What is this humanness that has become so suppressed, judged, and condemned from the head through thinking?
Your humanness has to do with your feelings.
You are here on Earth to learn by daring to feel, by allowing your emotions to be, and by riding the waves of those emotions.
Learn to live from your emotions, and dare to trust that doing this will bring you Home.
You are carried within a dynamic field of movement, which naturally strives for balance and growth.
However, you do not believe that concept because your emotions often seem confused and difficult to understand, but your emotions bring you Home, your emotions are the messengers of your soul.
By listening without reservation to your emotions, or what you may call the inner child, you will discover where things have become unbalanced within yourself. Your inner child, your emotions, is leading you to your roots.
Imagine for a moment that you see a little child come to you, a child that arises from your body, from that deep place within yourself where you do maintain a balance of energies.
Take the child on your lap. Let this image unfold by itself, or simply create a connection with your feelings- you do not have to see anything.
In you is a living chid: a child of the Earth and of Heaven. It wants to tell you what it needs, it wants to point the way to feeling peaceful and secure on Earth. Let this child tell you how it feels, what emotions run high in it, and allow the child to do this, you will see that it become s mor peaceful and happy.
You can take it by the hand and, together with this child, move through life in close connection with your humanness.
What you all need most profoundly on your path is to receive yourself, to really say “Yes” to all aspects that arise within you. Only when you actually say "Yes" to everything within you- your thoughts, your emotions, your fears , your confusions - can your creative power extend to, and embrace, everything.
Your creative power, which I compare here with the Sun, is a radiant power that wants to give and unite and manifest. I, on the other hand, am a receiving power, the receptive Earth that absorbs. These two forces need each other to actually arrive at a balanced creation - a co-creation.
Excerpt By Pemela Kribbe (RECEIVE YOURSELF - channels Earth)