21 22:07:51] BR0257I Your reply: 'y'
[2016/1/21 22:07:51] BR0260E BRSPACE cancelled by user
[2016/1/21 22:07:51]
[2016/1/21 22:07:51] BR1008I End of BRSPACE processing: sesilljr.tse 2016-01-21 22:04:27
[2016/1/21 22:07:51] BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:04:27
[2016/1/21 22:07:51] BR1007I BRSPACE terminated with errors
[2016/1/21 22:07:51]
[2016/1/21 22:07:51] ###############################################################################
[2016/1/21 22:07:51]
[2016/1/21 22:07:51] BR0292I Execution of BRSPACE finished with return code 4
[2016/1/21 22:07:51]
[2016/1/21 22:07:51] BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:04:27
[2016/1/21 22:07:51] BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
[2016/1/21 22:07:51] BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:

[2016/1/21 22:07:55] s

[2016/1/21 22:07:55] BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:04:31
[2016/1/21 22:07:55] BR0257I Your reply: 's'
[2016/1/21 22:07:55] BR0679I Do you really want to cancel BRTOOLS? Enter y[es]/n[o]:

[2016/1/21 22:07:57] y

[2016/1/21 22:07:57] BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:04:33
[2016/1/21 22:07:57] BR0257I Your reply: 'y'
[2016/1/21 22:07:57] BR0260E BRTOOLS cancelled by user
[2016/1/21 22:07:57]
[2016/1/21 22:07:57] BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2016-01-21 22:04:33
[2016/1/21 22:07:57] BR0654I BRTOOLS terminated with errors

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